Cornice - a design for attaching curtains to the walls, windows or ceiling. This functional element and decorative accent, which is chosen taking into account the characteristics of the premises.

- Types and characteristics of the eaves
- Benefits
- Minuses
- How to choose a cornice
- Which is better
- Exploitation
- Faults and repairs
- manufacturers kornizov
Types and characteristics of the eaves
Eaves vary depending on appearance, body material, mounting method and mounting. Additional division occurs by the number of the guide and control method of the cornice.
In appearance
Models with a rounded shape of the cross section of the bar. Usual form is a tube for hanging curtains of hooks or rings.
- If there are additional bundled tube, then they hang tulle or pelmets. The main pipe thus often goes with a diameter of 30-40 mm, and further - 10 or 20 mm.
- Sometimes, instead of the secondary pipes used a tourniquet or cord that can withstand the weight of a light fabric.
- Curtain with eyelet fabric fasteners are not required, there is enough for a round rod and brackets with lugs.
Desirably, grommet tube was wider in diameter. In other cases, the selected sets with fittings that can hold tissue.

Plastic aluminum profile, supplemented rails for curtains fasteners.
- The flexibility of the material is suitable for creating curved designs.
- Suitable for curtains with lambrequins, in which case they are mounted on the front with Velcro.
- Installation is simple, spetskrepleniya and mortgages are not needed.
This type of cornice is equipped with a trim strip covering the fittings, rails and hooks.
- Material and color of the strips is chosen taking into account the interior premises: bronze, marble, colored or simulated wood structure.
- Rods are available in hollow or integral kind.
- In such a cornice fits halogen or LED lights.
- When changing the interior design does not require the purchase of new cornices - decorative strip is replaced by a suitable color.
In such models, the role of the bar instead of the supporting structure carries a thin rope.
- Cornices are available in one-, two- or three-tiered design.
- The bearing capacity of this type is reduced, they are only suitable for light fabrics.
- Positive features of a string system - lightweight design, can be mounted to a wall or ceiling.
- Universal, fit into the interior, without changing its decorative qualities.

Bus or rail
Type eaves PVC or aluminum with a special groove along which rollers move with fixation hooks.
- This type is suitable for hanging shorter curtains.
- The model has a stub edge, to prevent loss of reinforcement from the cavity of the tire.
Cornice on the functional characteristics reminiscent of the profile. It is characterized by the same inconspicuous installation of decorative elements, cages or in niches. Like profile, rail type unpretentious in the care and easy to assemble.
Multi-row models often combine several designs Profile - The most common round, rail and string modifications.
by material
When wood is used to manufacture dense texture softwood, hardwood and exotic species. Perform two functions: decorative and practical.
- Often available in single-row design, and two- or three-row models that support a combination of different types of curtain materials, rare.
- Control can be mechanical or electronic.
- Before installation, do not need to carry out preparatory or repair work.
- Most of the wooden models only support wall installation option.
- Durability and environmental friendliness.
- Easy to clean - cleaned with a soft cloth or polish.
Wooden models often come with decorative tips.

Most often in such execution or release profile tire model.
- Lightweight, does not overload the surface.
- Various shades, imitation of natural materials and décor in the budget execution.
- Cornices bright colors fade more often, the surface turns yellow over time.
- Plastic is not afraid of the dark shades of burnout, the service life longer than that of light variations.
PVC moldings usually equipped with a bracket with holes that allow the hooks to move. This element is worn after installing fasteners.
These include metal products and steel, forged design and simulation.
- The strength of the material.
- The most common multi-row versions.
- The ability to bear the weight of heavy fabrics - gobelin or printed textile curtain will not make cornice bend.
Available and decorative combinations - metal rod is complemented by finishes of stone and wood. This subspecies is available for interiors in Provence or baroque.

By way of fastening
Method for setting horizontal or vertical surfaces defined by the type: the wall or ceiling. Ceiling model in most cases, support and installation option on the walls.
Mounted directly on the walls above the windows.
- Most often this large weight design requiring strengthening surface - sturdy base or embedded detail.
- Weight design and curtain falls on the 2-3 bracket, they also determine the possibility of alienation of the cornice of the walls. Material rod because of the small number of stops preferred strong.
- Height between the upper edge of the window and a ceiling at least 5 cm is not suitable for wall mounted type.
- The gap between the front wall and the eaves will be at least 10 cm.
Usually this type of string or rail.
- Are mounted at a predetermined distance away from windows.
- Independent of the length of the brackets.
- They are used to protect from light and for the decorative zoning premises.
- Tens fixture points define the structural strength in bending, so products suitable for heavy curtains.
- Marking during installation comes from the center of the frame, rather than the length of the window.

By the number of guides
- Single Row - only one pipe string or a profile for hanging curtains. Most often used for kitchens, or in cases where the curtains are only subject to the decor.
- double row - complemented by a thin tube, cord or string. Used for curtains and transparent curtains.
- Multi-row - variations of the pipes are less common. It supports all types of blinds with curtains and lambrequins.
According to the control method
We are talking about structures that contain mechanisms for opening and closing the curtains. On this basis there is a division in the manual or electric control. Models without special devices is referred to the manual, but it is incorrect grading - correct to call them options without mechanics.
Manual control
Or mechanical control for opening curtains using the cord, the handle-canes or pointer.
- Cord tissue pushes a single pulling movement, often down or at an angle.
- Handle-stick pointer or change the position of the curtains when turning left or right.
When choosing a focus on matching material and color gamut cord / handle and curtains.

motor drive control
Cornices electrically mostly equipped with remote controls. Type suitable for frequent adjustment of curtains position.
- Wall mechanism is installed separately from the eaves in a suitable place.
- The integrated design mounted directly on the profile or roller.
Pressing the button drives a mechanic cable carriage with the curtain moves in a predetermined direction.
The remote control allows you to open one or more curtains on the spot.
Advantages cornice depend on the budget and the setting possibilities, they are mostly individual. But there are common features that can be compared.
By way of fastening
- It combines functionality and decorative properties, able to become an independent design element;
- facilitated access to the fitting, easy replacement and repair;
- do not require mounting skeletons;
- an extensive range of materials from which to create the profile or a bar.
- strong durable construction without subsidence withstand heavy curtains;
- independence and compatibility with any design;
- suitable for bathrooms, mounted on bathroom or shower tray.
Structures with mechanical and electrical control inherent in a similar set of virtues, found in most of the models:
- quiet close, smooth and uniform;
- the ability to connect to the systems of "smart home";
- pattern with variable speed adjusted to the preferences and characteristics of the curtains of material.

Operation is able to complicate the selected attachment method. Material and other design features cause fewer problems.
wall model:
- Demanding on the base strength.
- Eat the space of the room due to the fact that it is not mounted close to the windows.
- Prone to subsidence.
- Fixing brackets are often eventually fails, 2-3 fulcrum unable to withstand a long time - this situation is fraught with household injuries.
Ceiling model:
- The design requires a trim strips or built into pre-built frameworks.
- Installation on a concrete base time-consuming, not always possible to sustain the level and plane - hence the distortions of curtains and incorrect operation mechanisms.
How to choose a cornice
Parameters that are worth paying attention to when choosing the eaves:
curtain weight. For light fits any type of curtain rod, and the massive curtains with heavy lambrequins able to withstand only a model with a solid bar, resistant to fractures and subsidence.

The length and number of brackets. Actual wall cornices. The length depends on whether the curtains to lay on the windowsill or radiators. The size of the brackets is chosen as follows:
- Measure the distance from the wall to the brim with protruding elements. If the surface has a bias, measurement should perform according to the level at the point of blockage.
- Add to the resulting size of the indentation on the free movement of blinds and folds. The parameter depends on the type of tissue and folds, it is 8 cm on average.
The increased number of brackets helps to strengthen the post; It is important, if it is not known what the curtains will be used in the future.
Hiding angles. In the models, the length of which does not extend from corner to corner, side flaps conceal gaps between the tissue and the window.
Above the window. Wall cornice should completely cover the opening. In addition, taken stock of 20-30 cm from both sides, depending on the model. The stock length will hide the gaps, do not have to pull the curtain on centimeters to properly close the window.
The diameter of the rod. Selected for a specific type of curtains and fabric weight. Paradoxically, in the case of the eaves curtains made to select in advance. The length of the rod should also be considered in advance, and when choosing a product of custom size necessary to specify the presence of coupling elements for the construction of the extension.
- for large windows with heavy curtains preferred diameter of not less than 30 mm;
- for light enough diameter net curtains 12 -16 mm.
- standard windows and curtains - the pipe diameter 20-25 mm.
Option must be combined with the size of the bar in order to prevent subsidence. The longer it is, the more recommended diameter.

surface strength. We are talking about a wall or ceiling where you plan to install a cornice. When mounted on brick or concrete foundation option is irrelevant. But if the installation is on drywall, you need to place a pre-embedded elements to enhance the design.
Lightweight variations in the GCR mounted with dowels butterfly. This type of fastener at a twisting expands behind drywall surface creating a small reinforcing platform. Heavy curtains or curtain rods need to mount to the supporting structures.
When choosing also takes into account the size of the room, as the location of the eaves affect the visual perception of room size.
Which is better
Most often the choice is based on the visual and decorative effects that ledge in conjunction with curtains should ask the room.
Correcting deficiencies:
- If the eaves secure the wall-to-wall, visually expand the room.
- When fixing the ceiling of his height seems greater than in reality.
- To visually expand the window opening are chosen long eaves, calling with a large margin on the walls.
- To reduce the selected window ledge with a minimum margin of length, almost equal to the width of the opening.
If the structure is longer than 2 meters, should take care of its reliability by adding additional brackets or mounting.
Rings and eyelets with plastic inserts mute distinctive clank when you open the curtains.

Technique is unpretentious, does not require specialized care. It requires only routine cleaning and prevention:
- While taking care of the bar can not use abrasive cleaners, steel wool and including spetssmesi.
- Can be washed with warm water and non-aggressive degreasers, wipe dry with a soft cloth.
- It is necessary to monitor the state of the bracket - check to see if hardware is loose, securely fixed elements. This will protect against personal accidents.
- After a long break it is necessary to test the system with the auto-drives, enough to control the closing of the first two.
- It is important to check the metal structural components for corrosion and take timely measures to resolve it.
- Yellowed or cracked plastic parts should be replaced, without waiting for their ultimate failure.

To obtain warranty service is required with the completed card serial number and model of the product. Be sure to print the presence of the seller and indication of the date of sale without corrections. Also be asked to proof of purchase - consignment note, a cashier's check.
Most manufacturers do not consider guaranteeing the following cases:
- incorrect transport and operation;
- changes in the design of the customer, independent repair;
- careless storage or improper installation;
- mechanical damage, traces of abrasion and exposure to chemicals;
- make corrections to the text or the loss of the warranty card;
- for models with electric drive no warranty is provided in the event of damage due to power-line surges.
Service does not apply to supplies coming with the product. The average term of the guarantee is about 2-3 years, usually considered from the date of purchase, but there are exceptions.

Faults and repairs
Breakdown cornices differ depending on the type of control mechanism and products.
Such moldings are divided into fixed and mobile. From the design of mobility depends on the nature of damage.
Wear runners or hooks, mechanical damage other elements considered rare. For repair of gliders and their replacement is sufficient to detach the new, purchased parts can be in specialized stores. In case of deterioration of a rare type of runners and an inability to point substitution updated the entire series.
Models with cords or braids, more manageable. The main problem - grinding or harness open. It occurs even with chains models. Decides to replace with a new harness and correct installation of the castle, able to prevent rapid wear.
In the case of jam, winding or twisting curtains often require analysis of the system and the installation details on the places from which they were displaced.

With electric control
Cornice does not respond to the remote control
There are several reasons:
- Stranded treated battery replaced. for cornices batteries are typically designed for long term operation, so as banal failure puts the hosts to a standstill because of the unexpectedness of what happened.
- When it will be possible to repair the damage to the remote device alone is unlikely, because usually it comes to mechanical damage or withdrawal of contacts. Required analysis, soldering or replacement of defective items or purchasing a new console.
- Faulty signal receiver, which is located on the ledge (integrated type) or nearby (detached). In the first case the diagnosis is difficult due to the location and design of the engine inside the shaft. Usually ends with the complete dismantling of the product and sending it to the service.
- Remote models easier to diagnose, but the repairs will take some time - up to two weeks. The problem encountered by the non driving power weight curtains. Try turning the drive again after 3-4 minutes. If this does not work, can not do without the repair service.
stuck fabric
Most jam occurs in the guides. Drive while continuing normal operation, which leads to a stronger clamping, twisting and damage mechanism.
To fix required a complete dismantling of the structure is without power and cornice, smoothing and winding taking out jammed tissue - it is done on its own or with the assistance of experts.
To prevent malfunctions need to control the operation of the mechanism, if it is not used for a long time. In the presence of light and sticking clamps move curtains regulated arms, sometimes you need to pull down the fabric.

manufacturers kornizov
Manufacturers of manual and electrically driven models, and rails for bathrooms.
It specializes in products for bathrooms. Cornices are intended for use in bathrooms. Shows the angular and T-shaped model made of stainless steel round type available flexible variation. The warranty for bathroom accessories is 2 years. Website:
International group of companies from France. It specializes in roller shutter with electric drive systems. Models are available with remote control and an adjustable speed of movement. Product warranty of 5 years, counting from the date of manufacture. Website:
Producer from Canada. It specializes in the design accessories for the interior. Cornices round type, features wooden and metal models with tips. Warranty terms are not stated. Website: