Human health depends on the air that enters the lungs. The atmosphere soar chemical elements due to emission enterprises, transport and other sources of pollution. To breathe clean air, you can buy an air purifier for your home or do it yourself.
All cleaners work the same way. They purify the air of fine dust particles. They use a filter through which the contaminated air. After filtration, the fan blows out clean air.
Popular filters:
- water,
- electrostatic,
- coal.
With two options, buy the instrument, or to build its own hands, look at the second one. Make a multi-cleaner at home does not work, but you can build a simple model.

Versions of improvised devices
Before constructing the cleaner is worth considering climatic conditions in the room where it will be used. For example, for premises with normal humidity, but a lot of dust cleaner is suitable for the production of which can take the filter out of the car.
Devices for dry rooms
In smokers with dry air cleaner is placed for additional moistening task. For human comfortable humidity is 40-60%.
Homemade cleaner can build even a novice. For this you need a plastic container and a computer cooler. Action scheme will be such:
- In a plastic container, cut two holes. They are needed for the fan and the outlet of purified air.
- Screw cooler to the lid of the plastic container. To do this, fit the screws.
- The fans are connected to the power supply. You can use the unit to the 5V or 12V. The greater the capacity of the unit, the speed will be higher. On this depends the efficiency of the unit.
- Inside the container, place the pieces of microfiber cloth. Replace it can be any fabric with a high density. To put them into the cleaner, pull the line in several rows.
- Place the fabric so that it does not touch the walls of the container. This is necessary for free movement of air toward the exit. When the air passes through cleaner dust will remain on a wet tissue. To increase the efficiency of purification, for hanging the fabric to make an extra hole on the side walls of the container above the water level.
Devices for wet rooms
Facilities with high humidity bring inconvenience to their owners. This breeding ground for germs, fungus and bacteria. High humidity damage property. This is especially true of furniture. To combat this problem need a device that will dry the air. It needs a common table salt.
Before you can use salt, dry it in the oven. This will help her to fully perform their functions.
In the manufacture of cleaner air drying and cleaning isplzuetsya the same instructions as for the design of cleaner for dry rooms. Except for the fan, whose power should be 5V. Otherwise, salt smashed through the container. Change in salt water layer of 3-4 cm.
One can increase the efficiency of the cleaner by replacing the salt on silica gel. He better absorb moisture. Silica gel is non-toxic. This substance can be found in boxes with shoes.
Careful use of silica gel, if the house is a child. Kid can poison material.
Spreading silica Chinese online stores in a variety of packaging. The main advantage is to use a small amount to get the same effect.
The silica gel was stained in blue, who works as an indicator. The substance changes color to pink when the moisture content reaches a maximum. The crystals can be reused. For this purpose silica gel is dried in a microwave oven for eight minutes. Microwave power at the time of drying should be minimized.
with a charcoal filter apparatus
In areas with a smell of cigarette smoke filter is used as activated carbon. It removes from the air toxics. To make the air purifier with their hands, the following algorithm:
- Cut the sewer pipe of 200 mm to 77 mm. The pipe, which is inserted into a size of 150 mm should be up to 75 mm. On all sections, remove burrs.
- Thick side pipe direct upward. Cut the slips for maximum fit to the plug.
- Make the inner tube a maximum number of holes.
- The outer tube is made of 30 mm diameter holes.
- Do not dispose of waste. They will turn spacers.
- Obtyanite agrovoloknom both tubes. Sew agrovoloknom for fixing. To be safe, use a nylon thread.
- Obtyanite outer tube masking grid. Sew the grid using two clamps.
- Sew the entire length of the grid.
- Surplus agrovoloknom grid and remove the forceps and scissors.
- Agrovoloknom inner pipe wrap, wrap but still before the metal mesh.
- Secure the edges of the metal tape or a blowtorch.
- The stub insert and secure the inner tube with mineral wool or foam construction. Install the pipe exactly in the center. You can take the strut.
- The outer tube Mount the elements of the inner tube.
- Fill the filter with activated carbon. You can use any coal.
- Clean coal dust. It needs to sift it through a sieve.
Fall asleep coal so as to avoid forming voids. To fill the filter will need a 2 kg of activated carbon. To evenly fill the structure, shake it periodically.
Close the adapter tube with coal. The adapter will cover for him. Close the crack sealant.
When the sealant is completely dry, Mount the adapter into the channel fan. Insert it so that air is drawn into the cleaner and passed through a device blowing back into the room. The house filter can be integrated in the supply air duct.
To make the air cleaner with his own hands, guided by the presented devices. You can fill your apartment clean air, sekokomiv while funds. It is enough to have on hand a primitive building materials and the desire to make a house cleaner.