Camping requires special equipment, which includes the arrangement space for the night. Models of sleeping bags are divided by season and type of hiking.
- Types of winter sleeping bags
- Characteristics
- Pros and cons of winter sleeping bags
- How to use
- Precautionary measures
- Problems
Types of winter sleeping bags

By design, you can meet just two types. The first - a sleeping bag, a blanket, and the second has the shape of a cocoon. By the way, camping sleeping bags It falls into the same species. Among the options for cold pores are present both types. Preference is given according to the purpose and style of traveling.
Sleeping bag, blanket: bag shaped like a rectangle, equipped with a zipper, which is arranged on three sides. Fully unbuttoned instance turns into a blanket. Versions with two dogs on the zipper interlock together to form a double.
The transformation function is designed for joint campaigns in places dominated by extremely low temperatures and extreme situations (overnight on the tops of mountains, glaciers in the snow). Suitable for joint family trips. In the United sleeping bags can hold up to three people at a time.
Sleeping bag-cocoon: Involves the narrowing of the bottom of the leg, which is not opened by-zipper. Equipped with additional locks on stickers, ties and hood. It designed for one person.
Some models are designed for two people, or have the same principle of bonding with each other, as well as the type of "blanket". Are smaller, compared with the previous species, size even in version sealed by him put not three, but two people.
Note the presence of the hood, headrest. For the winter period is a mandatory part of the structure, which allows to maintain the same body temperature during sleep. The heat loss occurs through the active head, because in the winter it must be hidden.
Meet the three types of models for the season:
- summer
- demi
- winter
Transition and winter variants distributed over a temperature range. Manufacturers do not standardize the temperature and type name inside.
Demi options you want to sleep in a small frost to -5 degrees Celsius. When used with trekking at altitudes of 1,000 to 2,000 meters above sea level. The structure consists of three layers, which retain heat inside the bag.
When combining the two copies of a single, comfort at negative temperature increases. Choosing a model for the winter, to give preference to models co-sleeping, with hood and sealed zip.
Professional items for the winter - it is insulated sleeping bags with four layers and filler. Designed for use in the cold at -7 degrees Celsius and -20. There are options for extremely low temperatures in the Far North, or the height of more than 5000 meters above sea level.
Task winter pattern - to create a comfortable temperature inside the sleeping bag and support it for 7-10 hours at a time. Models 2 and weigh more than a kilogram, depending on the material, size, and filler fasteners. The difference - bulk. Folded in a special case with straps to tie to free up space in your backpack.
Universal sleeping bag does not happen. Demi option is suitable for three seasons, except for the hot summer and severe winter. Insulate this instance can not, and attempts to make it possible to break the tightness of the case, which will allow moisture and lose heat. Different terms of use become a separate instance of the season. The only option is to use one of the sleeping bag in any weather - it is that you have a tourist tentWhich smooth out temperature variations outside sleeping.

Winter, spring and autumn sleeping bags are filled with a filler between the layers, which is of two kinds:
- feather (natural);
- synthetic.
Feather winter sleeping bags: keep the leadership in sales, despite the competition from cheaper synthetic models. Thermal insulation properties, combined with low weight down, allow the use of sleeping climbers in conquering the heights of over 5000 meters above sea level, which may include Everest.
A thin layer of fluff allows warm at a temperature of -7 degrees and below. Backpacking and mountaineering weight is of paramount importance. Sleeping bag for up sleeping when air temperatures -10 degrees Celsius, weighs an average of 1100-1300 For comparison, a similar instance with synthetic filling weighs an average of 1900-2100
Among the disadvantages of down:
- prolonged drying of;
- absorption of moisture;
- requirement delicate cleaning;
- the price is 2-3 times higher than synthetic.
synthetic fillers There are several types. The sleeping bags manufacturers widely used and holofayber sintepon because of their weight and thermal insulation properties. there is a division of the price category among artificial - cheap materials have the same thermal insulation, as well as expensive, but weigh more.
Unlike feather filler in weight, which is twice lower than in the winter models. Advantage - price range, which is 2-3 times lower compared to natural materials.
When choosing a look for the value of the bag. The service life of the cheaper models is less than 2-3 times. Sintepon wiped becomes thinner in certain areas. Synthetic materials become compressed, dense regions appear, due to which sleeping insulation properties are lost.
Holofayber - expensive material compared to synthetic padding. The structure of the material resists pilling and compaction, a filler coated with a silicone layer to maintain warmth and protection from moisture. Thermal performance does not deteriorate with time and service life.
The advantage of this filler before down - does not cause allergic reactions, does not absorb moisture, dries quickly. Disadvantage - a sleeping bag weight per kg more than with fluff.
In size sleeping bags are divided into five types:
- adults;
- children's;
- standard;
- elongated;
- wide.
The basis for selection - the size of your body.
When choosing a sleeping bag for the winter season, try to trim the size of a little more than the size of your body, dressed in gear. The sleeping bag should be a free space for movement, airbag, which keeps the heat inside. The standard length of the sleeping bag is designed for height 175 cm plus a spare 10-15 cm for a comfortable sleep.
Pros and cons of winter sleeping bags

Choosing a sleeping bag for winter, consider:
- type of construction;
- filler;
- size;
- lining materials and upholstery;
- types of fasteners;
- the presence of the head restraint or hood.
The optimal type of design for the cold season - a cocoon. It is designed for one or two people, the narrowing of the feet helps to save space and weight of the bag, creating insulation inside. Model "blanket" is universal, suitable for combination in a double option.
Pooh wins in heat-insulating properties of the filler relative to its weight. Disadvantage - the high price and the need for a delicate dry from time to time. Synthetic fillers heavier on average per kilogram, however, have a short drying time and low cost. It should be noted that inexpensive sleeping bag - can be qualitative.
Prefer holofayberu, because it does not absorb moisture, not compacted with time, it weighs less syntepon.
The dimensions of the sleeping bag should fit your body proportions: leave 15 cm of free space in the length and sides of the insulation.
Choose natural materials lining and the outer part of the sleeping bag. Fully synthetic fabric does not absorb moisture, sweat will accumulate inside heavier sleeping bag, creating a dangerous bacterial environment and excess weight in the campaign.
Breathable materials are synthetic, of them should be the shell of the sleeping bag, but inside the fabric, choose from 80% natural composition.
Choose a model for the winter with a strong non-metallic zipper that is not stuck in the cold. In the priority - Tractor-zips with two dogs and large portions. To make cross-linking of the two copies, lightning should be present only on one side of the hood, and sleeping bags to be versatile - right and left. Pay attention to the additional fastening: the existence of ties and Velcro loop near the head.
Options hooded practical: a closed head allows you to keep the same temperature inside the bag.
How to use

The basis of the rules spelled out in the data sheet sleeping bag. The operation made to pay attention to the temperature indicator. Designed manufacturers Scale refers to the notion of comfort, the temperature at which a person can sleep 9:00 without complications and concerns.
This figure - border for women and men to start, which are less sensitive to low temperatures. For women, the figure is -10 degrees Celsius and -15 for men. The third segment of the scale - extreme temperature at which a person can sleep up to 5 hours with minimal impact to the body. For men, it is up to -35 degrees Celsius.
In addition to temperature mode, you must follow the rules of care. For natural and synthetic materials, including fillers, they are different. Down copies made to give to the dry cleaners or clean them by hand in the delicate cycle. Synthetic models are suitable for machine cleaning.
Precautionary measures

Be careful when choosing a sleeping bag for winter, since failure to comply with the permissible temperature limits can result in serious health problems, up to frostbite extremities.
Check the integrity of the shell before traveling. Broken locks in the winter can cause frostbite, colds and other such problems. Consequently, the integrity is important, not less than inflatable boat with a sail.
Can not sleep in synthetic bags near a fire or burner for cooking. At low temperatures, the air humidity and it may catch fire in a few seconds. Sintepon burning faster than the other materials, and get out of the burning bag difficult.
During cleaning, observe the instructions. Especially, if the filler is made of natural material, such as fluff. Getting out of the cocoon, slowly and carefully open the zipper, some models are narrowed to the neck.

Among the typical problems with a winter sleeping bag tourists call: a broken zipper or pawl torn seams propalennuyu outer shell, nonuniform distribution of filler within cocoon.
Depending on the material of the cocoon and filler, sleeping or is subject to repair and restore or not. Sintepon eventually compressed, some part of gross and others become thin. In this case, to purchase a new copy.
In the case of feather fillings are replaced in the workshop. Propalennye areas and broken fasteners are restored or replaced by professionals. At their disposal there are a lot of special equipment (conventional overlock, automatic overlock, koverloki, Rasposhivalnye machines), With which you can perform high quality repair of the product.
Pay attention to when choosing a sleeping bag on the temperature readings and materials. Prefer warm and lightweight model that can be restored.