When you want to place the furniture and appliances in the small kitchen, built-in appliances - a perfect solution for this. Stand-alone device can not fit into the interior conceived and distracting from the overall color style cuisine. Built-in refrigerator is suitable for apartments with non-standard layout. Also with this arrangement, the device will reduce energy consumption by additional insulation walls and furniture reduce cold losses.
We need to calculate the dimensions of the body. By measuring the width, depth and height, you need to find a place in the kitchen with the right size furniture. The inner walls of the headset must comply with the dimensions of the refrigeration unit. If the dimensions are the same, in the closet, you can hide a normal refrigerator.
Saving kitchen space should not exclude the stylistic component. Facing cabinet assembled by yourself, should visually combined with other furniture, to fit into the overall design.
It is important to take into account the system of false doors. Manufacturers equip appliances and furniture under the insertion of loops articulated or provide a place for the installation of fastening systems. Catching the assembly or manufacture of the cabinet under the fridge with your own hands, you need to take into account the location of the doors, side mounting loops to the sash open in the right direction.
Before you build a refrigerator in a cabinet, you must choose the weight of the doors for even distribution of weight on the hinge mechanisms. This will depend on the work of construction. Therefore it is better to choose a strong and lightweight material - laminated chipboard. Furniture made of chipboard can be washed with a sponge and detergent.
Cutting out and making the headset elements of such material does not require expertise or special equipment, which is convenient for beginners or masters of self-study.
necessarily take into account that the refrigerator is put directly on the floor assembly before the embedded structure. Wardrobe assembled without the bottom, so the need to firmly secure the side and rear walls. It is also possible to mount components with metal corners.
The calculation must take into account the size of space for free opening of the door. The rear part is mounted with a supply of free space, so as not to disturb the ventilation and heat dissipation from the capacitor. For a wire with a plug hole is made.
Wiring safety - a key aspect of the installation. To observe it, just follow the enclosed instructions, which describes the rules provided by the manufacturer for specific model. For the purpose of cooling the working parts essential free circulation of air at the back wall. When mount their own, be sure to leave a gap at the top. Lumen must be from five to fifteen centimeters, otherwise it will overheat and break the device.
Errors during collection and enclosure installation apparatus will lead to disruption of the temperature of the refrigerating compartment mode failure of the sensor or the entire device.
If you are unsure of your skills should involve a specialist. Wizard installs quickly, observing the necessary technical requirements and a guarantee on their work.
Into the cupboard

Under the working area in the kitchen worktop, or it may be convenient to arrange the models of small refrigerators to eighty centimeters. Their storage capacity - up to one hundred and fifty liters. If this size is not enough, you can horizontally accommodate two such apparatus. one refrigerator into two chambers suitable for vertical placement.
Two-compartment units above one and a half meters from the edge put home furnishings. To this model fit into the design, it can be made part of the kitchen corner.
Space saving with a conventional refrigerator can not turn - the thickness of the walls of the enclosure together with the housing unit is increased the design dimensions. Therefore it is better to choose a model for unpackaged headset.
In the kitchen

Ready-built model set is not difficult. Need installation tools and manual labor. After selecting the visual style of the room you need to prepare the site and remove unnecessary things. To connect the device should not use extension cords, and allocate a separate outlet. The wires can be hidden at the back of the headset. Long wires stretch under flooring or thresholds used by the channel electrically.
Refrigerator inserted into the allotted space. Part of the kitchen units can be rearranged and clean to your taste. High skirting machines cover the bottom to fit into the style of the room. Low refrigerators can be covered worktop, extending the useful workspace.
Models without exterior trim convenient in that they can choose a lining - can decorate the facade of the refrigerator under the headset module using wooden plates or fine panels.
Materials and tools
Installation of a new refrigerator into the furniture, start with a collection of tools:
- facing panels;
- yardstick;
- chalk or marker;
- hardware (threaded bolts, screws, washers, angle);
- screwdriver, drill;
- hammer, handsaw, jigsaw;
- Fittings (handles, hinges, hangers).
Measure the dimensions of the device, start marking and cutting out cabinet panels scheme. Wood chip material being cut with a hacksaw, solid wood - jigsaw. The cut parts are to consolidate hardware.
After assembly check the size of the body, the correct performance of the slits for ventilation and wiring. If you can not make a slit on top, drilled rear wall in several places. After completing the training places can be directly embedded in the kitchen fridge.
After preparing the place and the cabinet for installation, the installation is carried out as follows:
- New refrigerator is removed from its packaging, remove the mounting transportation.
- The device is inspected for possible defects. Connecting work is checked to outlet: compressor must not emit noise when opening the door to be switched light.
- On the outer side mount hinges for doors.
- The device is installed in the cabinet opening. The position and tilt adjust plumb and level building. With proper provision precludes overheating or engine noise.
- On uneven floors line the twisting device feet or screws on the bottom of the case.
- Mounted cladding, interior shelves, drawers.
- Refrigerator checked for stability, smoothness of door opening.
- Include in the outlet, re-test the compressor and electronics.
Modular machinery decorates the house and saves space. Self-installation will not cause complications after studying the data sheets of the device. In the absence of experience or uncertainty resulting from mounting their own hands, call a service technician. It will help avoid breaking new refrigerator.