The essence of any construction calculator reduces to facilitate counting of a material for finishing surfaces or erection houses. No exception and calculator Bathroom tile.

It will help to quickly and accurately calculate the required amount from the reserve to the marriage and / or additional costs arising - fight mismatching colors in the pack and other nuances.
calculation procedure
Which requires the calculation of the line, if the manufacturer indicates on the packaging finishing material consumption per square meter? Let us examine in detail:
- The calculator tiles for the bathroom already includes all formulas for: the area of the walls, the floor, taking into account the availability of door and window openings to places where no tiles will be glued. Taking into account the parameters of ceramics, unit costs for the calculation of the total cost.
- Own calculations tightened finish. The owners may simply not be the time to ensure that the necessary space vymerivat tape.
- Calculations "in the old" may be inaccurate. However, to calculate the tiles in the bathroom too calculator can with errors. For example, it does not account for the thickness tile seam or the use of multiple colors and diagonal slices.

the desired values
So, for the correct calculation of the tiles for the bathroom you need to know the area of a finished surface. Most often get off with a tile floor and walls, but if there bath or shower sometimes impractical to lay the tiles in places "hidden from view". Or, on the contrary, it is sometimes necessary to trim, e.g., columns or the screen under the bath.
The complexity of calculation lies in the fact that now designers are rarely resorted to the classic ceramic packing. And the leading collection of well-known manufacturers include the diagonal, or asymmetrical parts of the composition.

also consider surface condition for finishing - strong differences require alignment, as a consequence of a reduction in the area, therefore, change tile consumption. Undoubtedly contribute to a change in consumption sanitary devices. They need to go around, used for lining defective parts or cut special pieces.

As in this case, to make the calculation of the tiles for the bath? Calculator and are not useless, but less accurate. So:
- Useful schematic drawing. First calculate the background area larger ceramic. Painstaking work. Found area is divided into the parameters of one unit, and thus, there is a number of tiles.
- Similarly fed with decorative ceramic inclusions.
- Add 10% of the resulting outcome for trimming. Including and laying next to the plumbing tubes, cranes and others. Even if the skill stacker high, it does not guarantee the integrity of the tiles during operation. It can crack, crumble - the stock will be most welcome.
Typically, independent calculation of owner-occupied apartments, the breakdown of own resources under repair. Complexity, but they are not insurmountable. For more on the idea of simple design solutions our handy calculator handy. If you know a collection of tiles and its cost, it will allow to calculate the total amount of expenses.
Construction Calculators - useful online tools. The calculations are close to accurate - a great alternative to the use of electronic machines. This takes into account the nuances of the construction process or the material of which the usual calculations or can not suggest either very difficult to study. Video on the calculation of tile - a clear demonstration of home worker: