In hot summer weather the most budget air conditioner is becoming one of the most necessary household appliances. Among all models, which provide a favorable atmosphere in the room is the easiest for the installation of window unit. It is therefore necessary to deal with how to install the air conditioner in the window.
However, these problems are not critical to the functionality of the device. All this can be easily eliminated or reduced to a minimum, if it is properly installed.
installation algorithm
Window air conditioner does not require special skills and experience in the process of work. You can install it yourself if you will be on hand the necessary tools, knowledge installed and action sequences.
The work can be divided into two stages:
- Preparing to install;
- mounting.
Training It will prevent errors that prevent normal operation. It involves careful study of the instructions, site selection, training tools with the necessary materials.
installation sequence includes the preparation of the opening; the installation of the mounting frame and placing it on the air conditioner, electrical connection.
It always comes. The study can not be ignored instructions to complete the installation on the eye. It is necessary to keep on hand at all stages of installation.

Selecting a location
The choice of the place where the window air conditioner depends on its effectiveness, safety of the elemental base is located, life. When planning to install window air conditioner you need to provide the following:
- The height from the floor must be from 75 to 150 cm.
- The distance between the outer panel and the nearest outer barrier should be at least 50 cm.
- It is necessary to protect the unit from snow, mud and rain.
- Avoid prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, placing the air conditioner on the south or north side.
- There must be enough space for the fastening of a protective visor.
- It is necessary that the body was blown by air from all directions, providing heat.
- Distance to the electrical outlet must provide connectivity without the need to use an extension cord.
- The window or wall for wall installation option should be strong enough to withstand the weight of the unit.
- Between the window frames should be a gap no more than 25 cm, and in excess of this figure needed ventilator.
- Furniture should not block the air conditioning to be able to service it.
Consider - plastic window complicates installation and requires more time.

Self-install window air conditioner will not work without a set of tools required. Have to drill holes to tighten the screws, cut wood or plastic depending on the installation in wood or plastic window.
Included should be:
- tape for marking;
- punch with a set of drills of different diameters and destination (for metal, wood, stone);
- bolgarka jigsaw or to cut a desired size frame;
- Roller glass cutter for glass;
- Screwdriver Set;
- building level for horizontal alignment.
To mount the device, followed by reduction of tightness and aesthetic premises need a set of materials:
- metal furniture and a corner for strengthening the wall or the window opening, as well as the manufacture of the frame, if it is not complete;
- screws;
- white silicone sealant to seal the small holes;
- latex paint;
- foam to eliminate large gaps.
Window hole
The most time-consuming operation, which determines the strength of the attachment and correct operation of the equipment. Start at the visual evaluation of the window frame or wall strength, its ability to hold a lot of weight.
If the safety factor is not enough - it is possible to strengthen the metal window opening area. When the markup should be remembered that the opening size should be 10-15 cm larger corner dimensions. To install it in the window, remove the glass, fix jumper cut the glass to size reduced frame and put it back into place.

Mounting frame and the removable casing
After the preparation of the opening should be placed in its frame and firmly secure it to the mounts that come in the kit. In the case where the frame is not it will have to make on their own, taking into account the size of the air conditioner. Particular attention should be paid to the structural strength. The frame should be mounted with a slight slope outwards from 1 to 3 cm, to provide a flow of condensate.
In the market there are models with a removable cover, for which the mounting frame is not necessary. All operations are carried out with the casing, and then mounted to the device itself.
Placing the air conditioner
The equipment should be placed so that intaking grille completely went outside and were opened for good air circulation.
After that you need to close the existing gaps. If they are too big - you can use wood panels, foam plastic or other materials. To remove small gaps suitable foam seal and sealant. With some models, the gasket supplied.
drain hose
If the equipment is installed in an urban high-rise building, the condensate drain to the street is undesirable. In this case, the drain hose, which is connected to the drain hole.
For a free flow of water is necessary to make sure that he did not have folds and air pockets, and the open part is not in contact with the ground or the drainage capacity.
Electrical connection
Low-power models can be powered by existing electrical wiring. And to connect a powerful and energy-intensive equipment to the power supply line is recommended that a separate fuse.
Do not forget about the device is grounded, all the elements which need to firmly fix. If the experience to install additional wiring is not enough - it is better to call an electrician.
Include air conditioning at the end of installation only after careful verification of correctness of performance of actions and compliance with safety standards.
Before starting work, you need to objectively assess their strength and determine the possibility of proper installation. If no such certainty - please contact a professional installer.
At all stages, regularly check their steps as instructed. This will help to avoid annoying errors that can not only damage the unit, but also cause a health hazard.