Morznuschie feet in winter - a very critical issue for the coldest regions of our country. Besides the fact that it is unpleasant, stop cooling can significantly affect human health, especially for people who are engaged in active winter sports, love to travel and tourism in the cold corners of the world. Everyone is struggling with the problem on its own. Someone wears several layers of socks, someone chooses shoes warmer, and someone and did not go out in the winter. But there is a more elegant and simple way - heated insoles. Let's see what it is, how to use them and how to choose.
This type of stand-alone heat has long been used around the world
Read article
1 What are heated insoles, to whom they may come in handy
1.1 Insoles for ski boots heated
1.2 For fishing
1.3 For hunting
2 The main types of insoles heated
2.1 on battery
2.2 chemical
3 All the advantages and disadvantages of insoles heated
4 The principle of design and operation with electric heating insoles
5 How to choose the insole and what to look for
6 Major companies and brands elektrostelek shoe on batteries
6.1 Insoles heated ThermaCell
6.2 Blazewear
6.3 DiClime
6.4 RedLaika
6.5 "Siberian"
7 Insoles heated - real user reviews
8 How to buy cheap good insole heated: a review of prices
What are heated insoles, to whom they may come in handy
Basically, they use people for whom the actual prolonged exposure to cold. This winter sports athletes, tourists, fishermen and hunters. But these insoles can be used every day - in winter hikes for work or study.
Insoles for ski boots heated
athlete's success largely depends on how convenient and comfortable he feels in his outfit. Excess wear shackles of movement and increases the weight, and it is bad for the general mobility. Therefore insoles heated - great for ski boots. They do not require the use of multiple layers of socks, perfectly warm feet and, accordingly, improve blood circulation of the lower limbs.
For fishing
Anyone who has ever sat with a fishing rod on the shore of the river, he knows that a pledge of good fishing - patience. In order to catch fish from the pond, you need a long time to sit in one position - and wet autumn and cold winter.
Fishermen will be able to do justly evaluate the independent heat in the legs
Naturally, the legs being motionless, are freezing fast. Heating insoles for feet - just the perfect solution for any fisherman. - especially for loving winter sport fishing.
For hunting
By analogy with the fishermen, hunters also have to sit long in place. And the weather at the same time can be quite different. But often the process takes place at night during the autumn or winter. Insoles heated battery to help keep the heat in the duration of the transition in the snow or ambush autumn morning.
The main types of insoles heated
Now on the market you can find two kinds of insoles. Some are used for heating the classic battery, the other is based on a chemical reaction.
on battery
The principle of operation of such insoles is simple. They use simple heating element from the external power source. In our case - from the battery. Charging the battery by 220 V. Typically, for a full battery charge 3 hours. A insole can operate from 6 to 12 hours.
It would look like the heat radiation process
Sheer insole is made of a material that retains heat, does not transmit moisture and is flexible enough to adapt to the human foot. Various models of heated insoles can be equipped with a control panel or not to eat from the battery and from the removable battery. Thus, it turns out that it is reusable warming insoles for your feet.
The work is based on the chemical insoles occurring inside their reactions. To activate the need to open the package to the insoles were outdoors. The chemical warmers, based on the salt solution, it is necessary to break the rod. Warming of such insoles can 6 hours.
Chemical insoles may warm not only the whole foot, as well as its area separately
The average heating temperature may be from 36 to 40 ° C. Given that used for heating the chemical components, such insoles are disposable solution. Upon expiration of the chemical reaction steps, they stopped to bask. The average chemical heated insoles can be bought for 50 rubles.
All the advantages and disadvantages of insoles heated
Of course, consider the advantages and disadvantages of insoles in isolation from the specific models - very subjective. But still common features and characteristics they have. The main advantage of the heated insoles can be considered independent heat in the shoe. Allow the use of electronic display for a long time, after the discharge, they can again recharge or change batteries. However, the shape and structure imposes a limit on the size of the shoe. Because inside the insoles need to place the heating element, battery and control unit, its physical size is much larger than normal. Moreover, the battery tends to be discharged at low negative temperatures. Chemical insoles are fully autonomous and does not depend on energy. However, the chemical elements are not eternal and limited number of times may be used. Usually it is a one-time heating for 6 hours. In this form it is difficult to control heating insoles: depending on external factors, insoles can not be heated to a comfortable temperature, or conversely, to rapidly warm scalding conditions. But the chemical models is more convenient and more comfortable because they do not contain large blocks. In addition, buy disposable insoles heating can be much cheaper than reusable counterparts.
The principle of design and operation with electric heating insoles
Inside the insole is usually hides a few basic components: a battery to power the control unit and the heating element. Sophisticated control device may further comprise an antenna and. All this fits in a rather thin insole. The heating element, yielding a charge from the battery heats up and transfers heat foot. That's the whole principle of the insole. Craftsmen have tried to replicate the technology, and many laid out ways to make the insoles with heating, in the network. However, the process is quite labor costs, require at least a basic knowledge and the availability of components for assembly, sometimes in China are already in finished form is cheaper than separate us. Therefore it is better leave the creation of heated insoles on the battery with his hands electronics enthusiasts and techies. Chemical variants can operate in either a one-time mode or to recharge the need to heat their water.
How to choose the insole and what to look for
Select insole heating need on the basis of how they will be applied. For example, for rare trips or outings to places with cold climates, you can use inexpensive disposable models. Warmed his feet, the action is over - and you can throw them away and put in new shoes.
Chemical reusable insole suitable for short but regular walks. For example, every day for an hour or two. After that, they can be warmed in hot water, and they will again be ready for the next outing. Such an option would cost a bit more expensive than disposable, but cheaper than reusable.
Termostelki shoe electrically usually are more expensive. But they are more comfortable, have great potential and functionality. They should choose when you want to spend a long time in the cold on a regular basis. The average operating time insoles generally varies in the range from 6 to 12 hours. After a complete discharge can be charged again, or replace the battery, depending on the model. Thus, it is the most convenient option for regular use, but at the same time - and more expensive.
Major companies and brands elektrostelek shoe on batteries
Companies that manufacture products of this type, a lot. From China, the insole heated from which can be ordered with by AliExpress, to more serious developers produce reliable and quality equipment.
Insoles heated ThermaCell
Model with replaceable batteries
One of the most well-known manufacturers of insoles with electric heating. The best known are two types of insoles - with built-in battery and with an interchangeable. Both species have a remote control, with which you can set the mode or completely shut down the insole. A simpler version with nonremovable battery can be bought for 7,000 rubles, and the version with replaceable batteries will cost about 15 000 - 17 000 rubles. Separately, you can also purchase and charger for cars for 1500 rubles.
Using the remote control, you can directly from the pocket of warm feet
In Blazewear there are two main types of insoles. Some work by 3 AA batteries, which last for about 5 hours. Blocks with batteries placed via velcro on the leg, which is not always convenient. There is such an option of 2000 rubles.
The second model involves the use of a lithium-polymer battery 3000 mAh battery. They should last for 4-7 hours of continuous operation. Included are more blocks and the battery. Thus, alternating charged batteries and the batteries can be extended time of up to 11 hours. The disadvantage lies in the mounting blocks on foot. Insoles heated Blazewear battery can be bought for 5,000 rubles.
layers scheme DiClime model
In DiClime on sale you can find one type of warm insoles heated shoe, which can be bought for 1,500 rubles. The device is powered by a lithium-polymer batteries. Max claimed battery life - 8 hours. The battery is built in and can not be removed. Shape insole is designed so that it can be cut and fit under any shoes. The model has ambient controlBased on which the heating element occurs.
Naturally, the products with the name RedLaika - red
The brand specializes not only on the insole and on their clothes heated at all. They have coats, socks, trousers, pants, mats etc. But we are interested in the insole. In fact, the model in the brand only one. Just starting equipment can be different. The easiest option for self-heating insoles with reusable blocks of AA batteries will cost 1000 rubles. Three batteries can feed the insole in the heating mode to 4 hours. A disadvantage may be the mechanism of the battery unit mounting leg.
Version with battery included will cost much more expensive - for 6000 rubles. battery capacity - 2600 mAh, according to the developers, there should be enough for 5-21 hours.
Domestic insoles from Novosibirsk company "Special heating system". The base price is 1500 rubles. Insoles are simple, with pass out the USB cable. any compatible, you can use the battery. You can buy ready-made kits for just 4000 and 4300 rubles. Both include the complete package with the battery. However, the second is also a special case to be worn on a belt.
Insoles heated - real user reviews
As for the comments about the insoles, it's not so simple. They are divided into approximately 50 to 50.
So, about the insole from ThermaCell some people write that this divorce.
Review ThermaCell
More on Otzovik:
And someone on the contrary, praises.
Review ThermaCell
More on Otzovik:
Insoles from ThermaCell
In Blazewear situation a little better, they recommend 70% of users.
Review Blazewear
More on Otzovik:
Review Blazewear
More on Otzovik:
Insoles from Blazewear
As for DiClime, here again opinions are divided almost equally.
Review DiClime
More on Otzovik:
Review DiClime
More on Otzovik:
Insoles from DiClime
About RedLaika reviews not so much. But that is - that is.
Review RedLaika
More on iRecommend:
Insoles from RedLaika
Other than those presented in the article models and brands, there are a few lesser-known and popular. For example, on the insoles NordClime.
Review NordClime
More on Otzovik:
Review NordClime
More on Otzovik:
Insoles from NordClime
By the way, there are a couple of reviews and AliExpress. Since any sonorous brand they do not have a translation usually looks like cuneiform, it may help readers navigate photos in the recall.
Review of insoles with Aliekspress
More on Otzovik:
Review of insoles with Aliekspress
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How to buy cheap good insole heated: a review of prices
Review of prices for this type of goods like insoles - a very subjective exercise. We can only give a few directions for research. For example, in AliExpress You can find the model that will cost only 250 rubles. However, there will be complete battery. But who prevents to get it there?
price dispersion is quite large in Russian stores. You can find the simple variants of the 500 - and up to 17 000 rubles. Moreover, these insoles are not always more expensive, the better. There have only rely on their own experience or on user feedback.