Modern monitors, which are sold on the market belong to the class zhidkristallicheskih. Times CRT monitors sunk into oblivion, but in the liquid crystal display has a number of advantages over the old CRT models. Therefore, you should consider choosing a LCD models with TN-matrix and an advantage over competitors.
It is important to remember that the monitor - it is an investment in the long term, therefore, to the issue should not be approached lightly and ill-conceived from the correct choice of a new electronics depends on the state of health of the user and, therefore, do not forget to exercise attentiveness.
- How does the TN monitor
- Pros and cons of TN monitors
- How to use
- malfunctions
How does the TN monitor
Type of matrix - this is an important feature for high-quality display, and the main difference between the models and the manufacturers of these complex products. The wrong choice for the tasks that are performed in work - a common mistake. Aware of three types: TN, IPS the VA, but the most popular - a TN-type.

The term TN (Twisted Nematic) appeared in the last century, in '73. The main distinguishing feature of crystals (nematic), used in this technology - the type of building. Nematic liquid crystals are followed one another, resembling a column of military and how they are organized directly in the matrix resembles the spiral.
Therefore, on special substrates (material - glass), made grooves that give crystals №1 be inside the helix at the same place - in the same plane.
The others follow him, one after the other, as long as the last of the nematic liquid crystals are not enters the same groove on the next substrate, which is at right angles to the first.
Attached to the ends of the spiral electrodes affecting the location when the electric field. If no voltage as the electric field, the crystals operate rotation axis of polarization of light that passes through the special polarizer ninety degrees.
It must be in the same plane as the second polarizer, the light was able to pass through it. As a result of this complex process occurs appearance transparent pixel. And if you turn on the supply voltage directly to the electrodes, the spiral starts to "shrinks". High voltage = position at which crystals do not change the polarized light, and it is "consumed" by the other polarizer. So there was a pixel "black" - an opaque box.
In order to obtain gradations (gray shades pixel), it is necessary that the voltage was varied. With this method the crystals occupy a position where the light does not pass through the filter without residue.
The first LCD screens were equipped with TN-view. Of the 100 existing displays today, 90 are created on TN technology. They are easy to manufacture and are distinguished by cheapness. These two reasons have become an important argument in winning popularity screens with TN.
Displays of this type operate with color in several ranges, namely a 24-bit or 16-bit. This is an excellent result, if we compare the first liquid crystal. Today, however, this is not enough when performing complex graphics tasks.
Pros and cons of TN monitors

The main advantages of such displays are:
- Quick response;
- Low cost;
- A good brightness and compatibility with any illumination.
Quick response matrix necessary for comfortable viewing of scenes from movies and computer games as objects They tend to move quickly and sharply, but due to the rapid response of the movie or game look clearer and more realistic. This allows you to achieve the maximum effect of immersion in what is happening on the screen.
Another caveat - low frame rate at such monitors felt not so much. Y matrices having a low response time, the game or movie frames overlap each other. As a result, "picture" begins to slow down or crash. Additional unpleasant effect - a "blink."
Disadvantages they are also missing:
- Small viewing angles. Incorrect color rendition, sometimes reaching to this inversion when viewed at an angle less than 90 degrees.
- Low levels of contrast.
- Low rise color reproduction quality.
Display with a TN-matrix - eco-friendly, especially when compared to other models that use LCD technology. electricity consumption level is not high, because the lighting in these displays have low power.
Presence backlight using LED-diode also contributes to the low power consumption. An additional advantage of LED - increase of service time. However, this is not possible in all models.
The screens with low price used PWM (Pulse Width Modulation), allowing a periodic blinking backlight. This blinking can cause damage to your eyes.
TN + Film

If you come to the store for the sale of computer components, we can see that the vast majority of the models used TN-matrix. It is called TN + Film.
This species - the most popular on the market. TN - this means Twisted Nematic, and Film - means that the model chosen is integrated display layer contributing to the fact that the viewing angle becomes much greater.
It is worth noting that the TN and TN + Film - these are different types of matrices, but in modern enterprises often produce matrix TN + Film, denoting it simply TN. This is done for convenience and simplicity.
types of lighting

If the title is present LED console, it speaks about an accessory to the LED sight. It is important not to confuse the concepts and structure of modern display: LEDs are necessary to backlight the function filters of different colors, opening and movable crystals.
Therefore, liquid crystal model can not be called LED-type models, because it is not.
The main thing to remember the following - the difference image between the LED and the fluorescent light is absent. However, models of LED-type - the benefits in terms of power consumption and thickness of the display. Today representatives of the CCFL - «ausaydery" market, which is difficult to find in the store.
How to use

When using the monitor can not be used ethanol, washing powders, acetone or soda, means for cleaning the windows. They are intended for other purposes. They can cause damage.
Modern monitors with TN-matrix can not be cleaned by any means, which is composed of alcohol. This is due to the special anti-reflective coating, which is present in every modern display. It is better to spend money on cleaning agent than to buy a new monitor because of the damage associated with misuse.
When there is no going anywhere, but the screen must be clean - use the means at hand. Try a couple of soft rags - one wet and one dry. First, wipe the screen with a wet cloth with soapy water, then - dry to remove any remaining moisture. Professionals advise to use baby soap due to its softness.
Do not forget about the openings for ventilation. They are made not for beauty, so exercise care to avoid being shut down these air channels.
Install all the electronics necessary to cool places, but not near radiators. Worst of them - only red-hot sun. The elevated temperature leads sensitive electronics inoperable. This also applies to a computer or TV screen.
It should not stick greasy and dirty fingers at the screenOtherwise exhausting cleaning unpleasant traces inevitable.
Use the brightness to 100% - is a hallmark of some users. Such a reception for the monitor is one drawback: the screen can show faded over time image.

If the problem can not be avoided, then it's not much reason to be upset: almost any damage can be repaired.
Common type of problem - the problem with the inclusion of the display. If no action is brought effect, the failure reason is the board on the power supply. You can replace the burned-out components and solder directly to the board itself. It's hard for the layman, so it is better to entrust this work experienced.
Another common fault - a periodic "wink" pictures while turning the screen. The originator of "disco" - the power supply. The power supply is defective capacitors. Other options - cracks in the soldering or problems with the chip. This requires replacement of all non-performing items.
Next failure - is an arbitrary cut-off after a certain time after the start of work. The reasons for this: swelling of the electrolytic capacitor, chip failure or micro-cracks. Needs repair or replacement of components.
The vertical lines on the screen - a serious problem. In this case, could not avoid buying a new display. The reason for failure lies in the matrix. You can save, if only to find the same model of the monitor with the other faults. Make one of the two - and the problem is solved.
If there were stains screen or horizontal stripes, that he had been subjected to mechanical stress. Dead pixels "fix" will not work. If modern screens supplied Vandalism coating is about this fault could be forgotten.
Monitors rarely break, but if used improperly - perhaps all. Do not forget about it. To clean, use only the means, and the cleaning process do carefully and cautiously.