Connect the washing machine to the water supply and sanitation

So, you are the owner of a new washing machine. This technique is characterized by some technical specifications, which require the new owner of his special attention to the installation: a perfectly flat surface and mandatory grounding outlet. Furthermore, it is necessary to properly connect the drain and regulate the flow of cold water. For those who want to perform independent connection washing machine water supply and sewage, edition offers detailed instructions.

Connect the washing machine to the water supply and sanitation
Connecting to the water supply and sanitation requires certain knowledge

Read article

  • 1 accommodation options
  • 2 How to install a washing machine
  • 3 Connect the washing machine to the water supply and sanitation: what tools are needed
  • 4 How to connect the washing machine to the water supply system
    • 4.1 With crimp sleeve
    • 4.2 through fitting
    • 4.3 With tee
    • 4.4 Connecting without running water
  • 5 Drain connection of the washing machine to the sewer
    • 5.1 Draining water from the washing machine via a siphon
    • 5.2 Draining through a sewer pipe
    • 5.3 Mount drain hose washing machine to the bathroom or toilet
  • 6 Connect the washing machine to the mains
  • 7 Leveling the washing machine situation at the level of assistance
  • 8 Review and launch
  • 9 Useful tips from experts
  • 10 Indicative prices for the connection of washing machines by professionals
  • 11 Installing the washing machine with his own hands - video

accommodation options

Washing machine set in the most often:

  • the toilet;
  • the kitchen;
  • bathroom or bathrooms;
  • corridor.

The last option is the most problematic, since there are no required communication. Before any work to the place of installation is necessary to bring the water pipes and drains. That is why the corridor is selected if placing in other premises for some reason impossible.

For sewerage and water supply in the corridor to connect hard
For sewerage and water supply in the corridor to connect hard

Washer the toilet is placed over the toilet bowl. This allows you to efficiently dispose of a small area of ​​the room in a typical apartment. The quality of the installation and the characteristics of installed equipment increased requirements. To prevent displacement of the machine during operation, you should choose a model with good shock absorbers and display correctly. To exclude the fall is necessary to provide strips or securely fixed to the car mounted the podium.

How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomer
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomer

Despite the small area of ​​the bathroom or toilet, this option is most prevalent. To decrease the Length of connecting to the water supply and sewerage communications often washing machine takes its place around wash. When a small area bathroom the washing machine is placed under the sink.

How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomer
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomer
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomer
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomer

Related article:

How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerWashing machine at the sink. In this review, you will learn the advantages and disadvantages of technology, popular models, what furniture to choose a washing machine, tips, advice, detailed installation instructions with their hands.

Attention! Elevated levels of moisture in the bathroom can cause corrosion of the metal pieces of equipment.

In the kitchen washing machine is inserted into set. It can be any of the doors remain open.

How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomer
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomer
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomer
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomer

How to install a washing machine

On how properly installed appliances, it depends her life. At the initial stage washing machine Carefully inspect to ensure no visible damage.

How you set up depends on the service life and operating features
How you set up depends on the service life and operating features

Now we shall understand with how to install a washing machine. To begin, remove the shipping bolts that prevent rotation of the ram during the transportation of the unit. They are located on the rear of the chassis.

The transit bolts are located behind
The transit bolts are located behind
Victor Polyakov


Victor Polyakov

retail consultant "M-Video"

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"The amount of the shipping bolts depends on the model. As a rule, there are four, but can be 3-6. "

If washing machine Included in the transit bolts, it can be broken. To remove them you can use a wrench or pliers.

The key to unscrew the bolts easier
The key to unscrew the bolts easier

In the hole should be set caps, which are supplied with the appliance.

For holes have special plugs
For holes have special plugs

Tip! Keep the shipping bolts. They will be available if you decide to change your place of residence.

Connect the washing machine to the water supply and sanitation: what tools are needed

to connect washing machine with his hands, should prepare the following tools:

  • building level;
  • Screwdriver Set. It is necessary to have available a flat, Phillips;
  • pliers;
  • wrench;
  • Construction knife.

Also, besides the hose supplied with the equipment, it is necessary to purchase:

  • RCD device that will protect the machine if it is not connected to the grounding;
  • collars;
  • seals;
  • siphon.

How to connect the washing machine to the water supply system

To operate any machine-machine requires water. Offer to deal with how to connect the washing machine, so you can do it with your hands. Each method has its own characteristics and nuances.

With crimp sleeve

Using a crimp sleeve important when connecting the washing machine to the water supply with metal pipes. Works are carried out in the following sequence:

PhotoDescription of work
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerRemove from the surface of the water pipe paint in a place where the connection will be made. It should be placed before the water meters. The dimensions of the stripped area should relate to the size of the installed coupling.
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerCentral portion Stripping drilled hole 10 mm in diameter. For this, first via deflector envisage place then drilled hole of a small diameter and then reams to its larger size. Under the pipe is substituted for the capacity of water remaining within the pipeline.
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomer
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomer
On the outer side coupling part is inserted into the sleeve.
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerOn the inside of the sleeve is worn on the gasket.
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerInstall the coupling half into place by aligning the sleeve with a hole
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerBottom substitute the second coupling half and connect the two elements by means of bolts. Fasteners should be well tightened.
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerOn landing tap the surface for a washing machine in a clockwise direction we wind fum-tape.
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerScrew-in valve sleeve.
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerPutting washing machine with a crane with a flexible hose supplied.

through fitting

If you choose to use fitting, Work is done in the following sequence:

Photo Description of work
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerDetermine the water supply place.
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerConnect a hose to the machine.
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerOn the outer surface of the tap to connect the washing machine to the water supply in a clockwise direction we wind fum-tape. Screw-in valve receiving bore. We connect the other end of the hose.

With tee

The method of connection to the water mains, actively used when installing the washing machine about shell.

PhotoDescription of work
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerDisconnect the hose, providing a water supply to the sink.
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerAre wound clockwise fum-tape on the seat.
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerInstall the tee.
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerWe connect the previously removed hose.
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerConnect a hose to connect to the water supply stiralki.

Connecting without running water

Most models are focused on the connection to the central water supply. Those who live in rural areas, require a special machine, allowing the flow of water without pressure. If such equipment is not possible to connect, work can be done in the following sequence:

PhotoDescription of work
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerCooking vessel whose volume is greater than 50 liters.
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerAcquire pump pressure sensor, The performance of which will be sufficient water supply.
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerPutting pump and a tank with a hose. Using the valve, establish the required flow rate.
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerFlexible hose for water is connected to the pump. We check the performance of the assembled structure.

Drain connection of the washing machine to the sewer

There are several ways to connect the washing machine drain to the sewer. Consider the features of each to make it easier to choose the appropriate option.

Draining water from the washing machine via a siphon

If the washing machine is installed near the sink, drain water can be performed by a siphon. The latter should have a structure that allows the connection of equipment. To ensure water drainage, put on drainage hose to the washing machine at the siphon.

How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomer

Draining through a sewer pipe

to implement draining down the drain in this way should be found in the instructions, the height at which should be the end of the drain hose to the washing machine to work properly. Different models, this value may vary. On average, it should be at a height of 0.5-0.6 cm from the floor. If the hose end positioned below the level specified by the manufacturer of the unit, a washing machine will continuously recruit and drained and the washing process is significantly delayed (a siphon effect).

In practice, to achieve the desired position can be difficult. Especially if the appliances will be installed in bathroom. Rectify the situation helps a check valve for a washing machine to drain. It is connected as follows:

PhotoDescription of work
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerTo one end of the valve connects the drain hose washing machine.
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerThe second end - system pipe drain.
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerThe formed assembly is mounted in any place that can be easily accessible during operation to monitor the state of its constituent elements.

Mount drain hose washing machine to the bathroom or toilet

In some cases, not possible to connect the washing machine to the sewer in the ways listed above article. In such a situation, you should consider the option of attaching the drain hose to the washing machine toilet bowl or bath. Installation work is performed in the following sequence:

PhotoDescription of work
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerPreparing a plastic retainer supplied.
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerPut on a latch on the drain hose.
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomer
How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomer
We fix the drain hose washing machine on the edge of the sink, toilet or bath, so as to ensure the removal of the drain water in the drain.

The disadvantages of this process should include the risk of displacement of the hose during operation of the hose, which is why the washing machine may start to pour water on the floor. Some forget to fix the hose in the desired position: the water will also be on the floor instead of sanitation.

Connect the washing machine to the mains

None of the modern model of household appliances can not work without power. To properly connect the washing machine to the mains should comply with the following requirements:

  • use a special grounded socket;
  • to ensure an adequate level of security the switchboard should be groundUsing tire diameter of 3 mm;
  • All wires must be carefully insulated, especially the ground.
Victor Polyakov


Victor Polyakov

retail consultant "M-Video"

Ask a Question
"To connect engine from the washing machine to 220 V, it is desirable to use a three-wire cable which is connected to a single machine. "
The outlet must meet certain requirements
The outlet must meet certain requirements

Leveling the washing machine situation at the level of assistance

In order to eliminate in the process a lot of noise and excessive vibration, position the washing machine it is necessary to align the installation process. To work required building level and a special key. Spinning / okruchivaya legs provide the desired position the equipment. Which leg needs to be regulated, determined by the level readings.

Tip! Check the stability of the equipment by pushing the corners at the top.

The level will help determine the correct spatial position of the washing machine
The level will help determine the correct spatial position of the washing machine

Review and launch

By connecting the washing machine to the sewer, electricity and water, check the quality of connections. Then, make a test run of the unit. Some manufacturers recommend initially use a particular mode is specified in the instruction manual. In most cases, preference is given to continuous operation, heats the water up to the maximum value. This will not only test the functionality of the equipment, but also provide a high-quality cleaning drum of dirt and oil, on the surface appearing in the process of assembly of the unit. During the test run should monitor the operation of the machine, and make sure there are no leaks. It is necessary to pay attention to:

  • other sounds and vibrations of the unit;
  • the drum rotation speed;
  • the degree of water heating.

Attention! In the process of spinning at high RPM machine must not leave the place allotted to her. When draining into the sewer hose should not strongly shake.

for the first launch mode is selected individually
for the first launch mode is selected individually

Useful tips from experts

To extend the life of household appliances, the experts recommend to install a special filter. He will not allow the ingress of foreign particles of the washing machine, which can cause equipment failure. When connected to a water supply system should ensure the supply of cold water.

Given the large weight of the advanced models, you need to consciously approach the choice of the place of installation. The substrate must have sufficient strength to withstand the weight of the appliances. Experts recommend installing a washing machine on the tile.

Do not neglect the advice of professionals
Do not neglect the advice of professionals

Related article:

How to correctly connect the washing machine to the water supply and sewerage newcomerTo find out, which company is best washing machineRead and understand the material of this review. They will help to make a correct and quick selection of the hundreds of real in their respective market segments.

Indicative prices for the connection of washing machines by professionals

Not everyone is ready to connect the washing machine with his own hands. In this situation, you can always seek help from the professionals have the necessary knowledge and tools. Price of connection of the washing machine depends on who exactly will do the job, and what model it is necessary to connect. Average prices for such works can be found in the table:

List of worksThe average price (as of March 2018), rub.
Connecting the stationary model to ready communications1000
Connecting the stationary model to the water supply and sanitation1200
Connecting the stationary model of water supply, sewerage and electricity2100
Connecting the built-in model to ready communications1400
Connecting the built-in model to the water supply and sanitation1600
Connecting the built-in model to the water supply, sewerage and electricity2500
Dismantling of an old washing machine500

Installing the washing machine with his own hands - video

It is not always detailed written instruction allows you to understand the order of performance. In such a situation comes to the rescue video "Installing the washing machine with his own hands." Repeating the described actions, you can manually perform the installation of a modern model.

Knowing how to connect a washing machine on their own, it can safely be taken for it. If you have already carried out similar work, share in the comments, where you are running household appliances and which option to connect to the sewer and water supply you prefer.