For storage and transportation of liquid fuel and liquefied gases are special tanks. Tank for liquids (kerosene, gasoline) is a capacity for fuel. Tank of gas - gas cylinder.
cylinders sold empty and are made of metal (less plastic) jar with a cork. Since the capacitance of the wall of the liquid accumulating on plastic friction static electricity, preferably metal, as a material for manufacturing tanks.
- Apparatus gas cylinders
- Types of gas cylinders
- Which is better
- Exploitation of gas cylinders
- Faults and repairs
- Guarantee
- Manufacturers of gas cylinders
Apparatus gas cylinders
gas bottle - capacity cylindrical shape filled with gas under pressure (15 MPa). In its upper part is a threaded hole into which is screwed shut-off valve.
For each filler valve requires a special design, so it is important to observe the correspondence between the type and the fuel tank filler.
To the tightness and reliability capacitance high requirements.
The package metallic gas reservoir comprises:
- valve;
- housing consisting of welded shells, upper and lower ends;
- reference shoe - a steel ring support to maintain stability in a vertical position;
- protective cap - a plastic or metal element for protection valve during transport and operation;
- neck ring - metal part with a thread on which the screw cap;
- sometimes reducer - a device for equalizing pressure level.
Standard valve consists of:
- housing;
- locking element;
- flywheel.
the valve body is made of steel and has the shape of a tee.
In all three parts of the valve thread. The lower part is intended for fastening the valve to a container for mounting the upper valve stem and the side of a stub.
The locking element consists of a rod and admission valve. The valve controls gas flow through the housing, the rod transfers torque from flywheel on the valve.
The flywheel is connected to the rod by a nut. By turning the hand wheel valve opens or closes the stream.
The apparatus repeats the cylinder structure of the gas lighter. Inside there is a material in two phases: liquid and gas. The empty space above the surface of liquid material filled by him, but in the form of gas, which enters the proper equipment.
Types of gas cylinders
Classification by material

Metallic gas cylinders
The cylinder of metal - the simplest and most economical solution to the problem of gas storage. Its body is made of mild or stainless steel. Are produced from a metal container with a volume of 5, 10, 12, 20, 27, 40 or 50 liters.
Pyatidesyatilitrovye containers are stored outdoors only in a special metal cabinet with appropriate labeling. smaller capacity may be installed in the room.
Net weight of the empty metallic cylinder depending on the amount of 4-22 kg.

Composite (polymer) gas cylinders
If there is no need to store a large volume of gas, it is wiser to choose a composite cylinder.
Its main advantage over the metal - less weight.
The difference in this index is up 70%, which makes it possible to conveniently use the capacity from the polymer body to fans of sports tourism, hunting and fishing.
Additional advantages of composite cylinders in comparison with metal:
- improved impact and explosion (even when exposed to open flame);
- design eliminates leakage of filler;
- completely eliminated the emergence of rust on the surface of the device;
- possible formation of sparks;
- modern attractive look.
The composite (resin) is a transparent balloon flask filled with liquefied gas and placed in a removable plastic shroud.
For the manufacture of glass flasks and used epoxy resin.
The glass fibers, which are used for the production of polymeric containers, do not add boron, which is important for people to pay more attention to the environmental safety of the product. During operation, the bulb color can be changed, but this is not a defect.
Increased operational safety of polymeric containers is provided:
- reflux overpressure valve;
- smelting (melting) insert.
Under the action of increasing gas temperature expands, whereby it appear excess, which create an overpressure in the cylinder wall.
The check valve bleeds (produces) the excess equal portions and decreasing pressure.
When exposed to a particularly high temperature (e.g. in case of fire), fuse melts and releases gas, but the process is thus controlled. Fuse-link operates irreversibly, after its operation capacity will have to be disposed of.
Stable operation of the composite cylinder is possible at temperatures of between -40 to +60 degrees Celsius. Net weight - 8 kg.

gas cartridges
For portable gas burner tubes, plates and so on. N. made compact disposable cartridge with a volume of 100 to 450 g In appearance they look like aerosol sprays.
Body Material - steel coated with tin. When you purchase is necessary to pay attention to the temperature range suitable for the particular model of the cartridge. Some types of portable models do not work at temperatures below -4 degrees Celsius. This rate depends on the composition of the mixture.
Manufacturers filled cartridges summer, winter and all-season formula.
Another option - the type of connection. It must match the type of connection to the gas appliance, otherwise you will need an adapter or operation of the cartridge will be simply impossible.
Classification by purpose

According to the installation location and purpose gas cylinders conventionally divided into:
- household - for stoves, boilers and heaters;
- travel - for burners, grills, Barbecue, lighting and blowtorches heaters, which can take a hike or fishing;
- car - for use in the car with the engine running on gas fuel;
- medical - to store breathing mixtures in ambulances, rescue workers and firefighters, as well as in intensive care units and for oxygen cocktails;
- Industrial - for storing gases used in metallurgy, pharmaceutical and chemical industries, etc.;.
- universal.
In addition to these areas of the use of tanks for gas storage there are still many sectors of human activity in which they are needed.
Classification by composition of the mixture

The gas tank filler for the title can be:
- propane;
- butane;
- acetylenic;
- hydrogen;
- nitric;
- Argon;
- carbon dioxide;
- helium;
- compressed air;
- oxygen and t. d.
In domestic purposes and in tourist bottles most often used propane, butane and mixtures thereof.
The technical name of their name - LPG (liquefied petroleum gas).
The composition of the gas mixture depends on the appropriate temperature. Under normal climatic conditions, a slight difference. This parameter is important in cases where the balloon needs to operate in winter conditions, at high altitudes, or for specific purposes (eg, for a blowtorch).
At low temperatures, better manifests itself with a mixture of propane isobutane (Isomer butane). This mixture does not damage the ozone layer.
Inhalation propane or butane is dangerous for man, until death. Direct contact with the human body liquid butane or jet of gas causes cooling to minus twenty degrees celsius.
In the food industry, these substances are used as dietary supplements and in cosmetics in deodorants.

Propane used in the production of solvents.
Butane lighters used as a refrigerant in refrigeration plants and conditioners. Compared with the usual Freon is less productive, but the benefits for environmental safety.
Acetylene used for welding and cutting metals, in rocket engines, in the chemical industry for producing explosives, rubber, plastics, acetic acid and others. The substance is explosive on contact with open air, so it is added to activated carbon or diatomaceous earth (special porous mass).
Hydrogen It used in the chemical (ammonia production), food industry (production of margarine, vegetable oils), during welding, as the propellant.
Nitrogen It used in the chemical, metallurgical, pharmaceutical and electronic industries.
Specific use it - purging and cleaning of tanks, pipes, as well as deep freeze and fire fighting.
Argon used in lamps incandescent, fluorescent lamps, and metal in the metallurgical industry in the production of many metals, in processes where it is necessary to exclude contacting the molten mass with oxygen (including fires) during welding, in medical applications for anesthesia and air purification, in the food industry as packaging gas.
Carbon dioxide fills extinguishers, they pumped up the wheels Bicycle. It is used in the trade as a refrigerant in food industry and in the production of carbonated beverages.

Helium needed when welding, cutting, smelting of metals, for filling balloons, balloons, respiratory mixtures divingAs refrigerant in research. Liquefied helium - the coldest liquid on the planet. Transportation and storage must be carried out strictly in a vertical position.
Compressed air is used in many industries, but particularly for pneumatic devices and for inert gases (helium, etc.).
Oxygen is used for welding machines, Enrichment of that substance reservoirs, in the production of acids and explosives, to obtain "oxygen cocktail."
Ammonia - poisonous gas, the strongest solvent therefore requires increased attention to the safety of its transportation and storage.
It is used in the production of nitric acid, fertilizers, explosives, and in medicine in the form of a 10% solution with household name - ammonia.
Chlorine - another toxic substance that is used in the manufacture of PVC and synthetic rubber, in the home to whiten fabrics, in medicine for disinfection.
Methane - LNG (liquefied natural gas) is safe to humans. It is used for the production of ammonia, fertilizer, in fire extinguishers, in medicine as hypnotic, as fuel.
Halons or CFCs - used in air conditioners, refrigerator and aerosols, as well as in the production of foam and polyurethane foam.
Classification according to the method of connection

When buying a gas cylinder need to find out the type of connection capacity of a particular model and its compatibility with a particular device.
The connection can be:
- A collet (the pressing or clamping). Connection takes place by means of the collet which is a cylindrical member that performs a clamping part for the connected pipe. To connect the tank with collet connection and equipment with screw will need a special adapter.
- Threaded (Epi-gas). Connection occurs due to connection of two threaded parts. It is not enough to safely use gas equipment, requires seals.
- The valve (Easy Click). This connection is much easier and safer to thread, but it is used only in some models, mostly in Europe. Its main advantage - the highest degree of protection against leakage.
The downside is that such containers sold with the burners and choose the same, after ended the filler is very difficult.
- Prokolnoe. This type of connection, involving piercing shell cylinder. The disadvantage of this method - the inability to disable the device from the container prior to use full throttle. Use this type, mainly for connecting a small cartridge for tourist lamps, torches, plates.
Which is better

Most preferred in the home are composite (plastic) containers. Advantages in terms of reliability, compactness and other factors make them the obvious leaders, compared with metal counterparts.
The disadvantage of the polymeric reservoir consists only in a smaller maximum volume.
If the metal container, the figure is 50 liters, the composite of 33.5 liters.
That is, the metal tank it is advisable to buy only when the expected high gas consumption, since less will be necessary to fill.
Volume, connection method, and other parameters should be individualized according to the needs of the buyer.
If you need a supply of fuel for portable, including tourism, gas equipment, then choose a product is to be among the compact disposable cartridge with the appropriate type of connection.
The choice depends also on the gas appliances will be used at any temperature. On capacity specifying mode mix - winter, summer or all-season.
Exploitation of gas cylinders

To determine which substance is filled balloon, made to paint his body in color assigned to this gas. Oxygen tank is painted in blue, propane - in red, hydrogen - in a dark green color and so on.. Color composite tank body does not matter.
Volume capacity of 50 liters can be stored only on the street in a special metal cabinet with holes for ventilation in the vertical position.
Cabinet mounted on a fireproof basis, excluding drawdown, and always attached to the wall or bottom of the adjacent building at least 50 cm from the windows and doors of the first floor and 3 m from windows and doors basement and cesspools and wells. The base is mounted at a height of 15-20 cm from the ground.
Cylinders with a volume of 40 l are installed indoors, not intended for sleeping, away from the electric wires, at a distance of 50 cm from gas cookers1 meter from the heater and 5 meters from the open flame.
Do not install or store the fuel tanks in the attic or in the basement.
The environment must not be flammable and combustible substances. Containers with a volume of up to 40 liters can also be placed on the street to meet the same requirements as to storage pyatidesyatilitrovogo balloon.
Oxygen tank may be installed obliquely so that the valve is located above the shoe. Other models have to be installed vertically.
Connect the cartridge to the instrument via a reduction gear need, which is designed to equalize the pressure to the level required for operation of the gas stove or other device.
Do not use the storage tanks of gas to persons under the age of 14 years. To use also not allowed a person in a state of alcoholic or narcotic intoxication.

Before you begin to use the container, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions and rules for safe operation of equipment.
- Equipment should not be left running unattended.
- Do not use the tank at smell gas or any malfunction and gas communications. The leak detection can not use open flames.
- Do not use gas pipes to be improper.
- Do not connect a container with gas to the home-made devices.
- Do not use a balloon with a lost serial number and a bar code (if they are erased during operation). This condition is important to observe, as you must adhere to the brand fuel tank type.
- Periodically, you need to check the integrity of the valve, which must be tightly screwed into the corresponding hole.
- In winter, the frozen gate is allowed to warm only hot water.
- It can not be in the same room with an oxygen tank installed capacity with other gases.
- Do not use filler balloon 100% volume. The desired residual pressure not lower than 0.05 MPa, to containers acetylenic not lower than 0.3 MPa.

Operating procedure:
- Before working gas tank or cartridge must ensure serviceability of the valve thread and the lateral fitting to the cartridge in the serviceability of the locking device.
- Check for leaks.
- Before connecting reducer or gas hose unit to the tank, you need to loosen the adjusting screw.
- After connecting again conducted leak checks. To connect this place covered with lather. If there is a leak, bubbles appear.
- If a leak is found, it is necessary to evaluate the possibility of self-help. Sometimes it is enough to tighten the threaded connection or replace the gasket. If so the leak persists, the container should be sent in for repair.
- If the container is not defective, then slowly turn the flywheel to start the gas supply.
- After using the cylinder installed in the room, faucets or taps on it should be transferred to the position "closed".
Every five years, a metal tank for storing the gas should be checked for serviceability of all the details.
Composite products allowed to check once every 10 years. Current by capacitance state should be carried out every time before, during and after filling the fuel tank.

Marking of usable product must contain the following information:
- trademark of the manufacturer;
- date of manufacture;
- branded OTC manufacturer;
- cylinder number;
- operating pressure;
- Net weight;
- volume;
- the date of the last inspection;
- branded test points;
- test pressure;
- the year of the next inspection.
must additionally be specified for acetylene cylinders:
- filling date;
- branded filling stations;
- Date filler inspection;
- stamp confirming that verification of filler.
After the inspection decision on the suitability of the device for future use. If there are any defects or malfunctions in the gas tank for oporozhnonnom form is sent in for repair.
Faults and repairs

Warranty and post-warranty repair of gas cylinders shall be carried out by a qualified technician.
Attempts to fix any failures lead to tragic consequences.
The reasons why the gas tank is recognized unsuitable for use under the current inspection and sent in for repair:
- malfunction of the valve, the pressure gauge (including a crack in the glass, preventing the read-out);
- damage, displacement, or the absence of the shoe;
- deterioration or fault of thread neck ring;
- seal failure, leakage;
- metal containers for the discrepancy or discoloration.
Gas storage container must be disposed of rather than repair when it detects the following disadvantages:
- significant external damage: corrosion, indentations, bulges, fistulas, cracks, risks depth over 10% of the wall thickness of the tank;
- no passport data, marking fully or partially (if at residual information is not possible to restore the marking);
- cracks in the weld and around width greater than 0.2 mm and more than 30% of its length.
All other containers after warranty and repair services are suitable for further use.

On gas cylinders installed warranty period of 1-2 years from the date of purchase, depending on the housing material. The term of service of the tank - up to 30 years.
Conditions for performing manufacturer warranty:
- a passport;
- Save the original marking and the serial number on the device;
- strict adherence to the instructions on transportation, storage, installation, operation and maintenance of the device, as well as user guides;
- the presence of the guarantee card completed by the seller;
- for some manufacturers prerequisite - Warranty Registration on the official website of the plant;
- no traces of attempts to repair or reposition labels.
Execution of warranty takes over the manufacturer.
These include:
- testing;
- free repair;
- replacement with similar technical characteristics proper quality equipment;
- financial compensation.
Guarantee does not apply to a composite cylinder casing and on the outer container with the following defects arising during transportation and operation of the user:
- mechanical damage to the cylinder by contact with a sharp object or resulting from falling, pin - scratches, dents, deformation, cracks, abrasions, caused the reduction in wall thickness bottle;
- valve darkening color or appearance of inclusions of a housing.
Upon occurrence guarantee case reclamation drawn sheet that is to be sent to the manufacturer.
The complaint is accepted provided that a product's serial number in the database the manufacturer or the presentation of copies of documents confirming the sale of goods with non EXPIRED shelf life.
Manufacturers of gas cylinders

Company Campingaz - French producer of goods for recreation and tourism. Production in China.
One of the directions of its activity - production Barbecues, grills, blowtorches, burners, stoves, portable lighting lamps. All these devices are equipped with gas cartridges ballonami- own production.
The long history of the company confirms the high level of quality, reliability and safety of its products. Type of connection - Collet, prokolny or valve. Ink cartridge warranty - 6 months.

This American company - a partner Campingaz. Coleman It creates its products using the experience and expertise of tourism amateurs from around the world of hunting and fishing.
The product range of the company includes portable plate to give, Burner, lamp and cartridges for them. Type of connection - screw. Warranty - 1 year.

Fire-Maple - a young company for the production of goods for tourism. The factory is located in China. The credo of the brand - quality at a reasonable price. The company's products are certified and fully compliant with international standards.
Fire-Maple offers customers cartridges with thread connecting the volume of 230 and 450 The warranty period for them - 2 years.

The credo of the American company Jetboil - completely rethought mobile cooking process.
For its products Jetboil produces gas cartridge capacity of 100, 230 and 450 g of a mixture of propane and isobutane, which is suitable for use in the winter.

South Korean company Kovea produces gas equipment and related products. The company itself and its products have received numerous awards, confirming the high quality of the goods of this brand.
The range of cylinders collet connecting volume of 220 g and a volume of a threaded connection 230 and 450 The warranty on all kinds of products - 12 months.

American brand MSR It produces goods for tourism and mountaineering. Production is located in South Korea.
Cylinders of this mark are filled with a mixture of butane and propane in a ratio of 80:20, which showed good performance at low temperatures. Integrated float sensor will determine the residue gas. The volume of the cartridge 110, 226 and 450

The Swedish brand Primus equipment for the production of tourism produces several types of gas cartridges with threaded connection. Among them, a mixture for the summer, winter and all season. Volume of cylinders 100, 135, 190, 230 and 450

Sledopyt - Russian brand of goods for tourism and recreation. All products of this brand being tested in real-world conditions prior to entry into the market. The range of two types of mixtures, for gas tanks: all-season and winter. The volume reservoirs 220, 230, 336, 450 Method of connecting a threaded collet and pressure.

South Korean trade mark Tramp manufactures portable gas cylinders with all-season mixture with push-in threaded connection volume of 220.230 and 450 g