Elena Bat did not speak again in his numerous interviews that the house tries maintain the same purity, Which requires the other. Let's see how clean the house shines presenter at the New Riga. According to media reports - is the first own apartment Chauve, which it acquired before the wedding with her fiancé, Yuri Anashenkovym.

As expected fairy purity as the pitch in the design space chosen white. After several unsuccessful attempts to find a suitable designer, Elena turned her attention to the architect from Novosibirsk - Maxim Dureeva. Because of the huge workload at work, Elena immediately substitution home decoration Maxim. And, as they say, the result was the same impeccable reputation as incorruptible Flying.

From its designer Elena demanded one - choice natural fabrics and practical solutions. However, it was important to keep the ease of interior. huge cabinets in the corridor because of its whiteness does not catch the eye, and mirror only expands the space.

We even managed to accommodate a small piano - creating under it a small niche.

Bedroom owners also kept immaculate white shade. In the middle of the room on the wall of a huge set mirrorAnd the focus of a large wooden bed from canopiedWhich I wanted to see in its interior Elena.
Like any girl, at bat has its own private place - wardrobe. It occupies an entire room.

Be managed in such a huge house Flying help her maids. Learn more about who this Elena Flying can be learned from a movie channel News, which presents presenter biography.