Webcam c usb: the pros, how it works, types, how to choose

Online communication by means of video is popular, and it is available to owners of laptops, desktops or mobile devices. 10 years ago webcam was unusual devaysom and had a high cost.

Web camera connected to a laptop or PC via a USB interface. Sold wireless models (via Wi-fi or Bluetooth), but their cost is high and requires a high-speed Internet. It is recommended to choose a device with support for USB 2.0 and 3.0.


  • Advantages and disadvantages
  • How does a USB webcam
  • Types of Web cameras with USB
  • How to choose a webcam with USB
  • functions

Advantages and disadvantages

Budgetary or old models are equipped with 1.1 technology, but to get a quality image possible. When choosing a device, pay attention to the length of the cable. Recommended to buy a model with a cord of 1.5 meters.

The advantage of using a webcam for mobility. It's small, so easy to carry with you, and you can connect to your laptop anywhere where there is Internet.

The disadvantage is a bad picture, because the main task - to connect people rather than image quality. If there is no high-speed Internet - it is a problem, because the video will be sent with jerky and the sound delayed or disappear.

The principle of operation is simple camera: it connects to the Internet and give an address. Typically, this is done automatically. Picture remade into a digital signal and sent to the other party.

How does a USB webcam

webcam design incorporates:

  • Video camera;
  • compression processor;
  • Built-in web server;
  • The video capture card;
  • Optical filter and lens;
  • a compression unit;
  • RAM;
  • CPU;
  • Flash memory;
  • Network interface;
  • Ports for connecting.

The operation consists in converting analog to a digital signal. It is processed and transmitted to the card on the internet. unit lens projects the image on the matrix.

Its quality directly affects the quality of the picture. Lens parameters are considered to be the depth of field and focal length. For transmission of light is used the optical filter - flat plate that is placed on top of the matrix.

When buying a webcam, check, whether it is equipped with a function of the web server. It gives stand-alone devices and users connect to it over the network.

If the device does not support the Web server, the camera used to create the video, which is processed and broadcast online.

a compression unit used to reduce the volume of the video camera. This is done by converting video to other formats. Reduce the size of the information is important for 2 reasons:

  • This reduces the amount of storage;
  • Transmission through the network is possible at the minimum speed.

data compression is hardware or software. Webcams are made using the first technology. A USB port connects the device to your computer or laptop.

Types of Web cameras with USB

Depending on the application, you need to choose one of the types of webcams. They are divided into types:

  • stationary;
  • Mobile;
  • Universal.

Desktop device is used for desktop computers, where it is fixed and does not move. The form is a sphere with a lens in front. For this type of camera include children that are made in the form of toys or cartoon characters.

They are used to monitor and care for the child when he is left alone with a stranger (babysitter, neighbors). The device does not differ from the toys, so it installs quickly. Video is recorded or transmitted to a mobile device: the tablet, smartphone or laptop.

Mobile webcam characterized by a compact size, to add and transfer in a bag or pocket. Square or flat plate-shaped unit which, conveniently transported is made. Portable devices are made for laptops.

Universal type suitable for any purpose, including TV set, desktop computer or laptop.

Secured by pegs, which is placed on the screen. Equipped with a device elastic leg to select the desired position. The forms are made different, and the highest price segment offers a camera, developed by designers. When the selection of the type is complete, define the main characteristics and the chosen device.

How to choose a webcam with USB

Choosing a web camera is based on the parameters, among which are:

  • Matrix and sensitivity;
  • Resolution;
  • The number of frames per second;
  • Interface;
  • Connection method;
  • Built-in microphone;
  • Cost.

Webcam necessarily equipped with a matrix. Provided 2 types: CCD and CMOS. It is recommended to choose a device with a CCD matrix as the picture given better. The lack of options that relate to the devices of the higher price category. Budget cameras with CMOS sensor does not give a high quality, but are suitable for domestic use.

Web-camera resolution directly affects the quality of the video. Resolution - number of pixels vertically and horizontally, which are included in the matrix structure.

When choosing a device, the resolution is one of the first places of importance.

A large number of points and their size means higher resolution, which gives a detailed picture. Measuring resolution adopted in megapixels (MP 1 = 1 megapixels).

Most webcams are made with the permissions:

  • 320 × 240 (Mn less than 0.1). The minimum resolution that provides a low-quality image. Used for non-professional video.
  • 640×240. It is considered the standard permissive power and placed on the apparatus the average price category. It allows you to shoot videos or chat online.
  • 1280 × 720 (HD). The best combination of price and quality. Photos are made, but details are not considered to be significant. Used for video conferencing, and provides a good image.
  • 1280 × 960 (Full HD). Photos can not be compared with professional camera, but the video is output quality. device cost can be several times higher than other species at lower resolution. The use involves high speed internet.

6-of-LED-USB-2-0-pc-camera HD-webcam-camera-360-degrees-rotor function
Remember that on paper the resolution does not always correspond to reality. Evaluate the actual webcam image, because the resolution - not the only criterion that affects the quality. Find online real images and compare them with the choice of a particular option. Cheap Chinese devices have a high declared characteristics, but in practice, the picture is bad.

The sensitivity matrix is ​​the minimum illumination of the room in which the device makes photo and video good quality. Note that lighting plays a pivotal role for webcams. When bad light, even devices with a matrix CCD will produce a fuzzy video interference. Sensitivity is measured in lux and this criterion is also important in the selection.

The number of frames per second (fps) determines the "speed" of the image. Index of less than 30 does not provide a stable video and the picture freezes and twitches. Level 30-40 frames sufficient for quality and continuous video. Such cameras fps inherent middle segment. Get high-quality and detailed images with the camera allows 40 frames per second.

The cost of up to 1 thousand. dale. USA. Choosing a web camera, consider the speed of the Internet. Video creates a load on the joint. If you are connecting the device to the channel having a width of 2 Mbps, the result is unsatisfactory.

Image quality 5 megapixel camera with 80 frames per second is identical to the budget models. Choose an expensive option without high-speed Internet is meaningless.

Webcams different price segments are equipped with built-in microphone. It is convenient and necessary, because in the absence of a microphone is purchased additionally connected to a computer. Lack of an embedded device in low sound quality because manufacturers put inexpensive availability.

If you have a separate microphone - use it. Sound quality handheld microphones are much better built.

The cost of the webcam - an important criterion for selection. The problem is that the price is in the range of 10 to 1 thousand. dale. USA. Selection of parameters is crucial, but if the budget is limited - look for a model in terms of price and quality.

If the money to buy enough, then the cost does not pay attention. Remember that the market offers chamber with low price and high performance.

This is not a combination and if you need a good device - choose the unit in the middle or the top segment.

Purchase the most expensive camera is not worth it, because will have to overpay for the brand and design.

PC users with Windows operating system does not need to worry - 99% of web-cameras will be compatible with their vehicle. The device will determine which drivers to use and install them.

Connecting the camera to your laptop and it is set up in a few minutes. iOS platform does not support all devices, so check compatibility before buying. It comes with a CD with software, which is installed on the device. If the camera and the computer are not compatible, it is difficult to connect.


20MP-USB-2-0-HD-webcam-camera 3-of-LED-webcam-built-in microphone Microphone
On the web-camera set different options. This affects the price, but improves and enhances convenience. These include:

  • password protection;
  • visual effects;
  • autofocus;
  • Motion Detector;
  • monitoring mode;
  • Working in the dark.

Standard webcams are not equipped with password protection. To whom this function is needed, choose a model with its support. For video devices have access to all network users via browsers. Simple type of protection - password.

It limits the viewing of video from the camera. If this protection is not enough, the unit is purchased with a multi-level encoding, which prohibits the use or viewing of the image network participants.

Visual effects are used to change the image. Some models support adding effects. Function changes the external plans, puts the text and screen savers, face inserts, creates animations (rain, snow or fog). visual effects function has no beneficial properties and is used for entertainment. The image from the camera is terrible, sexual or gay.

A useful feature - autofocus, which sets up the camera and provide a clear image. The device is equipped with drive and electronics to select the desired position.

Some models have a monitoring function when the camera is placed and is recording or broadcast online. This enables low-cost home surveillance. The disadvantage is that the device requires a long cord (5 meters).

If it is less, then the camera is installed near a computer to explore the entire room. Image with some models displayed on the smartphone online.

Camera with motion detector used in the observation. Webcam looking for objects and focuses on them. Advanced models include motion detection recording, record the speed and size of the object.

Quality work in the dark, can boast of a few webcams. Manufacturers make inexpensive devices save on components to attract consumers. To get the video in low light conditions, using infrared sensors. small size devices used for protection, equipped with such sensors.

Choosing a web camera based on its price and performance. Use to communicate can be mid-priced device that provides detailed images.