Home appliances regularly updated and improved features unusual design. Not so long ago appeared on the market wall-washing machine. It differs from the classical washing machines.
Model differs from the others stiralok unusual method of installation and compactness. Due to its size, the machine refers to the line of "mini".
Of the internal differences can distinguish absence pump and a pump for pumping water. The remaining components are almost duplicates of classical equipment.
Wall washing machines has yet to form the requirements for functionality and design in its segment. The most successful development is considered to be Wall Washer daewoo electronics dwd cv701pc.

Wall placing washing machine has advantages of compact technology:
- easy installation;
- low power consumption;
- saving space;
- transportation convenience.
Models have a spectacular appearance. Wall Washing machine Daewoo Electronics supports the advanced software. With small dimensions it performs all the necessary functions.
The small size causes some disadvantages:
- Wall machines provide in-class linen washing. Perhaps in the future will be added to the washing classes. Spin and Rinse now the highest quality.
- Mounting features limit the size of the drum, the maximum amount of 4 kg.
- The cost of these stiralok above normal.
Overview hanging machines Daewoo
In mass production so far only launched Daewoo Electronics DWD cv701pc. The compact body of the machine has a sleek design that will fit into the bathroom in style hi-tech. By design, the machine should be complementary to standard stiralku. Use it was assumed for a quick refreshment of linen because it is quieter in operation and economical. After all, if you want to wash a shirt, use a larger machine does not make sense.

Settings and equipment
- Maximum load 3 kg.
That's enough for one person, but not enough for a large family.
- The spin speed of 700 rev / min. Class C is enough to do not with the clothes dripping, but it is necessary to continue drying on a clothesline or a battery.
- The water should flow out of the car by gravity, as is high. The drain pump is not provided for in the design.
- There are 6 programs for washing any clothes in the control unit. The maximum temperature is heated to 60 °.
- "B" class of washing can be used for things with light pollution. White things will not be able to receive.
- Machine weight 17 kg.
- Dimensions 55h29h60 see.

- compact and narrow the machine does not take up space on the floor;
- if hung properly, it is easy to load things;
- stylish design fits into the interior;
- due to the short wash program is quick;
- quiet operation;
- It saves water and electricity;
- has no analogues on the market;
- assembly in South Korea guarantees high quality.
- due to the small amount of load machine is not suitable for heavy weight items;
- in comparison with the traditional outdoor stiralka, the quality and intensity of washing pressed below;
- few experienced craftsmen are able to complete the installation;
- the cost is above average.
According to the results of the test washing machine hanging, experts say its effectiveness. Unable even to wash expressed pollution, but the result is not up to class A. Compared to the Samsung floor machines, wall they do not concede.
There is a lack of vibration and noise during washing. Noise during the spin cycle and drain the water also does not violate comfort.
device location features are very similar to the installation of a floor washing machine. Included with the machine is provided instructions, but often in the Korean language. To avoid errors, Setup wizard will need step by step instructions.
- Select the wall, and place settings. The wall must be sound, no plasterboard partitions will not work.
- Suspend the sheet attached to the wall installation.
- Hammer fix anchor anchor cap.
- Check the integrity of the sewer system.
- Connect the water inlet and drain hoses.
- Connect the power cord. Fix the stiralki.
- Install the filter intake.
- Drain hose make a U-shape, in order to prevent odors.
- Put in decorative boxes hanging the power cord and hoses.
- Vmontiruyuyte cover.
The cost of the suspension of the washing machine is above average, but is offset by the benefits. The owner gets a rare instrument, since such a proposal is not common in the market of household appliances.