In new building technologies have their drawbacks. It would seem that you choose everything new and modern, and it, like super-expensive antibiotics, a lot of side effects. That's plastic windows: So wonderful, but still not ideal. You do not have to paint the them, and does not blow out of the cracks, and still there are problems. Perfect tightness provides you and your home a disservice: it becomes stuffy and damp. As at the same time take advantage of new designs and create a comfortable microclimate in the house, shared with the editors HouseChief Olga Kravets of Tver.
Hi all masters and skilled workers! I have Vacation home and in it, except for me with her husband and children, my mother lives. I consider myself very lucky: my mother helps me in all domestic affairs, looking after children, and besides, I just quietly behind her. But there are sometimes small household nuances that are difficult to overcome. For example - the question of ventilation. Grandmother have a supporter hardening. She walks around the house and opens a window to the ventilation mode. I do not mind, but heating our InfraSo that the temperature in the room by opening the windows is reduced almost immediately. I just go for the mom after and close the window. They quickly fog up, becoming stuffy, and we are again one by one to make "lap of honor". At a certain point drop, finally undermined the rock, and I began to solve the problem fundamentally.
What is Air-Box
Finding a solution to the problem led me to an understanding of the need for proper ventilation. That was before the invention of glass reinforced plastic? were ordinary wooden frames. They were far from perfect. They were microscopic cracks and crevices, and for long term use and not tiny. These "breathing" of the window, letting the air. Surprisingly, in the house it was stuffy and damp, in a sealed box. Yes, ash pit, and through, but the microclimate in the house was a natural, and then hurt much less.
It solves the most common problem purge ventilation, Which must lay another design phase and building a house. But in our case it was no longer relevant. Yes, the house we have designed and built themselves, so that made a lot of errors that are corrected to this day. One of them - complete tightness of the structure.
Therefore, to solve the problem of excessive tightness, it was necessary to find a way for fresh air without compromising the integrity of wall and with minimal cost. As it turned out, we are not alone faced with such a problem, and manufacturers have already developed a suitable solution. And it is called - Air-Box.

What is the principle of operation of the valve? He lets air in larger or smaller amounts, depending on the adjustment.

Theoretically, if you install such structures on all the windows, you can arrange natural ventilation without ventilation mode that chill house.
Installation of the valve to ventilate
The instructions accompanying the product has detailed guidelines for installation. There is nothing complicated, just need to study it carefully.

That's all, valve is installed and ready to work.
How to use Air-Box
Now climate adjustment in the room - the task of this small device. For the air do not need to open the window, you should only move the valve lever from left to right.

Remember that the way to the left to open it is not necessary, as to completely cover the far right. As for the rest - be guided by your own comfort.
In conclusion, I must say that we now have with my grandmother full consensus and mutual understanding. And in the house no longer stuffy and damp.
Thank you Olga Kravets for more information and photos! For those who just do not care about the device ventilation in the home, such valves - a good way out. Windows will not fog, but the apartment will be a normal climate.
But if you have such an opportunity - still consider installing a full-fledged ventilation system. In areas with a cool climate, you can use systems with heat recoveryThey help to keep warm. How to install a valve - in this small videodopolnenii:
Good ventilation in the room will save your health and save money. By the way speaking, Air-Box, which told us Olga Kravets, costs about 500 rubles. This is a very small price for comfort, agree.
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Photo: Olga Kravets