Human health depends on the quality of the air he breathes. In nature, especially in mountainous areas, the air is saturated with negative ions. Therefore it is easy to breathe, and we rarely remember about diseases. To our homes it was not less useful air proizvoliteli offer to install the air ionizer for the apartment.
Air ionizers - a device that generates gas ions with a negative charge. Opinions about the device are different, so you need more to understand its benefits and principle of operation.
- 1 What is an ionizer and who to buy it
- 2 Operating principle
- 3 types of devices
- 3.1 B, depending on the destination
- 3.2 At the place of use
- 4 benefits ionizer
- 5 Negative influence
- 6 How to make the right choice
What is an ionizer and who to buy it
The apartments have more household appliances, which increases the number of positively charged ions in the air. Vehicle exhaust smoke and factory chimneys lower content of light ions with a negative charge.
The man is full of strength and health through ion-minus, and for this purpose the air ionizer.
Aeroions - a charged gas particle. Man needs a gas saturated with light air ions with a minus sign. Getting on airway mucous aeroions losing their charge by activating production of biologically active substances. These air ions generates an ionizer.
In nature, the atmosphere ionization occurs naturally under the influence of lightning and cosmic rays. But in an abundance of sources which consume electricity and issuing harmful radiation. Natural background does not have time to recover.
Especially there is a shortage in enclosed spaces, where it is constantly working appliances. The ion concentration is below the normal rate of 15 times. By evening, the person feels tired and depressed.
Ionizer recommended:
- families with children;
- elderly people;
- suffering from colds or asthma;
- during the exacerbation of acute respiratory diseases and influenza;
- the people working at the computer.
Operating principle
The main purpose of the ionizer - saturate the nitrogen and oxygen air ions. The device creates a level that can produce negative ions zaryaennye. Dust and germs are positively charged.
The device attracts dust particles from the air, cleaning it. The dust is precipitated on the floor and other surfaces. Remove it from there can be a simple wet cleaning.
Dust and germs from the air will not be possible to remove without special device.
The unit is changing the balance of ions in the whole house. It reduces the concentration of harmful bacteria for 2-3 hours and removes the smoke from the kitchen for 5-7 minutes.
Removes negative ions generator radiation from electrical appliances.
It can be used at home and in offices.

Features of use:
- generator work effectively it needs to be correctly set;
- in the room, which are most of all, hang on the wall or ionizer lock on the table;
- to neutralize the radiation from the TV or the computer, place the device between a man and a radiator or hang on the wall 50 cm above the monitor;
- the device does not produce oxygen, so regularly ventilate the apartment;
- include it in the rooms with the windows closed;
- leave the room in the first 15 minutes to allow the air to be purified;
- raspolayte generator operating at 03.01 meters from the person, depending on the power;
- when a headache turn it off for a day;
- smoking near the operating device harm respiratory organs;
- together with generator purchase air cleaner to clean air is enriched with negative ions.
types of devices
B, depending on the destination
Generators are often issued with air purifiers, improving air quality.
Air ionization function remove dust, cigarette smoke and bacteria. Combine ionization with the humidifier.
Multi complexes. Curative atmosphere saturating ions cleansing and moisturizing.
Salt lamps. Luminaire, which cover is made from a natural salts. When heated allocated light negative ions, providing for human therapeutic effect.
Ionizers are available with one polarity and two. Bipolar immediately with two charges: positive and negative. Unipolar allocates only negative air ions. An advantage of bipolar that it generates ions with different charges.
At the place of use
The home is designed for use only in the apartments.
Automobile runs on road network, cleans the air and the exhaust of unburned gases fatigue.
Generator for a private or a country house with a large capacity, covering a large area.
Office is designed to cleanse the atmosphere in rooms with lots of people.
Air Iionizator for human benefit or harm - opinions are divided even among doctors.
benefits ionizer
The manufacturers claim that if the appliance constantly, viral and colds stop. The customer reviews note being the improvement, removal of allergy symptoms, a surge of strength and normalization sleep.
Device equalizes the number of charged particles, reducing harmful radiation of magnetic field from the electric appliance.
Eliminates bacteria in the room, it stops the development of influenza and acute respiratory disease.
It protects against harmful emissions artificial materials: linoleum, plaster and others.
Ionized air activates all processes in the body. Increasing efficiency, accelerating metabolism. Activated antibodies and immune system strengthening.
Treated air normalize cerebral blood flow, activated thought processes. In the elderly improves memory.
Air ions have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system, improves skin and hair.
The man is easier to cope with stress and insomnia.
The apartment is easier to breathe and neutralized the effect environmental appliances.
Negative influence
Aeroions charging device and energizes us. But there are contra-indications, when such activity can be harmful.
Apparatus charges all air particles, including dust and bacteria. Therefore, before using a wet cleaning.
It can be dangerous for people with cancer. Activates all processes in the body, including cancer cell growth.
Accelerating metabolism, body temperature increases ionization.
Harmful use the unit after surgery or inflammation.
Device harmful for allergic diseases, which give a reaction to the charged air.
Do not use in a child's room up to 1 year.
How to make the right choice
There are some basic criteria for the selection:
- Main specifications - the concentration of negative ions per square centimeter, the recommended 400-50000.
- The volume of the room should be more than that, which is designed humidifier.
Choose depending on the floor area and concentration thereof appliances. The more unnecessary radiation, the greater the required capacity.
Scientific studies have shown that poor air quality reduces a person's life by 10 years. Ionizers reduced to enliven the composition of the air and bring the healing nature of the atmosphere in our house. Properly use the product, taking into account the contraindications and he will only bring health into your life.