Electronic books, or e-book reader with a diagonal of 10 inches in size as close as possible to the print media and are designed for those who like to read comfortably.
When a device is selected the following parameters are important:
- The resolution and type of display;
- wireless technology: WIFI, 3G and 4G;
- The weight;
- Interface type (push or touch);
- Supported formats (file extensions);
- Battery capacity;
- Additional functions.
- Display
- Options
- E-book function
- Precautionary measures
- frequent faults
- How to choose an e-book with a screen 10 "

display type
There are two types of the display - LCD and E-Ink.
LCD - a liquid crystal display familiar to users on mobile phones, tablets, laptops. In the e-book with LCD display high resolution, so you can view the video and read the publications with full-color images.
In addition to the color LCD displays have a fast response time, additional features, such as games, watching videos.
- Battery consumption. From 5 to 12 hours, depending on the model and battery capacity.
- Poor visibility in the sun image.
- Eye fatigue during extended use.
E-Ink displays designed for e-book reading and transmit sensations of text on paper. Economically consume battery power, do not create glare when glare of the sun, do not strain eyes, the viewing angle 1800.
In the first model was no lighting, making it difficult to read at night, but this problem is solved by integrated LEDs on the perimeter of the display.
Less technology E-Ink - screen response delay - MS 1000 (For comparison, LCD display active component is 8 MS).
But this is enough for comfortable reading and delay and "fading" of the text are observed only at the cost of devices.
Disadvantages of E-Ink book readers considered the fragility and high cost. They can not view the video, they require careful handling and careful maintenance, and repairs will cost serious money. But all of the above E-Ink screens are best suited for long-term reading and do not harm vision.
display Resolution
Display resolution 10 inch electronic book increased - maximum values 824X1200 pixels. Reader with lower resolution are found among low-end models - it affects the quality of the image.
Pearl or Carta
Technology E-Ink has three varieties:
- Vizplex,
- Pearl,
- Carta.
Vizplex - modification of the old, little used in modern devices. It has a low contrast.
Pearl - the most commonly used type of screen - high contrast, fast response, and consumes less power than Vizplex technology. Pearl HD - an upgraded version of the classic Pearl with increased resolution.
Carta - the latest generation of screen with high contrast and reflectivity. It reduces the number of artifacts, thereby eliminating the need for a full text rendering. Pages are updated continuously and does not distract the user from reading. Image quality is high, and power consumption is minimal.

Processor and memory
You do not need a powerful processor to read text files. In the market of electronic books presented a single-core processor with a frequency of 533 MHz to 1200 MHz, sufficient to make full use bukridera.
From memory it depends on the speed of the device, the more the better. The average figures range from 32 and up to 1024 MB. For normal operation of the reading room and open files with the text does not need more than 1GB of RAM, all the more so with increasing memory increases and the cost of device - optimally 256-512 MB.
Internal memory capacity from 1 to 8 GB - this is enough to store a vast library of text files. In addition, the electronic book reader equipped with memory card slots.
Battery capacity
One of the most important parameters when choosing an e-book. The values range between 650-4000 mAh. The greater the capacity of the battery, the longer the device is able to work without recharging.
For example: e-book reader with a battery 2000 mAh battery and a screen E-Ink, with an average reading speed is able to hold a charge up to 15 000 flipped (excluding backlight), and this will last for a few weeks reading.
When the same pattern with batteries require recharging LCD display every 8-10 hours.
The weight
The average e-book reader with a screen 10 inches weigh 500 grams. If you buy the device weighs more, then such a device handle for a long time will not work. Ideal for a size of 400 - 500 grams.
Gray scales are determined by numbers of 4 to 64, - setting the transmission color display range and the ability to display smooth transition from dark to light areas. Accordingly, the more gradations - the better the image.
When choosing for the reader is required to find a balance between quality and price, and in this case, give preference to e-book reader with a value of 16 shades of gray.
Push-button or touch control

As an e-book management has embedded buttons or touch screen. In some models the QWERTY-keyboard, including keys to switch pages, volume, Russian and English alphabet for writing texts.
Hybrids including touchscreen and button interface - multi-functional, it is possible not only chtitat, but also to create text documents. The package according to the model and manufacturer of the device included stylus for precise keystrokes. The stylus and touch screen extend the capabilities of the device - like graphical interface: sketching, painting.
Supported formats
Professional 10 inch Soup, depending on the model, perceived formats of text, audio and video files, images.
Supported document formats:
- EPub - e-book format with embedded fonts, tags for graphics, styles, tables.
- FB2 - format e-books in the form of XML documents with the mark for each tag.
- DOC - to read files created in Microsoft Word 2003.
- RTF - a simplified format of text documents with layouts and styles from Microsoft.
- TXT - a lightweight format of the text data to the lack of formatting styles and tags (the size of editing and font theme).
- XLS - Microsoft Excel extension table editor files.
- LRF - for book readers Sony Librie and Sony Reader.
- PalmDOC - for use in e-book reader compatible with Palm.
- HTML - the language standardized format for Web documents.
- CHM - context-sensitive help. It consists of a set of HTML pages with subject index, search through the pages and links.
- RSS - XML-format for playing a variety of news feeds. Data obtained from sources (media web page) are processed and displayed in user-friendly form.
- PDF - the format used in the printing industry to view and print full-color electronic documents - magazines, books.
- DjVu - used to compress and store the scanned documents, pages of books that are difficult to recognize because of the large number of drawings, diagrams, etc.
- WOLF - file format 'virtual printer WOLF "- is used to create e-books. Once installed on a PC driver WOLF printer appears in the Office programs. Digital document is given to "print" as a physical printer, in a "virtual printer" eventually use to obtain documents in the WOLF. This technology makes it possible to unify the various file formats.
multimedia formats:
- AAC - audio format with a minimum loss of quality, compared with MP3, the same dimensions.
- MP3 - common format for audio files.
- BMP - bitmap image format.
- GIF - extension for graphics with support for up to 5 seconds of animation. Repeated small fragments consist of frames of the successive.
- JPEG - the image compression method, file extensions: .jpeg, .jpg, .jfif or .jpe.
- PNG - purpose format, storage network graphics to raster (image with a transparent background).
- TIFF - for storing raster images, characterized by good color and is supported by most graphics applications (image ponderous compared to JPEG or PNG).
In addition to the above e-book reader formats supported video files (AVI, MPG, FLV) - refers to the gadget with LCD display.
E-book function

Not all e-books with E-Ink screens are equipped with built-in lighting, which causes difficulty in reading in low light. Therefore, when choosing a device notice the presence of this feature.
Integrated lighting - LED is placed in the front panel covering the screen. On the screen a special film is applied evenly diffusing light.
The illumination function is regulated or completely deactivated based on the degree of ambient light. It takes into account that this add-on reduces the battery life of the device.
Additionally, automatically change the page orientation from portrait to landscape and vice versa. The function must be switched off, or when reading lying slightest movement of the screen rotates.

It does not occur in all models of e-book function due to lack of built-in antenna. The electronic book reader, which has a radio antenna is used as the wire from the headphone, which affects the received signal is not the best.
For fans of the radio application will be useful, especially in view of the fact that when listening to the radio uses less power than when playing audio files from a memory card.
USB interface
Via USB-interface electronic book reader connected to a computer to charge the battery and write files in memory bukridera, charging function is not present in all models.
WiFi technology, Bluetooth, 3G and 4G.
Wireless communication technologies that simplify the download and purchase content. The user does not need to be connected to a computer via a cable to upload new files, download the desired content is available in public places with free WIFI network (cafes, restaurants, etc).
WIFI transmission speed of data depends on the 802.11 standard is used in e-book: b - 12Mbps / sec.; g - 54 Mbit / sec.; n - up to 600 Mbit / s.
Through the built-in 3G technology and 4G pumped books from the Internet at speeds of up to 150Mbps / sec. Unlike WiFi, where the reception is limited to a radius of 30 meters, 3G and 4G mobile network operating in the coverage area of the operator.
Precautionary measures

A device of this size is quite fragile, so avoid any mechanical damage. Falling, the screen may break under its own weight, and its replacement by an expensive procedure, approaching the cost of buying a new bukridera.
It is impossible to read in places with high humidity factor. Not only in the bathroom, but even in the rain.
To care for the e-book at least 1-2 times a week with a soft cloth made of microfiber. When using wet wipes note that the composition was not alcohol, because Alcohol can damage the screen.
After buying bukridera recommended to discharge the battery completely and then leave it off to charge for 10-12 hours.
Can not be used as a stylus foreign objects, sometimes it causes irreparable damage.
frequent faults

A common failure of e-books - screen damage from rough handling. The only solution in this case - the replacement of the display at authorized service centers.
Overheat. Book readers are not designed to function at high temperatures, so keep them away from heaters and do not leave in the sun. Yourself to find out what went wrong in case of overheating is quite difficult, mainly - the processor, battery.
It does not turn on after a full charge and is not charging the battery.
3 variants are possible causes:
- battery life has expired,
- faulty master controller bukridera power,
- faulty adapter (charger).
Check battery charge by forced - pull the battery, charge directly through the power supply. If the gadget is turned on after the forced charge, replace the battery.
Controller Diagnostics and repair at home is impossible without special skills and tools available.
In the case of adapter - bent cable, blown diode bridge out of service output capacitors. If the problem is in the electronic components it is advisable to buy a new charger.
Gently press the button, the careless use leads to failure. Even models from trusted manufacturers vulnerable to the harmful effects of dust and dirt, so the keys can start to sink or run through again. It is recommended to regularly wipe the device when not in use and store it in the covers that protect against negative impacts.
Software errors, freezes in most cases corrected, if reset button RESET.
How to choose an e-book with a screen 10 "

Before buying flip e-book reader and determine whether it is convenient for you - hold for a few minutes on the floor outstretched arms, the weight of the electronic book 10 "can quickly tire the hand.
If you plan on reading directly from the internet and watching videos from the memory card give preference to e-book reader with LCD display (but in this case require daily recharging batteries), on E-Ink models viewing and reading directly from the Internet resources is difficult due a low response speed of the display - it is not soft or factory error, this design feature - the time required to fill "pixels ink. "
Wireless module is preferable to choose a 3G-module, if you constantly move around the city. Availability of WIFI is expedient in the case of frequent finding in public places with free access to the hot spots, or the availability of WIFI-router in your home.
When not to use Internet resources through bukridera advisable to choose a model without wireless modules - this will save you much.
Pay attention to the mode b / g / n - if there is only 802.11n connection to networks with b / g mode can not be, and vice versa.
256MB of RAM is enough, unless you plan to view text files without graphics.
Check to work with books was comfortable, present search by title, by author, by genre. Make sure that when reading a book edited by the font size, color, contrast, background and text color. Check whether there is a day and night mode.