Garage of sandwich panels: the construction of technology, the use of nuances

With limited terms of building a garage of sandwich panels can be the best choice for those who have nowhere to store your car. We offer a look into the advantages and disadvantages of such structure and features of their construction.

It takes several days for the erection of a garage
It takes several days for the erection of a garage

Read article

  • 1 Advantages and disadvantages of the garage of the sandwich panels
  • 2 Which affects the performance of the sandwich panels for the garage: the main selection criteria
    • 2.1 material insulation
    • 2.2 Plating and polymer coating sandwich panels
    • 2.3 The thickness of the product and connection types of sandwich panels
  • 3 Options garages projects of sandwich panels and metal frame: fotoprimery
    • 3.1 Single-storey garages of sandwich panels
    • 3.2 Two-storey garages of sandwich panels: interesting solutions
  • 4 The preparatory phase for the construction of the garage with his hands sendvichnyh panels
    • 4.1 What materials and tools to prepare for work: an indicative list
    • 4.2 Calculating the number of sandwich panels for the garage
    • 4.3 Calculation of concrete and rebar for the foundation
      • 4.3.1 Calculator for reinforcement for strip foundation
      • 4.3.2 A calculator for calculating the minimum number of rods for reinforcement
      • 4.3.3 A calculator for calculating the number of rods to clamp
      • 4.3.4 A calculator for calculating the number of shuttering boards
      • 4.3.5 Calculator for calculating the number of foundation solution
  • 5 How to build a garage of sandwich panels with their own hands
    • 5.1 Laying the foundation for the garage of sandwich panels
    • 5.2 Erection of scaffolding for the garage made of sandwich panels: the basic nuances
    • 5.3 Installation of wall and roof sandwich panels
  • 6 Garage of sandwich panels: operational features
  • 7 Garage of sandwich panels "turnkey" - price review

Advantages and disadvantages of the garage of the sandwich panels

similar structure have indisputable advantages:

  • small construction time;
  • the possibility of building in all weather conditions, if the material is to choose the appropriate heater;
  • light weight, which facilitates the process of transporting the sandwich panels to the building site and subsequent storage;
  • a small load on the base, which reduces the requirements for floodlighting foundation and makes it possible to build on any ground;
  • presentable appearance, eliminates the interior and exterior. Wide range of colors allows you to choose the right color of the material;
  • hygiene;
  • Low dehumidification;
  • high sound insulation performance;
  • It remains warm all year round.

Attention! Price ready for a garage kit of sandwich panels makes this option attractive with limited financial resources and the timing of construction.

The disadvantage is:

  • increased demands on ventilationWithout which will sufficiently damp inside the garage;
  • low bearing capacity of the panels that are longer than 5 m;
  • inability to mount on the walls of the garage heavy furniture designs;
  • high demands of joints that can become a "cold bridges".
Wide range of colors allows you to choose the best option
Wide range of colors allows you to choose the best option

Which affects the performance of the sandwich panels for the garage: the main selection criteria

Characteristics and the price of prefabricated garages of sandwich panels depends on the properties of the material that was used in its construction. Such products consist of three layers: a heater located in the center, and two outer. We offer to deal with the performance characteristics of the material, to make it easier to make your choice.

The material includes three layers
The material includes three layers

material insulation

If you want to build a garage of sandwich panels, the price of which will be fully correlated with its performance, you should pay attention to heater. The selection can be made in favor of:

  • basalt wool. Keep from moisture and steam. It places high demands on the quality of sealing of sections, which can be difficult to provide in the construction of the garage;
  • glass wool. It is rarely used because of the complexity of the installation work, which should be carried out in special clothing;
  • expanded polystyrene - to easy, poorly combustible material with a honeycomb structure. Low levels of biosecurity;
  • polyurethane foamPreserving performance at any level of humidity. It has good biostability.
Mikhail Starostin


Mikhail Starostin

Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"

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"If you decide to purchase a prefabricated garage made of sandwich panels, the price structure with polyurethane foam will cost more, but it will last longer."

Foam insulation provides the structure of the contemporary requirements
Foam insulation provides the structure of the contemporary requirements

Plating and polymer coating sandwich panels

For the construction of the garage choose a sandwich panel with an outer layer of galvanized steel, the price of which is slightly higher analogues. However, companies offering materials, polymer wheel, PDK, plywood, OSBGSP and other. On the outer layer of the galvanized steel is applied a protective and decorative coating - multicolored polymer. Advantageously pural or polyester. The latter option is preferable.

For garage should be selected panels coated galvanized steel
For garage should be selected panels coated galvanized steel

The thickness of the product and connection types of sandwich panels

Manufacturers offer wall and roof sandwich panels, different shapes and sizes. The width of the wall - 1-1.2 m at a thickness of 60-260 mm. Their connection is usually carried out "in the groove". Roofing width is 1-1.6 m at a thickness of 20-260 mm. They are often placed overlapping.

Garage of sandwich panels: an affordable solution to the problem of short-lived construction
For the same thickness may be different width

Options garages projects of sandwich panels and metal frame: fotoprimery

When designing the garage project of sandwich panels and metal frame can be difficult to determine the structural features of these buildings. We offer to meet with the already implemented objects, which you can use as ideas to develop your own project.

In developing the project, worth a look ready solutions
In developing the project, worth a look ready solutions

Single-storey garages of sandwich panels

If you decide to order a one-story garage, note the following photos:

Garage of sandwich panels: an affordable solution to the problem of short-lived construction
Garage of sandwich panels: an affordable solution to the problem of short-lived construction
Garage of sandwich panels: an affordable solution to the problem of short-lived construction
Garage of sandwich panels: an affordable solution to the problem of short-lived construction

Two-storey garages of sandwich panels: interesting solutions

If you are planning to build a two-storey garage of sandwich panels, pay attention to the following projects:

Garage of sandwich panels: an affordable solution to the problem of short-lived construction
Garage of sandwich panels: an affordable solution to the problem of short-lived construction
Garage of sandwich panels: an affordable solution to the problem of short-lived construction
Garage of sandwich panels: an affordable solution to the problem of short-lived construction

The preparatory phase for the construction of the garage with his hands sendvichnyh panels

Getting to the construction of the garage of sendvichnyh panels with their own hands, should prepare the necessary materials and tools. We offer to meet with them to the list.

By the beginning of the construction of all necessary to be on the court
By the beginning of the construction of all necessary to be on the court

What materials and tools to prepare for work: an indicative list

To cut from sandwich panels needed fragment, should decide on the method of cutting. He can be:

  • cold. require special sawsScissors or a hacksaw;
  • hot. used grinders, jigsaws, circular saw.

Attention! The first method is preferred because it eliminates the likelihood of damage to the protective coating.

To carry out works on filling foundation would need:

  • mixer or concrete mixer;
  • concrete or materials for its preparation;
  • container for mortar and water;
  • fittings diameter greater than 8 mm;
  • materials for installation formwork;
  • shovel;
  • roulette;
  • level.

To install the mounting frame and sandwich panels are needed:

  • screwdriver;
  • drill;
  • drill bits of different lengths;
  • silicone sealant or expanded foam;
  • fasteners.

Attention! For lifting the top elements you may need a special device.

Tool List may be different
Tool List may be different

Calculating the number of sandwich panels for the garage

With the construction of modular garage sandwich panel construction price will depend on the number and value of each element. To calculate the required number, it is necessary to:

  • determine the wall surface, and roof;
  • divide this value by squaring an element;
  • rounded up to the nearest natural number greater.
For the calculation you need to know square the walls and roof
For the calculation you need to know square the walls and roof

Calculation of concrete and rebar for the foundation

Before you order the garage of sandwich panels, the price of which will depend on its design features and costs of the construction of the main elements necessary pre-calculate the necessary amount of concrete and fittings. Foundation typically perform tape or slab. The first is located around the perimeter and one side connects the middle of the front and back sides. The width and height of generally 0.4 m. To determine the volume cumulative count cubic capacity of future base multiplying the length by the width and height. MDF solid foundation runs. For its filling will require more concrete.

The required amount of concrete to be calculated in advance
The required amount of concrete to be calculated in advance

To strengthen the base is desirable to take the armature 12 mm in diameter. Calculation of the required number of runs in linear meters. Out grating rods mounted with cells having a length of 15 cm. Calculation is made as follows:

  • the width of the future garage divide by 0.15 m and get as needed rods;
  • the value obtained is multiplied by the length of the structure. We obtain the desired value in running meters;
  • We repeat the calculation, determine how many rods and linear meters will require reinforcement to place along the long side;
  • and we add up the obtained values ​​are multiplied by 2, since reinforcement done in two layers.
Number of valves is easy to calculate
Number of valves is easy to calculate

To facilitate the calculations especially for our readers edition prepared a series of visual online calculators.

Calculator for reinforcement for strip foundation

A calculator for calculating the minimum number of rods for reinforcement

A calculator for calculating the number of rods to clamp

A calculator for calculating the number of shuttering boards

Calculator for calculating the number of foundation solution

How to build a garage of sandwich panels with their own hands

If you decide to carry out all the work on their own, we offer to learn how to build a garage of sandwich panels with their own hands. The main stages and features of their implementation.

All work can be done with their own hands
All work can be done with their own hands

Laying the foundation for the garage of sandwich panels

Low weight of the base material reduces the need for foundation a garage of sandwich panels. It can perform a columnar or tape. If the future building will be located on a busy, well-compacted soil, enough to provide a "cushion" of fine crushed stone or gravel. additionally mounted drainage system, And is filled with a concrete base under the frame.

Strip foundation is most prevalent
Strip foundation is most prevalent

Erection of scaffolding for the garage made of sandwich panels: the basic nuances

Once the base is fully prepared and dried, it is possible to start the construction of frame for sandwich panels for the garage. Such a structure can be made of metal or wood. For metal frame required area 50 Γ— 50 or 75 mm. All components are welded together or connected by means of bolts.

Wooden frame made of beams of 100 Γ— 100 mm. Before beginning installation, all the wooden elements are impregnated with antiseptic and fire-fighting equipment. metal corners are used for the connection. carcass assembly is performed in the following sequence:

  • assembly and mounting to the base of the lower chord. You should carefully check its horizontality;
  • Installation uprights. They are located at the corners and every 3 m Be sure to set the vertical supports on each side of the space, which will be mounted gate.;
  • installation of intermediate posts, gables and roof sheathing. Rack must be mounted through 0.5-0.7 m;
  • the upper belt assembly.
Mikhail Starostin


Mikhail Starostin

Team leader repair and construction company "Home Premium"

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Β«If a small area of ​​the garage all the walls can be assembled separately on a horizontal surface, and then simply connect to a single structure in the place of installation. "

The metal frame is more reliable
The metal frame is more reliable

Installation of wall and roof sandwich panels

When assembling the sandwich panel is applied to the smooth side of the frame. For fixing screws used with a special sealing washer. The work is performed in the following sequence:

  • align a particular element;
  • fixed upper left corner softwood;
  • control the spatial position of the sandwich panels;
  • fix the other corners.
Regulations fixing on the packaging
Regulations fixing on the packaging

Similarly sheathed roofing. We offer watch a video demonstrating the process of building a garage.

Garage of sandwich panels: operational features

With affordable price, the garage of sandwich panels has a limited service life. Consider the structure of the operation to the requirements that will increase its service life. follows:

  • inspected 1-2 times per year roof and the wall to ensure that no cracks and mechanical damage;
  • eliminate the impact load which can cause deformation of the Elements;
  • Avoid mounting of heavy equipment on the wall;
  • used for the care of the inner and outer walls of the detergent without abrasive;
  • in a timely manner clear snow from the roof.
Better to lay down the ladder on the far wall
Better to lay down the ladder on the far wall

Garage of sandwich panels "turnkey" - price review

What would be the price of the garage of the "turnkey" sandwich panels depends on the type of material used in the construction of buildings and squaring. On average structure size 5,5 Γ— 3,5 m will have to pay about 280 000 rubles. In a similar width, but the length of 6.5 m - 315 000 rubles. Availability of automatic equipment will increase costs. During the construction of their own hands note sandwich panels:

  • Bauset TPL. They have warmed slope;
  • AntiStukMaster Ruspanel. It is possible to select different thickness panels.

Feedback on sandwich panels Trimo-VSK

Garage of sandwich panels: an affordable solution to the problem of short-lived construction
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Share in the comments what you decide: to buy a ready-made kit garage of sandwich panels, or to do everything with your hands, and why.