Anyone who has faced with the purchase of an e-book for the first time, faces a choice: to support any file to select the machine?
- Supported formats
- Why do we need the support of all formats
- Types all-format e-books
- functions
- Control
- Pros and cons of all-format e-books
- How to use
Supported formats

Universal Readers are able to handle these formats:
- DOC - text images created in Microsoft Office. Functions are allowed to open and read them as text documents, not books. All-format gadgets easily recognize DOC, but the file size of 1 megabyte and may not work properly opened partially. For convenience should convert them to other images;
- RTF - text files that are rarely used for reading. When you open an RTF, device resources are consumed faster, and the reader itself freezes and retarding;
- DJVU - it is a collection consisting of the scanned pages. The interface resembles Pdf - without content, numbering and text control. Read more difficult due to the fact that the pages do not fit on the screen and zooming go sideways or downwards. reading and letters detailing the quality while increasing image depends on the quality of the scanned material and not from the operation of the software or software features of the device;
- LRF - a classic format of Sony, which is already out of date and is not supported by the eReader, released later in 2010. Can not be translated, and rarely works, even in the all-format reader;
- PDF (Portable Document Format) - among the most popular formats, but at the same time and uncomfortable to read.
- EPUB - I came to replace the LRF and was introduced by Sony. Who is the best option for reading. Each page is a kind of file that contains text, images, tables, and different fonts. Previously, support for EPUB can be found only in technology from Sony and products from Apple, (IBooks program works with this format). The rise in popularity in Russia and CIS countries contributed to the fact that it has evolved to include almost all modern phones;
- TXT - the simplest form of saving information that does not require conversion. It is sufficient to perform the action of "copy - paste". Suitable for reading and note-taking, but for easy viewing has an insufficient number of special functions. On the plus side - the small size of the files and ease of use;
- MOBI - like EPUB, and has the same functions. There is the possibility of decoding the finished documents;
- FB2 (FictionBook) - practical format for reading, because it contains all the necessary information about the file name of the author, year, number of pages and information about the publisher. The first page is a table of contents that allows to pass easily on the dates of the head without turning.
The PDF format has a number of drawbacks:
- Created by Adobe Systems for use on a computer, so the portable device is misplaced;
- No increase in size, so you have to read the text in fits and starts. Because of this, tired eyes, and the semantic thread of the narrative is lost;
- In 90% percent of the pages have been scanned at a rate of A4 paper that is not suitable for reading on a Ridder A6 resolution.
Why do we need the support of all formats

The presence of multiple formats easier to find the necessary materials and books on the Internet.
Almost everything you need can be found in the most common variants: TXT, FB2, PDF. However, this applies only to popular and classical literature, which is in demand and interest among the readers.
Rare materials are only one form, and find them quite difficult analogues. The situation is complicated, if the electronic old-style book, and supports only one format, and installation software that allows to reformat the files is not possible, since there is no connection to the function Internet.
Previously, it was a serious problem, because the manufacturers have favored one or two formats of its own production. Nowadays the situation has changed, and every manufacturer strives to equip their products the maximum number of supported images.
Types all-format e-books

When choosing an e-book you should pay attention to these technical features.
screen types
All-format models use one of three types of the screen.
E-ink - display for those who care about the health of their eyes. It is considered the most gentle and safe to view.
- Protection from glare in the sun;
- Wide viewing angle;
- Imitation matte paper, nice looking;
- Perception of the image is identical to the perception of printed pages, which is why reading is safe and does not tire;
- Increased the duration of the offline.
- the advantages described above apply only to black-and-white displays. Display of color pages in image quality deterioration, and adversely affect the eyesight;
- More expensive than standard counterparts by 5-20%;
- The democratic model is no backlight, making it impossible to read in the dark;
- At fast page turns the screen freezes and twitch for some time.

E-Ink Pearl - improved technology, replacing its predecessor. If earlier pages to the eye as a gray sheet of newspaper, but now they are a type of white book spreads.
In contrast E-ink, the new version has got such updates:
- Increasing the contrast of black and white to 50%;
- Power-consuming display prolonging battery life duration of several hours;
- Wide viewing angle.
E-Ink Carta - another update of the classic display, which increased image sharpness and improved energy consumption. Scrolling was smooth, and carried out without delays and freezes.
screen Sizes
The market offers models with a resolution of 800 by 600 megapixels in size and five or six inches. This is the optimal size makes it easy to transport the e-book, carrying it in your pocket and read on the go.
View A6 page size will not be accompanied by blurry, broken down into pixels and other bugs. Weight ranges in the range 200 grams.

Modern all-format models are equipped with bonuses, able to diversify and expand their appointment.
On the market are selling the device with applications:
- music player - poor sound reproduction range of MP3 tracks will not affect hearing. The compositions are opened in parallel with the text as background music;
- Play video clips - This function is found only in tablets models with high-resolution and HD support;
- electronic dictionaries - a useful application for those who are using e-readers learn foreign languages or improved in their knowledge by reading foreign literature in the original language. Opening of the thesaurus in a new window will instantly check the words and translate them into Russian.
Internet access
Since these models use a "newspaper" and "book" type of screen, browsing the web to search for information - not a good idea. Internet here serves only one function - to download the data directly to the device, as well as downloadable applications and programs to facilitate the reading.

Memory and a slot for memory cards
It is difficult to find a model that would not be under the MicroSD slot. Allowable external memory of 32 GB. Internal memory is small, it allows you to save 100-400 books without pictures.
Therefore, in case of the need for continued storage of the library and additional files, insert a memory card is required.
The reaction rate by pressing the screen
This is a serious disadvantage of all-format reader, since the cost of memory decreases their efficiency. Despite the power of the internal iron are frequent screen freezes and slowing down when opening new files.
The recommended amount of RAM - at least 128 MB, consider when choosing a product.

Models that support all the images of text data became available in 2011, so they are all equipped with touch controls.
Depending on the model, the sensors are divided into the following types:
- Inductive - a sensor installed behind the screen, due to which the image contrast is enhanced;
- Infrared - transducers and sensors arranged on both sides of the screen, creating an invisible film on the surface. When crossing the line with your finger coordinates are determined automatically. The screen is capable of responding to inanimate objects;
- capacitive - sensors are focused solely on managing fingertips. To look through the pages have to take off the gloves;
- resistive - respond to the touch of the living and non-living objects. Because of this inadequately respond to touch fingertips.
Pros and cons of all-format e-books

Pros all-format reader:
- Working with sparse files submitted in only one form;
- Saves time - no need to find specific information in a particular format supported by the device;
- Ease in processing information - opening and loading data without format that simplifies the addition of the library;
- Hidden files do not fall into the archive and do not take up the internal memory;
- Unlimited choice of methods of storage allows you to choose your favorite version of the image and read it as comfortably as possible;
- For those who used to work at the same time a large number of documents.
It is worth noting that this feature is indispensable in the case of journeys and travel, during which there is no possibility to use the Internet for changes and the search for alternative file.
Despite the unambiguous advantages innovation, users are skeptical and prefer the classic model of e-readers.
The reasons for this are as follows:
- Price - for access to the files happen to pay a premium;
- Uselessness - readers will hardly benefit from the advantages of his model, because according to the download statistics dominated by the classic formats;
- Futility - modern reading room equipped with Internet access, allowing you to download special software to convert files and decode text. With five minutes to open the image on all devices;
- Increased memory consumption - increasing product functionality requires a software program, which occupies the internal memory;
- Reduced performance - the screen freeze, boot for 2-3 minutes and incorrect operation of the sensor.
Choosing an e-book stands with caution. Support formats fact does not mean that the programs work correctly. Text characters and images often appear as incomprehensible cipher text and the string and move out to the side, which is why it is impossible to read.
How to use

Gadget to have served as long as possible and brought the owner of an exclusive benefit, it is important to follow the recommendations on reading and storage of e-books.
The first thing to remember - machinery designed exclusively to read, so the use of other purposes (games, internet, music and watching videos) will reduce battery capacity and the failure of reader.
To protect against the harmful effects of external factors, it is desirable to acquire and install a special case protective glass, which reduces eye strain and removes glare when sunlight on the surface screen.
Batteries chitalok afraid of the cold - when going outside the unit should hide in a pocket or bag. Apparatus hypersensitive to liquids - should be avoided for contact with the display, and in case of contact immediately wiping with a dry cloth.
Screens E-link dislike Setup protective film because it does not prevent the occurrence of cracks and scratches, and the image quality and contrast suffers.