Household cookers, until recently, were separated only by a principle of operation - gas or electricity, and with the purchase does not raise questions about how to work a particular model. But today, with the development of new technologies and the improvement of household appliances, manufacturers offer consumers the usual units, upgraded and modern designs.
Induction cookers - a result of modernization the usual appliances. It should elaborate on the facts about how they work and what are. Physical action applies only to the hob, oven - electric with thermal heating elements.
- How does an induction cooker
- Pros and cons of induction cookers
- Problems
- How to choose the induction cooker
- Precautionary measures
How does an induction cooker

It may seem strange to the principle of operation of this type of equipment, because in the process of heating the heated dishes, and not the hob. The secret lies in the use of physical phenomena in the equipment.
It uses the technology of induction of eddy currents in the metal object set. Such a result is created by the magnetic fields of frequency from 20 to 100 kHz.
Externally - a ceramic hob, touch temperature controls. In the equipment set cooking timers panel lock button.
Use of such techniques involves the acquisition of a special metal utensils. Plates work with usual metal utensils, but then the power consumption and cooking time may increase.
What is the secret of dishes, intended for use on such equipment? The secret lies in the structure of the bottom of the pots or pans. The bottom of such utensils thick and its structure laid layer of ferromagnetic material.
At the home of the hostess may already have such devices. Modern samples marked with a special sign of the spiral, which is compatible with induction.
old-fashioned utensils also used on such equipment, and if the sign is not present, its suitability is checked by applying a magnet to the bottom. If the magnetisation is - that this copy for further use.
Pros and cons of induction cookers

Devices with induction heating technology, on average, are more expensive than glass-ceramic surfaces are heated. Should I pay? And what benefits the buyer will receive after purchasing?
- Reduced electricity consumption. The heating temperature is set simultaneously with the inclusion burners, pre-heating is required, all the voltage is given immediately container.
- The diameter of the cookware is not limited. If the selection of ceramic ware depends exclusively on the diameter of the burners, there heating occurs only at the contacting surface mounted object. Handles dishes are not heated, the heat emitted is not consumed burner useless.
- Safely. In the confusion at least once in each person there was a situation, when he forgot to turn off the stove. After such cases burners burned out, assailed by considerable numbers on the electricity meters indicators. Hobs of this type prevent the occurrence of dangerous situations. Without they can not work and off the set of dishes for them. Panel at work is not heated, it is heated only on the bottom of the cookware.
- Decrease or increase temperature level takes place instantly.
- Plate cover - glass-ceramic. Caring for her is available any owner using special cleaners and scrapers.
there are distinctive features and negative Contrary advantages of induction heating:
- High price. Yes, this equipment will cost when buying more expensive by 1.5 - 2 times, but worth thinking about the future reduction of power consumption. Correctly picked plate will be repaid in the near future. But to choose the expensive specimens is not worth the functions stated in the specifications, in the home are not used.
- If the home has not found a suitable cookware, it is necessary to update the entire range - frying pans, saucepans, casserole etc. Kitchen utensils suitable for this type of home appliance is more expensive, which will incur additional costs funds.
Deficiencies are not so many, and they all relate to the financial side. But once invested in the purchase, you can save on electricity even for several years.

Plates, running on induction heating technology has not been claimed for a long time on the market of household appliances. And the reason is not only in the high price, but also in the myths and prejudices.
Harm to human body
The belief that the technology inherent in the operation of equipment principle, can be harmful to the human body. People feared that the magnetic field generated during operation affects the internal organs. In order to destroy the false opinions which have developed in relation to the induction hob, manufacturers compared power fields generated from this unit and from domestic hair dryers, which are pretty hostess often.
The results have been incredible. Hairdryer creates a field with an indicator 2000 micro Tesla and hob - 22 micro Tesla - is almost 10 times less! The strength of the magnetic field can affect human health in any way!
Turning plate from any metal object
People think that any metal object can provoke inclusion of burners and is heated. This is not true.
As it has been said, for the ability to attract the necessary utensils under the influence of the magnet, but not all metal cutlery possess such qualities.
Sensors embedded in the slab structure are set to the minimum diameter - 8-12sm. In that case, if the heated surface area is less than this figure, the heating will not be made.
Heated metal objects under the slab
The misconception that installing embedded panel can not be on any other devices or metal surfaces.
Yes generated electromagnetic field, in theory, lead to heating of the objects on the surface and beneath it. This statement took place at a time when the induction cooker just started to produce.
Current models equipped with magnetic heatsink disposed at the bottom of the hob housing. Its purpose - blocking the penetration of the magnetic field through the lower part of the body.
So today manufacturers make and model combined with the oven, and designed to be embedded in kitchen furniture over the washing machines or other equipment.
How to choose the induction cooker

Like other appliances, have induction surfaces have characteristics that may influence the choice of a product in a store - it's structural, functional specifications, manufacturer's name and the price.
The special features of the design when choosing plates includes: a stand-alone equipment in combination with an oven, a board or recessed pattern, size and shape of equipment.
Free-standing appliances, induction heating, today found in stores is rare, no more than 20 copies. These models do not require additional purchase ovens, installed in any available space, do not occupy space on the table and are not embedded in the countertop.
Desktop devices - the equipment with one or two rings, no more. They do not require additional conditions in the installation, in addition, some models are designed to work under stress 220W.
The range presented in the stores built-in models of inductive devices is incredibly broad. The number of online stores offer more models. Recessed model attractive look, complete with all furnishing the kitchen, do not require a separate space for installation.
Forms of appliances - the usual square or rectangular, but there are also built-in hexagonal patterns. Dimensions able to meet the wishes of any customer. The main condition, before you go to the store for purchase of necessary measure accurately the place where the unit will be installed.

Functional Specifications that require attention in the selection:
- the number of burners and their location;
- in the presence of a play apparatus, induction hob and the heating element. For some users the combined unit will affect positively, because the old dishes do not have to throw away, and others will opt for from this model.
- Lock the touch panel function, which will protect the house with small children from unpleasant consequences;
- protective shutdown option which renders the liquid to escape from the pan provoke disconnection system and stick to the surface will not occur. Disabling occurs by ingestion of foreign objects on the control panel;
- sleep timer allows to program the cooker to the required time, and distracted by other things. She shut off the burner and alert signal on the implementation of the program;
- The residual heat indicator indicates that the surface is heated from the surface of the dishes. It burns for the time until the surface cools, and goes out when it becomes safe;
- multi-adjustable power burners. greater number of adjustment stages - provides the ability to precisely adjust the cooking temperature;
- PowerBoost - a feature that will increase the capacity of the burners included at the expense of the adjacent, 50%;
- temperature control function maintains pre-cooked dishes in a predetermined temperature range;
- pause function temporarily stops the cooking to continue it by pressing only one button, while retaining all installed cooking modes.
- induction without borders permit installation on the surface of kitchen utensils of any diameter.

The cost of induction cookers is influenced by the manufacturer, functionality, size, number of burners, design, construction. Before you go shopping, you need to clearly define the requirements for the future of major appliances in the kitchen.
Based only on the manufacturer's reputation is not rational, equipment manufacturers can not advertise products. Orientation for the price can not be relevant either. Stores set their prices according to their desires.
Take into account the functionality of the model that interests will be correct. Additional functions increase the price, so it is worth considering the need of a particular option in his life.
Precautionary measures

Induction hob - a device that operates by power from the mains. And like any other electrical equipment to be used with precaution.
- It must be connected only to the network, with the proper voltage indicated in the specifications.
- Blocking the air intake panel can lead to overheating of equipment.
- The equipment must be protected against ingress of water under the hull.
- To clean such a device must first be disconnected from the network.