Technical device called a webcam now no surprise. But ten years ago webcam was a novelty in the world of technology. This term is now commonly called a miniature mobile camera that is in contact with a personal computer is capable of transmitting the image to a web page and take pictures.
- Features
- First start
- function
- webcam device for windows
- Interface
- Advantages and disadvantages
- malfunctions
Webcam gained popularity since the advent of high-quality Internet connection and has become an indispensable thing for us. Thanks to her, you can easily chat with your friends in using, for example, on Skype. It makes human life more comfortable. And it developed to support multimedia features, high-quality video and sound.
Before you make a purchase a digital device, it is necessary to study the information about its compatibility with the operating system.
It is worth knowing that the vast number of web cameras are compatible with Windows. When you first connect the device to your computer to start installing the necessary software.
The complete web-delivery device includes an instruction with which the owner should be read after the driver installation is complete. The manual has a list of required additional software, and often nothing extra is not necessary to install.
Sometimes supporting documentation webcam attached software package to maintain video conferencing and other tasks. Of course, the driver installation process essentially depends on the camera model.

External webcams often look impressive, the kit includes a stand. They are connected via USB-cable.
First start
Camera has become a mandatory part of every smartphone or tablet. To control the camera set up special programs installed by default on laptops and computers.
Before you start working with the camera, the user should make sure that the drivers and software are installed correctly. It is easiest to click the search icon and add to it the word "camera". You will find your web-camera, which automatically turns on (the red light), when switching to another application the fire goes out: disconnect the camera.
For the camera to be automatically, you must configure it in your application.
Check the app by opening it in the "Videos" and selecting the menu item 'preferred launch. "
After connecting the camera to the Internet, it is assigned a web address. Assign an address can be in manual mode, it is better to use a special program.
After webcam defined on the computer, it works like any network device, generating an image transformation to a digital image signal for transmission to the Internet. To expand the webcam functionality required programs that help the camera to become multifaceted, extend the functionality of its capabilities, for example, make it possible to read QR-code and create videozametki.
Functions that are endowed with this device are endless. Here are some of them:
- transmission of visual information between relatives and friends, located in the far distance;
- video and photography;
- protection of objects;
- the recordable video through the browser.
In addition to these functions sometimes the camera is equipped with an additional option of editing information.
There are cameras that are equipped with electronic control contrast and brightness, Smart zoom, frame rate, automatic adjustment of color and white balance.
Use your webcam in the home, and in the workers' organizations. Their purpose in this case - shooting streaming content for later posting on the Internet. Such a procedure, for example, allows you to learn about the situation on a separate section of the road, the sights of the city, on the famous sites.
webcam device for windows
Immediately list the structural components which form the basis of a technical device that is compatible with OS Windows:
- lens;
- an optical filter;
- CPU;
- image compression system;
- CCD (photosensitive conductor);
- Web server;
- network navigation;
- disturbing channels;
- analog outputs;
- Flash separated.
When shooting movies webcam analog signal is converted to digital. Next the digital information is processed by the video capture card. Only after that comes the transmission of information via the Internet.
Primary webcam member - matrix, which is responsible for the optical functions.
The matrix can be of several types, depending on the production technology: CCD and CMOS. A distinctive feature of CCD technology - quality images with minimal distortion.
Sensitivity of the CCD depends directly on the number of pixels. projecting an image element of a web camera on your computer CCD - this lens. It plays a significant role in obtaining high-quality images. Indicators Lens Specifications:
- depth of field of the lens;
- focal length;
- format and some others play a lesser role.
Tsvetopodachey quality webcam is required to plane-parallel plates, known as optical filters. They are located in the upper part of the matrix.
The webcam integrated video compression system that reduces the amount of information and make it more compact for easy storage or transmission over the Internet. There are several methods of data compression, the next two most common:
- hardware;
- program.
Mostly webcam compress information in hardware. This is due to the predominance of the compression rate.
Matrix differ in resolution. Wiping resolution value ranges from 0.2 to 8 megapixels. This value affects the amount of images. Expensive camera models make high-quality images with a resolution of 1280x960. The overwhelming number of produced cameras built-in microphone, but the microphone can be purchased separately.
Webcams connected to a computer through the USB-cable. When selecting a camera to a computer is very important cable length, which should not be less than 1.5 meters.
The laptop is not so strict to the length of the cable. In addition, the sale is a web camera with support for Wi-Fi or Bluetooth adapters.
Shooting - an important function of the camera
If it comes to that overriding Web camera function for the user - is shooting photos, you need to select a device with a high-resolution matrix and a large capacity files. The right solution would chamber with a volume of 8 megabytes of information storage.
Advantages and disadvantages

- Benefits
Skip to main positive points of this device are mobility and the ability to transfer images online.
- disadvantages
A significant drawback - the appearance of interference with a small amount of light in the room. In addition, the web-camera mode is active only when connected directly using the USB-cable no more than 3 meters long.
In the case of computer remotely will need an additional extension cord.
Ate the owner noticed the problem, then do not worry ahead of time. Most often, the problem is with incorrect work of the program or bad camera settings.
In the event of a software failure should look for the fault in the drivers and utilities. Maybe you need to install anti-virus software or reinstall some utilities. You do not need to neglect it or be lazy. Patience and strength you need in case of hardware failure, since this issue belongs to the category of more serious. In this case, the fault lies in the specific mechanisms of the camera, and should have recourse to the service center employees.
Often the cause of failure webcam becomes a damage USB-ports. Check this type of failure can be easily: simply connect the camera to a port other computer equipment. If digital equipment works, then the fault lies in the system.
It is worth paying attention to the USB cable, because of possible defects: cuts, chips or fractures.
Before you connect a Web camera to your computer, you must run a virus scan.
Sometimes the computer does not respond to a digital device just because it is occupied by another application. To resolve this problem, you must remove the Windows startup of all applications. If this step does not help, it is to seek a solution in the network.
It should be noted that the correction of program failure - to solve the problem can not be said about the physical faults.