Moulinex yogurt - a reliable assistant in the kitchen, especially for families with young children. Since the quality sold in supermarkets fermented milk products is poor, the acquisition of yogurt will be the best solution. The device has a compact and stylish design and wide range of functions allow to cook at home, natural yogurt, fermented baked milk without dyes and preservatives.
- 1 Otherness yogurt Moulinex
- 2 How to cook yogurt
- 3 Instructions for use
- 4 Important nuances in the preparation
- 5 A few original recipes
- 5.1 recipe 1
- 5.2 recipe 2
Otherness yogurt Moulinex
Moulinex company is one of the leading manufacturers of kitchen appliances, in Vol. H. and yogurt, which are of high quality and great potential. The company presents to the customers several models, which generally do not differ from each other, have a similar set of features and a similar technology of making yogurt. Different devices may in appearance -.. Design, color housing, location, control panel, etc., as well as capacity and the number of bottles, which are placed in the ingredients for a self-fermented milk products. All models yogurt is excellent "fit" in the kitchen interior, decorated in classic and modern style.
Each yogurt Moulinex has a digital timer that automatically adjusts the cooking time. In addition, the standard equipment includes instructions for use yogurt Moulinex, written in several of the most popular languages, and a recipe book from which you can learn more information about the technology of the preparation of yogurt, the required products and their quantity, and so on. d.
How to cook yogurt
The principle of operation of all yogurt is that the device maintains the required temperature for a certain the time required for lactic acid bacteria and reacted turned into tasty useful product. After loading the ingredients in a jar and covered with their lids can only switch the appliance on and set the timer. During the cooking time, there is no need to open the yogurt and check if everything is OK - oiled machine works flawlessly and lets you forget about the preparation process prior to its completion.
Of products for making yogurt, it will take only milk and yeast - special lactic acid bacteria, thanks to which will begin the fermentation process. For the most delicious homemade yogurt is recommended to take milk home with a high percentage of fat, after having boiled it. If use shopping milk, which is pasteurized, it is not necessary to boil, just enough heat to desired temperature.

Regarding the choice of yeast, there are most preferred dry yeast, a selection of which is presented in pharmacies and supermarkets. Such ferment is specially designed for making yogurt at home and are a part of an impressive bacterial composition. It should be remembered that the diversity of bacteria will help to produce the most tasty and healthy yoghurt.
It is noteworthy that the cooked yogurt next time may in itself serve as a leaven - enough to add a couple of spoonfuls of the finished product in the milk and put in yogurt. The exception is baby food - not suitable for secondary feeding babies up to 1 year product, since the bacterial content in it increases several times in comparison with the primary this.
Instructions for use
Process of preparation of yoghurt yogurt is extremely simple.
- It is necessary to take the milk, warmed up to 40 degrees (no more and no less, otherwise the yoghurt will not work).
- The milk is added starter and thoroughly mixed until the disappearance of lumps.
- The mixture is poured into jars, which need pre-pour over boiling water to remove extraneous bacteria. Thereafter the jar capped and placed in a yogurt for a time from 8 to 12 hours.
- When the time for yogurt will signal the end of the cooking process - you can get a jar and immediately placed in the refrigerator for 6-24 hours to halt the growth of bacteria and give the product thicken.
Important nuances in the preparation
Ideally ready yogurt should not be poured from the can, even if it is turned upside down. If the product has turned a liquid, it means he has spent enough time in the yogurt, if too thick, to separate serum - hence, the preparation process has been delayed.
At this stage in the yogurt, you can add any fruit, jam, jam, honey. However, nothing prevents to make yogurt at once sweet, placing necessary supplements before installing the jars in the yogurt.
Natural yoghurt can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days, but if the product is consumed children up to 1 year, it is not recommended to store it for more than 2 days.
In order not to forget the date of making yogurt, the company has provided the Moulinex jars lids markers expiry. The mechanism is very simple - you just turn the digital displays in the search for the required character.

A few original recipes
To prepare the yogurt in a yogurt Moulinex, should be read with the accompanying cookbook. Testing the already tested recipes, you can start to experiment.
recipe 1
For the preparation of yogurt will need a 2 liters of milk, and 0.5 g of dry leaven. Homemade milk to pour into a saucepan and boil, cool to 40 degrees, add bacteria stir. Mixture pour into jars and put in yogurt for 6 hours. For cooling the finished product and achieve a final consistency should be placed jar in the refrigerator for 2 h. Before use, add fruit or berries taste - fresh or mashed.

recipe 2
It will take 2 tbsp. l. Slide-milk powder, 190 grams vanilla yogurt, 1 liter of skim milk, 3 parts. l. vanilla extract, sugar (the rate of 1 h. l. 1 jar yogurt). Mix dry milk and yogurt, to add to a mixture of 150 ml of cold milk, then add sugar and vanilla extract. The remaining milk is heated to 40 degrees, and add to the mixture. Pour into jars and put in yogurt for 8 hours. After switching off the device to move the jars prepared with yogurt in the refrigerator for at least 6 hours.