Several causes of seborrhea and treatment requires a special diet and the use of drugs that eliminate the problem. The most common external remedy for dandruff shampoos are.

- How to choose a shampoo for dandruff
- Best medical dandruff shampoo
- The best dandruff shampoo for men
- The best dandruff shampoo for women
- Best tar shampoo for dandruff
- The best dandruff shampoo for children
- The best shampoo for dandruff and hair loss
How to choose a shampoo for dandruff
The cause of seborrhea are fungi. They affect the skin, actively develop and produce:
- itching;
- peeling;
- redness.
On the skin there are small flakes. Over time, they peeled off, peeling off his shoulders, clothes. Needless to say, as far as it is unpleasant to both the medical and aesthetic point of view. To resolve this issue produced special shampoos.
How do shampoos from seborrhea
Drug acted to head to clean 2 times. First, the composition is applied to wash away dust, sweat, dirt and prepare the skin. After rinsing the hair shampoo is applied a second time and left to act. The holding time depends on the stage of the disease. In difficult situations, the drug kept for 15-20 minutes. After treatment, the hair is washed with warm water. Rinse the head can not be other compounds. They will drive the therapeutic effect in the no.
The use of drugs against seborrhea relieves scalp:
- relieves itching;
- flakes are washed away;
- eliminated redness;
- increased blood flow;
- strengthens hair follicles and the hair stopped falling out.
The compositions of seborrhea affect the fungi - depress the already existing and prevent them from spreading. Activation of blood flow increases the resistance of the skin, it becomes stronger and rejects the layers of scales.

From what depends on the choice of shampoo
To choose the right drug by seborrhea, is taken into account:
- floor;
- age;
- hair type;
- additional functions (strengthening the roots, facilitating combing);
- seborrhea stage of development.
Should not be confused with medical prophylactics. First Action aimed at preventing the appearance of dandruff. Second action aimed at combating existing seborrhea. If you do not have dandruff, you can not use the funds to fight it. It will not have a prophylactic effect. On the contrary - can lead to disease.
Man or woman?
There are separate shampoos line for women and men. They take into account the particular structure of the hair and skin. No exception and means of seborrhea.

Shampoo for children
Manufacturers produce remedies for dandruff for 3 age categories of children:
- younger group - up to 5 years;
- category average - 5-12 years;
- older - 12-16 years.
Compositions children means chosen with the expectation of the delicate skin and hair. They have a gentle and effective action. Choosing the children's product should be, based on the child's age and stage of disease. For mild seborrhea is used means low-curative components. Do not themselves have to choose the remedy for dandruff. Dermatologists advise therapeutic product depending on the condition of the skin and the degree of fungal attack.
basis children's funds natural components constitute. They do not cause irritation, successfully eliminate the problem. The most commonly used for children tar. He copes with the destruction of fungi, normalizes skin.
Shampoos for adults
It is the largest group of drugs from seborrhea. They take into account gender and the degree of fungal attack. Before applying means read this manual and follow its instructions. When choosing a shampoo during pregnancy, specify how deep the ingredients penetrate into the skin. If the action occurs at the surface of the skin, such compositions can be used during gestation and during lactation. If the ingredients penetrate deeply, use a shampoo pregnant women and nursing mothers should not be.
hair type
Choose foods from seborrhea and hair loss should be based on the type of hair. There are drugs for dry, oily and normal curls. Information about the type of hair is indicated on the packaging. Manufacturers also make universal action means for any hair. If the skin is sensitive or prone to allergies, in the composition should not be sulphates. They aggravate the situation. In addition to seborrhea and hair loss irritation appears.

The choice of funds for the initial phase
The choice of shampoo depends on the stage defeat by a fungus. Early on, a slight itching, redness no scales small size, they are almost not visible. For the treatment during this period are used cosmetic products containing tar, zinc piritona. A small concentration of the active substance eliminates fungus does not develop microorganisms. For the treatment of early stage under treatment duration of 2-3 weeks.
Parts Companies offering tools that eliminate seborrhea with the first application. To obtain a stable, not limited to a single use. Some of the drugs recommended time. But scalp gets used to the components of the shampoo, and the healing properties of these resources are lost.
We treat advanced stage
In complicated situations there color redness, covers large areas of keratinous tissue layer. Large flake, peel off in large chunks. Strong itching, scratching his head constantly. Against this background, there are irritations. In particularly difficult situations in the psoriasis skin appears.
At an advanced stage application store means ineffective. Cosmetic problem is transformed into a skin disease. It is treated by drugs sold in pharmacies. In their active ingredient content is in large quantities. These shampoos are used systemically to eliminate the disease. Treatment usually lasts for 2-3 months. If necessary, repeat it after a short break.
+ Dandruff hair loss
Seborrhea is rarely a separate problem. After her appearance abundant hair falls out. Get rid of the problem of double helping shampoos complex action. They destroy the fungi and prevent their duplication and strengthen the roots of the bulb. The result of using such drugs - clean skin and groomed thick hair.
subtleties choice
- Buy the following products well-known companies. dandruff problem should be solved effectively, and substandard means complicate the situation.
- When buying check whether the dispenser is. Apparatus sparingly consumes composition does not pass air into the vial.
- Do not use products that have expired. Date of manufacture and expiry date indicated on the packaging.
- Shampoos for adults are not suitable for children. They contain active ingredients in high concentrations and hurt children's skin.
- If the disease is concerned about for a long time, and the state of neglect, buy shampoo prescribed by a doctor. Otherwise, the treatment will not be effective.
- On the packaging is checked whether there is a part of parabens. These substances have a negative impact on the skin and hair and cause allergies.
- The list specifies the first substance component with the highest concentration. Then, the list goes on decreasing.
- If shampoo is new, and there are doubts about its effectiveness, ask the seller probe. Self-respecting companies offer shampoo in single package. Buy one or two bags and check out the action.
- If the disease is delayed, and the treatment lasts for months, periodically change shampoos. Hair and skin a break from the old components, and new substances will act more strongly.
Do not be guided by the price - the more expensive the better. Domestic funds are inferior to foreign price, but do not lose in efficiency. Birch tar, poisons decoctions, infusions of roots to cope with the problem and do not cause allergies.
Best medical dandruff shampoo
The product of the French company Vichi Dercos successfully fights dandruff and treat the scalp due to the composition. It includes:
- selenium;
- salicylic acid;
- vitamin E;
- keratins.
Vichi Dercos does not dry the skin, but it relieves irritation, eliminates itching. The manufacturer produces a shampoo based on thermal water. There are 3 types - dry, oily and sensitive skin.

- volume - 200 ml;
- country of origin France;
- probes - there;
- dispenser - there is;
- auxiliary components - is.
- thick consistency;
- well foams;
- It does not contain harmful substances;
- suitable for skin prone to allergies;
- pleasant aroma.
- expensive;
- can not be used during pregnancy;
- Not suitable for children under 12 years.
The best dandruff shampoo for men
Special product for men Head& Shoulders men Ultra designed for male hair texture and skin characteristics. He penetrates deeply into the skin, clears keratinized particles, prevents the appearance of new ones. It consists of balm and conditioner. After applying hair becomes manageable, easy to comb. means components of dandruff for men:
- zinc carbonate;
- sodium lauryl sulfate;
- dimethicone;
- perfumes;
- hydroxide, sodium carbonate.

- volume - 200, 400, 600 ml;
- additional substances - there;
- dispenser - no;
- producing country - the United States.
- eliminates seborrhea and refreshes the scalp;
- It guarantees 100% result;
- frothy;
- different packaging.
The product was effective at regular application. If you stop using, the problem reappears.
The best dandruff shampoo for women
Means Jason Natural Dandruff Relief not only removes dandruff, but also treats hair. After applying the shampoo stronger roots, improves blood circulation. Hair nutrition improves, and they become silky and dense. The product includes:
- sulfur;
- glycerol;
- salicylic acid;
- camphor;
- wheat proteins;
- vegetable oils;
- piriton zinc.
Jason Natural Dandruff Relief It acts by accelerating the speed of dying of old skin cells. As a result - the scales are removed without drying out the skin.
- volume - 355 ml;
- probes - no;
- dispenser - no;
- auxiliary components - is.
- It treats the skin, eliminating redness, itching, inflammation;
- refreshing;
- acts as balm - after application of the hair easy to comb;
- not addictive.
- Strong smell;
- sold online, at retail level are not commercially available;
- dry ends.
Best tar shampoo for dandruff
Tar product "from grandmother Agafia" based tar has complex effects. It removes dandruff, relieves irritation and itching. Product foamy, easily washed, cleanses the hair and skin. After application improves blood circulation of the hair follicles, normalizes the sebaceous glands, slowing growth and reproduction of fungi, forming flakes. Means on the basis of birch tar with the aroma of herbs.

- volume - 300 ml;
- Country of origin - Russia;
- dispenser - no;
- auxiliary components - is.
- natural composition;
- pleasant aroma;
- It does not cause irritation;
- cheap;
- effective.
Cons have been identified.
The best dandruff shampoo for children
Product "Friderm tar" suitable for middle age category. The main component eliminates itching, kills fungi, reduces the ability to grow fungal bacteria. To achieve its results, use a course 1,5-2 months. Hair washed with shampoo 2 times. To tar acted, it is left for 5 minutes on the hair, then wash off. Structure:
- Birch tar;
- sodium chloride;
- lauryl sulfate.

- volume - 150 ml;
- country of origin - Belgium;
- Additional components - there is;
- dispenser - no.
- treating seborrhea and psoriasis;
- natural active ingredient;
- relieves itching and inflammation;
- It does not cause allergies.
Small packaging.
The best shampoo for dandruff and hair loss
The product of the French company Garnier "fruktis dandruff 2 in 1" eliminates seborrhea and strengthens the roots. Means universal, suitable for all hair types. Valid after the first application, the result is stored for 6 weeks.

- volume - 250, 400 ml;
- country of origin - France;
- dispenser - no.
- different amounts of vials;
- It operates with the first application;
- pleasant aroma;
- frothy;
- easily washed off.
It does not contain natural ingredients that can cause irritation.
The earlier treatment begins the disease, the faster will be a positive result. Large assortment of dandruff shampoos can select suitable for the type of hair, skin condition. Using the product from seborrhea, do not use other people's combs, towels. During the use of dandruff is not dyed hair. Resume staining as possible after treatment.