😍 Unusual fotoidei: decor for the house with his own hands

How to make decorations for the house with his own hands? Ideas interesting works can serve as an inspiration to you. The beautiful interior is composed as a song from the music. And each note is important. If skillfully accents and use interesting materials, can draw attention to the merits and, on the contrary, to distract from the general lack of space. What decoration can be made independently by the principles of how to pick it up for different areas - in this material from HouseChief edition.

Look to the interior: here all the elements of decor perfectly harmonize with each other without causing a feeling cluttered prostranstvaFOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
Look to the interior: here all the elements of decor perfectly harmonize with each other without causing a feeling cluttered space
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

Read article

  • 1 Each room - your decor
  • 2 Interesting decor ideas hallway and corridor
  • 3 Living room: decor for receptions
  • 4 Making bedrooms: striking examples
  • 5 room decor with their hands: children
  • 6 How and what to decorate the kitchen
  • 7 Decorating Bathroom
  • 8 Decor for the house with his own hands from the photo to the ideas and master class
  • 9 Restoration of furniture decoupage
  • 10 Butterflies on the wall: the most simple decoration
  • 11 Lampshade made of paper napkins

Each room - your decor

Not every decoration will fit purpose room. For example, in the kitchen nowhere a huge mirror, and a bathroom would be strange to see a gallery of family photos. Everything has its place, it is the basic rule for selecting items for the situation. Picking up the decor, it is necessary to pursue other goals, in addition to jewelry. It can emphasize the favorable nuances room, or become the center of attention, not allowing some shortcomings evident.

Interesting decor ideas hallway and corridor

hallway - this is usually a small room, devoid of windows, but has several doors. There are set pieces of furniture, without which you can not do: a case for the faithful of clothes and shoes, a comfortable stool or chair, umbrella stand and a large mirror. Mirror in the hallway is able by itself to affect your perception of the interior, because it doubles the space visually. But there are other techniques that can help you get rid of the feeling of tightness:

Even if you have an incredibly long and narrow corridor, you can beat it, for example, so real trunks. They are so unexpected in this place that attracts attention and literally make Gaugeable eye length koridoraFOTO: cdn.deringhall.com
Even if you have an incredibly long and narrow corridor, you can beat it, for example, so real trunks. They are so unexpected in this place that attracts attention and literally make Gaugeable view corridor length
PHOTO: cdn.deringhall.com
Another original detail - the decor in the form of bulk applications. Light like butterfly escort you komnatyFOTO: artsten.ru
Another original detail - the decor in the form of bulk applications. Light like butterfly escort you to the room
PHOTO: artsten.ru
Fairly common technique - the use of photo wallpapers and murals on the wall in a small room. These images are visually break the space, giving a feeling of spaciousness. It is important to perfectly fit a decor in the overall concept so that it looked a continuation of the wall, and not something chuzherodnymFOTO: artsten.ru
Fairly common technique - the use of photo wallpapers and murals on the wall in a small room. These images are visually break the space, giving a feeling of spaciousness. It is important to perfectly fit a decor in the overall concept so that it looked a continuation of the wall, and not something alien
PHOTO: artsten.ru
And this technique accurately push the walls close and narrow room: falshokno backlit create the illusion prostoraFOTO: zuchara-design.com
And this technique accurately push the walls close and narrow room: falshokno backlit create the illusion of spaciousness
PHOTO: zuchara-design.com

If we generalize the idea of ​​decorating the hall, it should be noted that their main task - the visual extension of the space and a distraction from the modest size of the room.

Living room: decor for receptions

Living room - a place for the reception of guests, a business card of your home and the best his side. It is important to show the individuality of the hosts, to emphasize their tastes and interests. The living room will be collected and your family, so that the decoration of the place must meet the interests of all its members. What are examples of original design of this place, you can lead?

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Lighting can be a bright accent in oformleniiFOTO: 1.bp.blogspot.com

Lighting can be a bright accent in the design of
PHOTO: 1.bp.blogspot.com

Green wall of living plants - a popular decoration in eco-style, attracting vnimanieFOTO: mayertrade.com.ua

Green wall of living plants - a popular decoration in eco-style that attracts attention
PHOTO: mayertrade.com.ua

Fireplace, even fake, gives the room an unusual uyutFOTO: roomester.ru

Fireplace, even fake, gives the room an extraordinary comfort
PHOTO: roomester.ru

Bright mural on the wall to make a bold and austere interior originalnymFOTO: vannadecor.ru

Bright mural on the wall would make austere interior bold and original
PHOTO: vannadecor.ru

Tasteful textiles able to completely transform intererFOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

Tasteful textiles able to completely transform the interior
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

In the design of the living room niches and arches are especially beneficial to emphasize dizaynaFOTO: intaer.ru

In the design of the living room niches and arches can be accentuated by design features
PHOTO: intaer.ru

Making bedrooms: striking examples

Bedroom - a place of solitude and peace. Here everything must be set to rest and relaxation. That is why the bright textiles and extravagant decor does not often seen in this area. It is important the comfort and peace.

Unusual and luxurious textiles, knitted blankets like this, will be a highlight dizaynaFOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
Unusual and luxurious textiles, knitted blankets like this, will be a highlight of design
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net
Main accent wall in the bedroom - at the head of the bed. Its design can be quite varied: otFOTOoboev to unusual panels, like those wood spilovFOTO: elitdom.com.
Main accent wall in the bedroom - at the head of the bed. Its design can be quite varied: from
photowall to unusual panels, like those wood Spili
PHOTO: elitdom.com.
Here an important role is played by small cozy details, such as a table lamp or bedside table with a mirror and a soft kreselFOTO: y6n4s6w9.stackpathcdn.com
Here an important role is played by small cozy details, such as a table lamp or bedside table with a mirror and armchairs
PHOTO: y6n4s6w9.stackpathcdn.com

room decor with their hands: children

When making a child's room has one strict rule: all items in it must be safe. That is why there should not be anything sharp or heavy, objects made of glass or toxic materials. The second important detail to keep in mind for all adults: childhood ends too soon, and meanwhile, it is the most magical time. So do not hurry to do for your child 'adult' decor. The room should correspond to the age and interests of the small owner. And finally, the whole situation, including the decor should have developmental beginning.

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Making children's room, leave as much space for igrFOTO: s1.1zoom.ru

Making children's room, leave as much free space for games can be
PHOTO: s1.1zoom.ru

Making room and the whole decor should match the age and sex rebonkaFOTO: kitchenremont.ru

room layout and decor of the whole should meet the age and sex of the child
PHOTO: kitchenremont.ru

The heroes of favorite fairy tales will make your child an excellent kompaniyuFOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

The heroes of favorite fairy tales will make your child a great company
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

Fabulous situation can become a leitmotif in oformleniiFOTO: static.wixstatic.com

Fabulous situation can become a leitmotif in the design
PHOTO: static.wixstatic.com

In the children tolerated the bold and unexpected techniques, like that's such a tree on which sports snaryadyFOTO posted: avatars.mds.yandex.net

In the children tolerated the bold and unexpected techniques, like that's such a tree, where sports equipment placed
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

How and what to decorate the kitchen

Kitchen - a laboratory magician and sorcerer. Hostess or host should feel the inspiration here, and the whole situation should be extremely easy to operate.

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Permissible even such bold experiments as this table - the lawn with this zelenyuFOTO: woodyoubuyit.files.wordpress.com

Permissible even such bold experiments as this table - a real green lawn
PHOTO: woodyoubuyit.files.wordpress.com

For the decoration is appropriate to use fresh and lively greens, from flowers to mini gryadokFOTO: dekormyhome.ru

For the decoration is appropriate to use fresh and lively greens, from the colors to the mini-beds
PHOTO: dekormyhome.ru

Textiles in the design of the kitchen is very important. Tablecloths, napkins, towels, curtains - all this should be subject to the general ideeFOTO: 2.s7.arpaddr.com

Textiles in the design of the kitchen is very important. Tablecloths, napkins, towels, curtains - all this should be subordinated to the general idea
PHOTO: 2.s7.arpaddr.com

Beautiful, unusual and colorful dishes - that's the most logical choice for the kitchen dekoraFOTO: modernplace.ru

Beautiful, unusual and colorful dishes - that's the most logical choice for kitchen decor
PHOTO: modernplace.ru

Decorating Bathroom

picking up the clearance bathroom, We must remember that this room has high humidity, and not all materials are able to withstand such a regime.

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If space allows, in the bathroom you can place additional items dekoraFOTO: italia-domus.it

If space allows, in the bathroom, you can place additional decorative elements
PHOTO: italia-domus.it

You can pick up a ready-made option or order your own image on kafeleFOTO: eto-vannaya.club

You can pick up a ready-made option or order your own image on the tiles
PHOTO: eto-vannaya.club

Greens will feel great in such an atmosphere, but here it necessarily require additional osveschenieFOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

Greens will feel great in such an atmosphere, but here it necessarily require additional lighting
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

Tile, plastic and glass - the most resistant materials in this mode ekspluatatsiiFOTO: vip-1gl.ru/vipberrrt

Tile, plastic and glass - the most resistant materials in this operating mode
PHOTO: vip-1gl.ru/vipberrrt

Decor for the house with his own hands from the photo to the ideas and master class

All the examples given above - the result of work of experienced designers, but it does not mean that it is impossible to reach such heights themselves. You can find a variety of master classes in which there is a detailed description of manufacture of things that can become a highlight of any interior. Here's an example, several options.

Restoration of furniture decoupage

If the surface of old furniture already requires restoration, it is possible to use different variants from simple painting to decoupage. The latter, incidentally, is able to breathe new life into the most "running" options. An example of this - the restoration of the chair:

IllustrationDescription of the action
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesHere's a chair from the last century remained intact and strong, but completely lost its form
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesFor its restoration will need acrylic paint, brush and roller application, decoupage card, acrylic paint and color
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesThe first phase - thorough cleaning of the surface of the chair from the old nail polish
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesNot to leave any traces of dust after treatment is necessary to remove the sponge
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesOn the prepared surface paint is applied in two layers. The first layer may be applied with a brush, and the second - better roller, to leave no bands
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesDecoupage napkin should not be cut, and tear off the edges
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesThe surface of the chair must be covered with acrylic paint
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesOn the not yet dried out paint apply decoupage card and carefully smoothed surface
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesAfter the pattern to be coated with varnish
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesTo make the chair a little dyeing "Shabby Man" type, you need to add in a little white paint gray color scheme and a sponge set off the legs of the edge seat and back
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesThe same paint should go through the edge of the picture to hide it clear borders
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesWhen the paint and lacquer dries, you need more time to walk across the surface of the lacquer spray

Butterflies on the wall: the most simple decoration

In one of the examples given above, the decor on the wall were volumetric applications in the form of butterflies. Make them very simply:

Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesTo work would simply leaves for notes, you can simply white or colored, pencil, scissors, and double sided tape
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesFold in half the sheet and draw it on the circuit half a butterfly or a dragonfly, use different variants of the shape of wings
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesIt is necessary to cut the contours of butterflies drawn on the scheme
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesAt the middle of a finished butterfly stick double sided tape
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesNow just fix the butterfly on the wall decor is ready. Use colored paper to create colorful compositions

Lampshade made of paper napkins

Unusual lamp shade for lighting - bright part of the interior. It makes it possible to even out the cheapest napkins.

Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesTo create a shade you need the cheapest napkins
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesFold the napkin in half and cut the center
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesNow fold the quarters together
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesSecure them in the middle and cut the straps so that they form a circle
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesThen you need to make an incision in the circle as shown in photo
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesEach layer must crumple napkins forming bud
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesAs a result, you get a product
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesBuds need to do a lot for the decoration of the entire lampshade
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesAs a basis you can use ordinary paper Chinese lantern. Well, if its surface and napkins will be a single tone
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesEach bud must be glued on the lantern with hot glue
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesChoose any order of bonding: stripes, chaotic or islands
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesThe base of the lamp - stand with a light source. Such shades can be used for the suspended structure
Decor for the house with his own hands: photos, ideas and master classesSimply install, secure the shade and turn on the light - the result is simply superb

Another variant of the decoration lighting in this small video material:

And what are the options of decor you like the most? Write about it in the comments!