Handheld steam cleaner for home: how to choose, reviews

So cleaning is easier and faster, customers are interested in steam cleaners for home. Floor models are expensive, which is why preference is given to hand-held devices. They are low cost, but not inferior capabilities and excellent clean-resistant steam contamination.

Hand-held steam cleaners like your outdoor counterpart. They provide:

  • a tank for filling with water;
  • spots for heating and steam generation;
  • release mechanism.

Features such steam generators:

  • reduced weight and size characteristics;
  • a small amount of capacity;
  • Encased in a discharge device that does not require installation parovyvodnogo hose with a pistol.

Advantages and disadvantages

In relation to the more cumbersome competitors manual models are compact. Thereby:

  • It does not require a lot of storage space;
  • they are easier to work in confined spaces (machine shop);
  • small volume tank requires large amounts of energy to heat whereby savings can be achieved;
  • they will heat up to the working temperature required to generate vapor.

The main disadvantage of this type of steam cleaners - a short time continuous operation. Supply of water in the reservoir is consumed quickly, which is why you need to break to refuel and re-heating.

Also, despite the small size, filled with water, the appliance can weigh up to three kilograms. This makes it difficult to work with long arms.

Main characteristics

Choosing a mobile steamer, you need to understand the main technical characteristics that affect the operation of the device. These settings include:

  • capacity of the boiler;
  • mode and time of steam generation;
  • power;
  • internal pressure;
  • cable for connection;
  • Bit set.

Boiler water

Water tank - a very important structural element, which makes the steamer functional and comfortable to use. The main parameters are the material of which the container is made and its dimensions.

steel or aluminum may be used for the manufacture of the boiler. Aluminum container makes the device easier. In addition, it is less prone to the emergence of scale and faster warming up.

Determining the size of the tank, note duration and weight of the device. The optimum amount for a mobile steam generator - no more than one liter. This tank is in filled state does not greatly increase the overall weight of the device, allow the water to heat up quickly and provide a half-hour continuous operation.

The method and time of steam generation

According to these parameters, a small portable steamer outperforms its competitor flooring. The length of steam-device makes it effective in either of two ways to generate steam:

  • vnutrikotelnom when water is converted into steam in the tank;
  • cocurrent when steam is generated upon receipt of the outlet nozzle.

In both cases the outlet vapor retains necessary for effective cleaning temperature. Due to a small reservoir steam is generated quickly. And it is possible to use a pre-heated water to accelerate the process.


This setting directly affects the speed of steam generation. Typically, portable steamer does not have high power characteristics. Depending on the model, they are in the range of from 700 to 1600 watts.

For steam generators of this type of the recommended power level of about 1000 watts. This allows you to quickly warm up the largest tank.

The pressure in the vessel

Characteristic determining quality steam clean any surface. Depending on the type steamer can issue a pressure of from 2 to 6 bar. It is better if this level is not less than three. Otherwise, the power of a steam jet is not enough, why would little functional device.

In portable steam generator steam passes minimal distance from the boiler to the outlet nozzle. Therefore this rate can be lower. For portable models equipped parovyvodyaschim hose, the minimum level is 3 bars.

Power cable

This parameter affects the continuity, availability, remote locations. Too short cord limits the possibility of using the device. And to use an extension cord is not always convenient. In the production taken into account cable lengths and devices equipped with 4 or 6-meter power cords. cord length must not be shorter than three meters.


To understand how to select the manual steam cleaner is necessary to consider the device packaging. In portable devices set of components is usually not as wide as that of floor steam generators. The standard set can include:

  • removable nozzle and elongate analogue;
  • round brush for cleaning complex surfaces;
  • Brush for cleaning windows, doors;
  • close-fitting of the terry material;
  • beaker for dispensing water;
  • a funnel to fill the tank.

Some models of steam-supply hose with a gun equipped with a nozzle. Also, the hose can be connected, and other nozzles for comfortable cleaning floors.


User reviews note that a well assembled and functional steam cleaners are usually made well-known brands. Little-known manufacturers do not always follow the quality of its products and the observance of the required technical parameters. Search manufacturer is very important. High-quality, portable steam cleaners produce the following brands:

  • German Karcher, Clatronic;
  • Italian Ariete, Polti;
  • Dutch Philips.


Karcher SC 1 - the most compact hand-steam generator. It is provided with an expanded set of nozzles for cleaning the horizontal and vertical surfaces. It has a small mass and the optimum technical parameters for quality steam cleaning.

Handheld steam cleaner Karcher SC 1


Inexpensive model Clatronic DR 3535 with a small capacity, but with the high internal pressure of 3.5 bar. The set point is delivered to the nozzle and brush cleaning. Auto system is provided.

Handheld Steam Cleaner Clatronic DR 3535


Ariete 4133 Vapori Jet - this model is positioned as a universal device that is equally effective for cleaning all hard surfaces and to care for all kinds of clothes. Characterized powerful technical parameters defining the high quality of cleaning.

Handheld steam cleaner Ariete 4133 Vapori Jet


Compact household steam Vaporettino Power weighing less than a kilogram and increased power. Convenient for long work with his hands. Equipped with indicators included in the network and ready for use. Designed to eliminate light pollution.

Handheld steam cleaner Vaporettino Power


Philips MultiSteam FC7008 / 01 - Portable steam generator, manufactured in China under the famous Dutch brand. With powerful specifications easily copes with old stains and grease. It equipped with nozzles for gentle cleaning of sensitive surfaces. Simplicity of design provides ease of use.

Handheld steam cleaner Philips MultiSteam FC7008 / 01

High-quality portable steam generator with carefully selected technical features will be effective aid in cleaning of a city apartment, country house, garage or car.

For it is easy to allocate storage space, it is convenient to transport and is quickly operational. A purchase of such equipment is not strongly reflected in the budget, as opposed to outdoor counterparts.