Purchase of electric stoves for the kitchen in the apartment will deliver to the owner of the device to connect to a network problem. Guide recommends to invite for these professional goals. But it is not always necessary. The scheme of connection to the network is available to understand and can be implemented independently. It is equally applicable to conventional cookers, it can be used to connect:
To properly connect the new acquisition with your hands need to spend time and get acquainted with the algorithm of actions. He is simple and involves several steps:
- 1 installation site
- 2 General requirements
- 3 The apparatus and automatic tripping
- 4 installation of cable
- 5 Type appliance compound
- 5.1 direct inclusion
- 5.2 How to install the terminal box
- 5.3 Activation via outlet
- 6 Scheme
- 6.1 one phase
- 6.2 The two phases
- 6.3 three phases
installation site
Before connecting the cooker or hob should correctly determine the location of its future Accommodation in the apartment with respect to the connection places the neighborhood with a refrigerator and other household devices:
- The ground on which you plan to install a stationary model should be as smooth, so when adjusting the feet provide a stable horizontal position.
- The length of the wires and the distance from the place of connection to the device should allow the device to move freely without tripping.
- Ten normal appliance can heat up to 100 ° C, it is not recommended to place electric cooker or hob near the refrigerator.
- The hot spots can lead to melting of plastic furnishings.
- Induction cooker hob or similar as undesirable places near the refrigerator or other appliances, generated by its electromagnetic field has a negative impact on their work.
General requirements
Correctly connect the electric stove or cooktop with their hands do not get no respect for certain hardware requirements. The apartment this can be done much easier and faster.
Typically, in an apartment high-rises standard connection of these devices to the network is already mounted a separate wire, through a specially provided socket. This saves time and allows you to quickly connect the stove or cooktop.
Owners of private homes to perform all work associated with the wire, and the installation of other equipment will have on their own or with an invitation to the expert. In this case, you should use:
- three-core cable with copper with a section from 4 to 6 mm, depending on its length;
- under individual automatic electric oven for installation in a panel 32 or 40A in accordance with the cross section of wire;
- Residual current device;
- affordable way to earth.
The apparatus and automatic tripping
RCD and avtootklyuchatel are mandatory element of the kit, which is used to independently connect any appliance to the network. Their presence will prevent the unit from the power failure and premature failure:
- Next they are placed on the mounting rail to the counter.
- The nominal value of the RCD should be more automatic.
- RCD is connected to the upper counter-phase and zero respectively mount.
- Lower terminals used for connection to the machine and output to zero.
- If a single pole automatic, zero RCD terminal is connected to the zero bus.
- When bipolar zero terminal is connected to the corresponding terminal machine.
- The lower mounting machine put a phase and neutral conductors of three-core wire.
- If the machine is a single-pole neutral wire goes to the appropriate bus.
- Yellow-green or green is used for grounding.

installation of cable
To connect the cable socket or terminal strip with electric board is required independently proshtrobit wall. On hidden in a wall laying will have to spend time, but it does not spoil the interior. An alternative and less troublesome option often used to house with wooden walls, involves the use of an external box. Shtroblenie and laying in the duct run along the shortest route.
Type appliance compound
Before starting the installation, you must determine how best to use the type of connection. To install electric cooker or hob in the apartment or private house in the kitchen can be three types of network connections:
- direct connection;
- via the terminal duct;
- through the outlet.
direct inclusion
This embodiment can be applied if there is no need to disconnect the hob plate or the total network. He is considered the safest. No additional connections reduces the risk of overheating. If an individual trip is necessary, you will have to install the terminal block or outlet.

How to install the terminal box
Modern plate is recommended to connect to the network without the inclusion of the socket through the high-quality terminal block. You can use the shoe for mounting box, which is mounted outside on a wall or a metal box for flush mounting. The box is placed at a distance of two meters from the appliance, at a height of not less than 0.6 meters from the floor.

Activation via outlet
A common one is connected to the network switch via use with an outlet grounded.

You can use 3 types of outlet for these purposes in the apartment or in the kitchen of a private house.
Domestic production overhead ground, deployed by 90 °.

Belarus manufacture which differs steer contacts at 120 ° relative to each other.

European type, wherein a contact for grounding at the bottom and has a flat cross section.

If you need to install wiring with your hands is not their equipment in an apartment or private house in the kitchen already exists, the outlet should be checked for phase. This is done using elektrotestera.
Regardless of the method of connection through the socket or terminal block or plate hob can be connected to the network in three schemes:
- single-phase;
- two-phase;
- three-phase.
For devices 220 used in the single-phase diagram for two or three-phase 380V variants. Before connecting the electric cooker or hob, it is necessary to deploy the rear side and remove the protective cover from the terminal box. Possible circuit connection is typically printed on the back side of the device.

one phase
This is the most common variant in a high-rise apartment. It can be used when the docking is performed three-wire cable. It is easily done by hand. To properly connect the device you want to use the bridge. They usually come complete with bolts and clamped in the terminal box. If not, you can buy copper connector with a cross section 6 mm Th. Five of the six screws connect the two buses:
- a bus connects the bolts indicated by letter «L» numbered 1, 2, 3;
- second - is used for compounds numbers 4 and 5, designated by letter «N»;
- the latter remains free and is used for grounding.
When connecting wires as follows:
- phase (black or brown) on L1,2 or 3;
- zero (blue) on the N4 or 5;
- is used for grounding the sixth terminal with PE label.

The two phases
Such a scheme is often used for private homes, but it can be used in the apartment. Docking is performed chetrehzhilnym wire. In this case:
- one jumper is placed on the L1 and L2;
- the other on the N4 and N5;
- L3 and ground screw remain free.
To connect such a scheme:
- yellow vein is placed on the phase A consisting of L1 and L2 terminals connected by a bridge;
- lived in the red winding is adjacent to terminal L3;
- blue put on zero N4 and N5, stacked bridge;
- yellow-green is for earth.

three phases
This option is designed for a private home in the apartment, such a scheme is seldom used. Despite the apparent complexity of its just as easy to implement your own hands. Cable runs of four or five wires. There is only one bus for connecting the adjacent zero N1 and N2 terminals. The cores must be connected in the following order:
- for phase A, the contact L1 is yellow;
- for phase B, the contact L2 - green;
- for C phase, L3 contact - red;
- to near zero terminal is blue;
- Grounding light green or yellow-green.

In carrying out all these works with his hands is necessary to take the time to consult with experts. This will protect against fatal mistakes and will make everything right.