If you do not know how to choose appliances for the kitchen, we offer it out. Electric cooktop can become an optimal one for kitchen any area. It is only necessary to determine the optimal size, desired functionality and design.
For every kitchen can find a suitable electric model
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1 The device and the characteristics of the electric cooktops by type
1.1 classic multi-purpose
1.2 Grill, fryer and tepan
2 How to choose an electric hob: basic criteria are worth paying attention to
2.1 By type of heating elements
2.2 By manufacturing the material of the working surface
2.3 By the number of burners
2.4 Clerk
2.5 Management System
2.6 in functionality
2.7 Safeguard options
3 Leading manufacturers of electric cooktops
4 Popular models of electric cooktops
4.1 Bosch PKC675N14D: I am rating 4.8 / 5
4.2 Siemens ET675MD11D: Rating 4.5 / 5
4.3 Zanussi ZEV 6646 XBA: rating 4.9 / 5
4.4 Gorenje Classico ECK63CLB: Rating 4.5 / 5
4.5 Samsung CTR432NB02: rating 4.4 / 5
The device and the characteristics of the electric cooktops by type
Design hobs may differ. From this depends directly on the characteristics of a specific device. We offer to meet with existing varieties, so you can choose the appropriate option for your home.
Design may vary
classic multi-purpose
The composition includes classical cooktop burners and a control panel, interconnected by means of special contacts. special thermal relay It allows to control the degree of heating burners. Burners are mounted on a special panel made of different materials. They can be incorporated into countertop. Burners for heating using direct current, in contrast to induction devicesInvolving the use of induced current.
The classic model is equipped with burners and control panel
Grill, fryer and tepan
Besides the standard burner cooktops may be equipped with additional nodes that extend their functionality. They are the most popular:
grill. It implies the existence of two independent heating elements and a metal grating, under which is of lava stones, residues of fat absorbent;
Grill will help to diversify the menu
fryer, Completed a special capacity for oils, placed over the heating elements. Foam provides the deposition zone and cold oil. The latter is under the oil and is used for water harvesting and small residues of products formed during frying;
Frying fat located above the heating element
tepan. This is a special case of the grill. To prepare the products, a special metal sheet heated to a sufficiently high temperature.
How to choose an electric hob: basic criteria are worth paying attention to
To acquire an electric hob model is fully consistent with the needs of the family, the choice should take into account a number of criteria. Noteworthy type established cell panel material and other parameters. We offer to meet the basic features and recommendations of their choice.
When choosing a suitable option is taken into account a number of factors
By type of heating elements
Electric hobs can be equipped with heating elements of different types. You can choose between:
cast ironHaving the characteristic shape of a disc. This is the most affordable and unpretentious option allows the use of utensils of any material except plastic. Their main disadvantage is the slow heat reaching 7 m, and a large power consumption. However, they are not only long hot, but cool;
Cast iron discs - the most affordable option
halogen, which include a coil and a halogen lamp. This design allows the burner to heat a second;
Halogen have high heating rate
Hi-Light-systems. PETN in such products has the form of ribbons. They are not demanding to leave. Have a high capacity;
Care Hi-Light-systems requires specific knowledge
spiral (rapidnymi). Such heating elements are installed on inexpensive panel. Relatively recently, they have been quite popular, but is now gradually being replaced by slabs of Hi-Light. For heating burners require 8-12 seconds.
By manufacturing the material of the working surface
The characteristics of the material used for making the working surface to have a significant impact on the appearance, ease of maintenance and the cost of a particular device. Choice can be made between:
enamel. Such products have a relatively low cost. However, during the operation may have some difficulties, because you can not use abrasive and rough materials for cleaning. Manufacturers offer a wide range, which allows the device to pick up the desired hue;
Enamel - a budget solution
steel. Caring for steel electrical panel is much easier. special means must be used to remove contaminants. Using conventional detergent may cause scratches on the hob characteristic traces;
it is necessary to use a special tool for cleaning the steel surface
glass ceramic. The most expensive variant with high performance and presentable appearance. They require careful treatment because of the sensitivity to scratches and bumps. Impose certain requirements on the material of dishes. It should be abandoned copper and iron products, which leave indelible contamination on the surface.
Ceramic Glass will cost the most expensive
By the number of burners
Choosing the number of burners, be sure to take into account the number of family members. Universal embodiment is the model with 4 rings. Although among the offered products manufacturers can choose electric hob 1 - 6 working elements.
To select an electric hob, it should be borne in mind that:
1-2 burners relevant to testify or small kitchen. Often they are used as the additional panel;
Model with two burners could become an additional module
3 burners convenient to use. 15 cm is already standard models;
Trohkonforochnaya electric model is easy to operate
4 burners relevant for families with 4-5 people;
5-6 set in large kitchens.
For a large family relevant model with 5-6 burners
product shape can be very diverse. The most widely square and rectangular panels. However, the choice may be made in favor of the hob irregular shape: circular, hexagonal, triangular.
Design electric hob can also be very different. Select the appropriate option should be in view and stylistic color schemes kitchen.
Management System
Used by the control system and the sensor may be mechanical. The first type is advantageous from the viewpoint maintenance. To remove contaminants is sufficient to use a damp sponge. The touch control panel has a compact size. However, in case of breakage recover electric hob can only specialist.
Cleaning of mechanical systems can cause some difficulties. From under the handles it is quite difficult to remove accumulated dirt.
Touch control is convenient to operate and maintain
in functionality
The functionality of the electric cooktops may differ materially. Some additional features are provided, which should include:
recognition dishes. If present will determine the size, the material and the degree of filling of the pan. Heating is turned on, if tableware will be at the center of the burners;
write to memory. Those who daily cooks the same dish, changing at preset temperature of the process, be sure to enjoy the ability to program a specific cooking zone;
detachable magnetic handle. This is a modern alternative to the usual mechanical switches. After cooking dinner they can always be removed and put into the right place.
Functional model defines its cost
Safeguard options
Safe operation of the electric hob facilitated by the presence of a number of options, which we advise you to pay attention when you select the appropriate option. This can be:
automatic shutdown when the liquid surface in contact with the heating element (boiling function);
Standby mode. If the burner is no utensils, the unit automatically turns off. With this feature reduces energy costs;
delayed start, allowing boil kettle to her return home. We only need to set the correct time on the electrical panel, the control panel;
the timer will be triggered at a particular time, and turn off the hob;
A special feature, which protects the unit from children. If present the child is not able to independently change the mode or turn on the power.
Attention! The more features, the more expensive it will cost electric hob.
Protective functions make operation of the electric hob Safe
Leading manufacturers of electric cooktops
High quality equipment offered by many manufacturers. The most popular electrical panels:
Bosch. The company from Germany has a leading position in the market by offering high-quality equipment. For the manufacture of glass-ceramic cooktops use HighSpeed. Differing high value, each model has a sufficient reliability and durability;
AB Electrolux. Manufacturer uses patented technology «Stop + Go», which increases the comfort of cooking;
Gorenje. Home appliances from Slovenia different optimal price and quality. SuperPower patented technology allows the use of heating power on in all cooking zones electrical panel, reducing cooking time;
Samsung. Products South Korean corporation enjoys sustained consumer demand. Active introduction of modern technology allows the manufacturer to make the technique of high performance;
Whirlpool. Models with 6 Sense technology allows to optimize electricity consumption for cooking dinner.
Bosch - high-quality equipment
Popular models of electric cooktops
If you have not been able to choose the right model, look for products that are in high consumer demand. We have compiled for you the rating of popular models by displaying their advantages and disadvantages.
Bosch PKC675N14D: I am rating 4.8 / 5
Qualitative model from the German manufacturer with broad functionality. It has a high build quality and stylish design. It is equipped with 4-burner Hi-Light heating systems.
function boiling;
determining the degree of heating utensils in an automatic mode;
the size of the burners are easy to use;
control the degree of heating;
easy care.
Review about Bosch PKC675N14D model:
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.by/product—varochnaia-panel-bosch-pkc675n14d/4658074/reviews? slug = varochnaia-panel-bosch-pkc675n14d & productId = 4658074 & clid = 703 & lr = 26030
Siemens ET675MD11D: Rating 4.5 / 5
Integrated model with stylish design and broad functionality. Total power - 7 kW. Ceramic panel. 4 burners. Size - 60 × 52 cm.
The residual heat indicator;
protection of children;
a step change in power. 17 modes.
The disadvantage is the difficulty in removing contamination.
Review of Siemens ET675MD11D model:
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.by/product—varochnaia-panel-siemens-et675md11d/4709986/reviews? slug = varochnaia-panel-siemens-et675md11d & productId = 4709986 & clid = 703 & lr = 26030
Zanussi ZEV 6646 XBA: rating 4.9 / 5
Electric hob from the Italian manufacturer. Touch Control. oval heating zone.
protection of children;
stylish design;
stepwise power control. 9 modes;
4 rapid burners;
control boiling.
Among the shortcomings users report slow response of the touchpad buttons, as well as the appearance of the characteristic abrasions near the heating element.
Review of models Zanussi ZEV 6646 XBA:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_4203585.html
Zanussi ZEV 6646 XBA
Gorenje Classico ECK63CLB: Rating 4.5 / 5
High quality equipment, manufactured in Slovenia. Model 4 burners equipped with heating elements Hi-Light. Stelokeramicheskaya stylish bar. Mechanical control.
presentable appearance;
rapid heating;
residual heat indicators;
heating function;
automatic shut-off;
easy to clean;
different size burners.
Of the shortcomings noted by users, it is worth noting a slow simmer.
Feedback on the model Classico ECK63CLB:
More on Yandex. Market: https://market.yandex.by/product—varochnaia-panel-gorenje-eck-63-clb/10445332/reviews? slug = varochnaia-panel-gorenje-eck-63-clb & productId = 10445332 & clid = 703 & lr = 26030
Gorenje Classico ECK63CLB
Samsung CTR432NB02: rating 4.4 / 5
Stylish model is equipped with two hot plates. It can be combined with electric hobs standard size or used alone.
compact size;
residual heat indicators;
blocking the working surface;
convenient operation.
The disadvantage is the unstable operation of touch buttons.
Review model Samsung CTR432NB02:
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_4226181.html
samsung CTR432NB02
Share in the comments, what appliances installed in your home, and some electric hob you advise our readers to choose.