Life hacking for the bathroom: when the "necessity is the" mother of invention

Bathroom in any home - a place of constant struggle for comfort and cleanliness, which I do not really want to go to compromise, even when modest budget does not acquire useful tools for this premises. Today we'll show you how to use simple things at the same time, creating the bathroom of your dreams.

Bathroom - not the place to compromise. PHOTO:
Bathroom - no place for compromise

Read article

  • 1 Storage remnants
  • 2 Options for the safe use of gadgets
  • 3 Do not dispose of your old your towels
  • 4 If there is no flavor
  • 5 How to solve the problem of the sliding pad
  • 6 How to cope with misted
  • 7 Storage tubes of makeup

Storage remnants

Savings must be economical. Painfully familiar phrase Russians fully corresponds to the problem of storage including small remnants who have already acquired unpresentable form. How to keep the old pieces of soap in store - the answer is simple. You just need to know where to store this bitty treasure.

A great way to store - an old washcloth. You can not simply washed away the last pieces, but also the soap is no longer jump out of his hands. PHOTO:
A great way to store - an old washcloth. You can not simply washed away the last pieces, but the soap itself will no longer jump out of hand

Options for the safe use of gadgets

In this age of digital phone technology remains one of the most cherished of electronic devices. In it all, and the rest, and work, and chat. Recently, many people forget how wily gadget can be, if not use the simplest security measures. Especially when using the gadget in the bathroom.

Purchase a special curtain with pockets in which you can safely put your smartphone. PHOTO:
Purchase a special curtain with pockets in which you can safely put your smartphone

Do not dispose of your old your towels

Just grab a pair of scissors, cut into strips of towel, weave braids and do here such interesting mats. Home tightly seal elements, in this case, even laundry such mat will not hurt.

Bright colors will make your bathroom a piece of good mood. PHOTO:
Bright colors will make your bathroom a piece of good mood

If there is no flavor

If it so happened that in your bathroom air freshener ended, do not worry. Usually buy aromatherapy oils, one butylki enough for you, what is called "forever". A few drops of fragrant perfume or perfume on the towel or toilet paper will provide a smooth and continuous fragrance in the toilet.

In the same way it is possible to get rid of problems of odor towels, for instance, of excess moisture. PHOTO:
In the same way it is possible to get rid of problems of odor towels, for example, excess moisture from

How to solve the problem of the sliding pad

If you are tired of slips on a rug, use double-sided tape. With a few pieces can either tightly lock the pad so as to best protect themselves from falling.

In this case, you can safely rely on the cover without the risk of slipping. PHOTO:
In this case, you can safely rely on the cover without the risk of slipping

How to cope with misted

If you are tired to wipe the mirror after a bath procedure, use the following life hacking - neatly put a few drops of gel for shaving the surface of the mirror surface and wipe dry with a towel or cloth.

This bag of tricks to help prevent fogging surface. PHOTO:
This bag of tricks to help prevent fogging surface

Storage tubes of makeup

If your bath a little space for shampoos and cosmetics in tubes, it is possible to use ordinary post for the Blind to the bathroom. That way you can always quickly and easily find the right scrub or bubble bath.

To use them do not even need to remove from hanging pegs, just enough to open. PHOTO:
To use them do not even need to remove from hanging pegs, simply open

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