The pressure regulator in the water system: types and installation

How often becomes unusable this technique as washing or Dishwasher. And not always this manufacturing defects or improper use. The most common reason for this are the water pressure drops to water system. Its sharp increase, water hammer and, as a consequence, the need for repairs or even replace the device. But really there is no escape from this problem? As it turned out - to eat. Rescue in such cases, the pressure regulator in the water system. But how to choose it, what to look for in the first place, and how it is set today and we will investigate.

The pressure regulator in the water system
Without this regulator can not do in our time
It would look like the ideal setup similar devices
It would look like the ideal setup similar devices

Read article

  • 1 The pressure regulator in the water system: General characteristics of such devices
  • 2 Design and operation of the pressure regulator
  • 3 Types of water pressure in water supply systems gearboxes
    • 3.1 Mechanical valves for water: the advantages of the piston-type devices
    • 3.2 Membrane water pressure reducers and their structural differences
    • 3.3 Automatic adjustment of water pressure in the water system
    • 3.4 Electronic pressure regulators: they are better than ordinary
  • 4 Install a water pressure reducer with their hands - how hard it is?
    • 4.1 water pressure regulators in the apartment: step by step installation guide
    • 4.2 Where to place the pressure regulator in a private house
  • 5 Adjust the water pressure in the water system: gears and controls
  • 6 water regulators in the water supply: Adjust the settings of various brands
    • 6.1 Features and water pressure reducers model Honewell
    • 6.2 water pressure regulators Valtec and how they differ
    • 6.3 WFD - Water pressure regulator Russian production
  • 7 Summarizing

The pressure regulator in the water system: General characteristics of such devices

The main function of this device, as you might guess - is the restriction of water pressure in the system. With his increasing control is activated, not allowing differences to influence the technique and to protect them. Such a device, besides, reduces the level of noise in the system water.

In our time, such regulators are equipped with all apartment buildings, but because of the heavy load, they are not always able to cope with the tasks assigned to them. It is for this reason it is often necessary to install pressure switch in the water supply at the inlet into the living room. Only in this case it is possible to ensure the safety and long service life of appliances, Water connection.

Important information! Required regulator assembly during installation of the filter with water and reverse osmosis pump. Many filters can not operate at medium pressure, and therefore require the installation of the pump. In this case, when the pump is turned on and the water hammer can occur, which must be repaid. It is up to the task and will handle the water pressure regulators.

A schematic view of a device similar devices
A schematic view of a device similar devices

For a more complete understanding of the benefits of installing such equipment costs a little deviate from the topic and to consider the issue from a financial point of view. The cost of household regulators in the Russian markets is low and does not go to any comparison with prices filters, and even more so in the dishwashers or washing machines.

By installing such equipment for the protection of home appliances can save on repair or replacement of household appliances worth ten times more than the cost pressure regulator. Do not forget about the discomfort, which appear in case of failure of the same dishwasher. Also can be added to such a nuisance, as the need to pay for repairs to neighbors living below if their apartment was flooded.

Design and operation of the pressure regulator

To begin with, that such controls can be of two types:

  • membrane - less prevalent for home devices;
  • piston type - most of these are the set in apartments and private homes.

Such water pressure regulator may be both fixed parameters and with the possibility of adjustment to the required levels. Most often it is for private homes, they are equipped with gauges, while for apartments it is not necessary because of the presence of the primary pressure adjustment on the input of water into the house.

RFE Russian production is not inferior in quality to the Italian
RFE Russian production is not inferior in quality to the Italian

The principle of operation of a piston-type differential pressure regulator is quite simple. It can be compared with normal operation of the ball valve, with the only difference that the piston with the spring does not give rise to water pressure at the outlet, regardless of its level at the input. It turns out that the piston plays the role of a compensator.

The great popularity of the piston mechanisms due to their long life operation. But do not think that such devices are eternal. It is to monitor the status of all control mechanisms on it and install pressure gauges. According to their testimony can determine the effectiveness of the device. Not always gauge must be purchased complete with a water pressure regulator, although it is desirable. It will be available later. Install the pressure gauge on the regulator will not be any work - it does not require any special skills or abilities.

Determine the type of device which is necessary in a particular case, it can only be fully realized, as a water pressure reducer operates. But it is necessary to understand that at a lower cost piston types, their service life is significantly lower. So the need for installation of the pressure gauge above.

Just be aware that if there is repair kit it is possible to repair such a device. But for this it is necessary to thoroughly examine the principle of operation of the water pressure reducer and a device of a particular model.

Such appliances can not withstand water hammer and fails
Such appliances can not withstand water hammer and fails

Types of water pressure in water supply systems gearboxes

Basic classification of pressure regulators can be divided according to the following criteria:

  • Performance - the household, this figure could reach 3 m3/час;
  • Type locking element - a piston or diaphragm;
  • Wiring method - a flange or thread;
  • Maintaining the specified parameters - dynamic (continuous water supply) or static (support at non-uniform pressure);
  • Methods settings - balanced and unbalanced).

Already in relation to these indicators and will form the final cost of the device. Reducers, reducing water pressure, even if they did not originally installed pressure gauges, mandatory fine equipped place for their installation that allows you to do this at any convenient for DIY time.

The same controls may be divided na6

  • Mechanical or piston;
  • membrane;
  • automatic;
  • Electronic.

Due to the fact that each of these has its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the nuances of installation and operation, it is necessary to consider them in more detail.

It looks like a piston device
It looks like a piston device

Mechanical valves for water: the advantages of the piston-type devices

Mechanical water pressure regulator in addition to a long service life and has one more unquestionable advantage - it is quite easy to set up. This means that you can set the appropriate value fairly quickly. You do not have to resort to the help of professional artists. Of course, do not install a pressure gauge to make it impossible.

Typically, standard ranges such regulators - is from 1 to 5 atm water pressure. This is sufficient for home systems. After all, a lot of filters for drinking water is necessary, just the average value of this index in 2.5-3 atm. At the same time provide protection from water hammer that can damage the appliances, provided pretty good. In this case, a lot of models that can be adjusted to a water pressure regulator performance of 25 bar, which is quite large.

Important information! Installing a water pressure reducer will not only help protect the appliances, but also extend the life of the mixer head parts and all connections are water main.

Slightly below we will analyze step by step how to install such equipment with their own hands. And now we propose to find out what they think about the installation of the piston water pressure reducers are those who have already installed such a device in the apartment.

Driving device piston gear with designations parts
Driving device piston gear with designations parts

F1l1p, Russia, Saratov Back pressure relief valve on the water heater is constantly vent pressure, attach a drainage tube was not very aesthetically pleasing. We decided to establish a reducer to reduce the pressure of water. Outputs 1/2, adapters do not have to acquire. Simple and compact design, as well as the pressure adjustment is not difficult to understand. Completely disassembled, it can be disassembled and cleaned when eventually it will start to get clogged with all kinds of scale that could not keep the filter.

It performs its function well! For my money enough to fit the device. Looks passable - silver and not entirely ruin the interior.

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It turns out that the reducer for water copes not only with its responsibilities - it is quite good, and as an accessory.

Membrane water pressure reducers and their structural differences

Pretty bad news for those who already have a membrane water pressure regulator may be that not all models can be purchased to replace the membrane, in the case of its failure. For those who only think about purchasing some interesting information.

And this is a membrane reducer - it is more durable
And this is a membrane reducer - it is more durable

Important! When you purchase a pressure reducer (piston or diaphragm) should ask the seller whether there is to it repair kits. To a large extent it concerns a membrane device. After all, in most cases exchangeable membrane manufacturer not supplying the market. So, in case it crashes (which happens quite often) have to change the gearbox completely.

Here is what the membrane gearboxes professionals:

Lyricist, Moscow: Piston Gear considerably cheaper membrane, but the latter have a number of advantages. Firstly, they expanded adjustment range of 0.5 to 7 bar and increased inlet pressure to 25 bar. Secondly, their use avoids the use of expansion tanks, because they are very smooth pressure fluctuations in the system. Third, they are not as critical to the quality of water, as they have no rubbing parts and is therefore much more reliable.

More to your house:

Automatic adjustment of water pressure in the water system

Job mechanical gearbox is clear - it limits the jump. This its functions and limited. And what about the automatic water pressure regulator in the water system? These devices are installed on entering the house, and are in fact functions do not stop, and the installer. Simply put, the automatic water pressure regulators for pumps are controllers which enable and disable the motor pump. Thus it is achieved a constant pressure in the system steady.

Automatic device can be adjusted along the upper and lower limit
Automatic device can be adjusted along the upper and lower limit

If the apartment such devices are not installed, then a private home, if you have your own well, they are simply irreplaceable. By configuring the required value by the controller, it is possible to achieve equal pressure constant in the system, according to the invoice range. In our time, such a system is quite compact, and the price range is so wide that they can buy almost anyone, regardless of financial capabilities.

In fact, it's the same membrane regulator, but it has some design features. Adjusting it by two screws. At this pressure range can be set arbitrary.

Electronic pressure regulators: they are better than ordinary

The undeniable advantage of such devices in range setting simplicity. If all the usual settings are made by measuring and settings, the electronic regulator pressure water pump is enough to enter the necessary parameters and start the unit. All data thus displayed on the display, including the amount of pumped water.

Good to know! The main part of the conventional regulator has no protection from "dry run." This means that you need to make sure there is water in the system. Electronic same water pressure controllers are monitoring its presence and will not give a command to turn the pump in its absence.

It provides all the work electronic water pressure sensor system water, Which gives a signal to the controller of all the processes occurring plumbing. Of course, such systems are much more expensive than usual, but professionals say that their reliability is disproportionately higher. However, you should consider many factors when purchasing such equipment. And chief among them - is the reputation of the brand. After all, no one wants to throw to the wind a lot of money.

Electronic more convenient settings
Electronic more convenient settings

Another interesting fact is that Russian craftsmen learned even connect such devices with minimal power losses, starting power through frequency converters. Here's what people are saying about these systems, although the views and ambiguous.

Pavel_A: Bought today at Leroy kitaychatinku, now I think to pass it back. Without chastotnika - it's really a stray harmful, either to her needs a special pump with a limited top pressure (with bypass). On your pump, I'm afraid of him to put, although the manufacturer recommends and their corporate-like module, but who knows how themselves will feel suffocated pump output.

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Install a water pressure reducer with their hands - how hard it is?

In fact, install a water pressure regulator in the apartment or private home can be anyone, even a novice handyman - special knowledge and skills it requires. Who should consider a variety of options such installation. Also, we offer you a detailed step by step instructions and performance of such work with photo examples of all actions performed.

Such a device is always set to enter
Such a device is always set to enter

Important information! Although it is possible to entrust the installation of a water pressure regulator professionals should carefully review the instructions for the implementation of such works. Payment professional labor can make a significant amount. But the quality is very upset. It is very crucial phrase: if you want to do well - do it yourself.

water pressure regulators in the apartment: step by step installation guide

Consider the example of connecting the water pressure reducer in the apartment with increased filter flask in bathroom, With access to a bathroom water.

photo exampleaction taken
The pressure regulator in the water system: is there a need to set it?First, you need to collect himself housing pressure regulator. Shown lateral openings are closed with plugs, in the absence of pressure gauges. Subsequently, they can be easily installed
The pressure regulator in the water system: is there a need to set it?Put up the necessary pressure in the system. To do this, loosen (but do not remove!) The central screw and rotate the green knob until the desired value
The pressure regulator in the water system: is there a need to set it?For the installation of polypropylene pipes using a special adapter, which usually comes complete
The pressure regulator in the water system: is there a need to set it?Blocking the opening tap, start the installation. Len necessary to ensure the tightness of the joint
The pressure regulator in the water system: is there a need to set it?To begin, install the sump. He will keep larger particles
The pressure regulator in the water system: is there a need to set it?Once, as a wrap of linen fasten the connection of the gear ...
The pressure regulator in the water system: is there a need to set it?... and set him in his place
The pressure regulator in the water system: is there a need to set it?Here mounted further water supply to the bathroom
The pressure regulator in the water system: is there a need to set it?And this is a drain valve, allowing water to drain the dirt particles, which settles during operation

As can be understood, nothing in these extremely complex like installing water reducers in the apartments there. The main thing - it is a careful approach to the installation of all connections.

Important! The compounds must be thoroughly stretching. But fanaticism is also no good will not result in this action. We must remember that all the nuts are now being made of brass, which when excessive pulling or flax excess may just burst.

Where to place the pressure regulator in a private house

Very much in the system Water supply of private homes It depends on the supply. Most often, the house is connected to the centralized system. In this case the installation of the controller is the same as the previous version. If on the local area is well, From where the water intake is required installation of an automatic device, which is located directly on the engine pump or the vicinity thereof.

In a private house will need to install a pumping station
In a private house will need to install a pumping station

But for all the work carried out is as easy as possible, the manufacturer offers such units already in the collection. Their acquisition there is a certain sense. The point is not the fact that the acquisition pressure switch will function correctly with a particular engine. That is why it is recommended to purchase the regulator is of the firm that produced the pump. Or should consider buying all the equipment supplied.

The electric motor with water pressure regulator for pump, usually located in a separate room of a private house, where it will not be exposed to various climatic influences. If we are talking about a centralized system, the placement of such a device a little different. In this case, usually installed at the entrance of the pressure regulator in the home, but directly into the living room.

Approximately water thus carried out in a private home with a pressure switch
Approximately water thus carried out in a private home with a pressure switch

Important! Access to the gearbox must be free to be able to produce audit, cleaning or repair work in the event of emergency situations.

Acquiring a pressure regulator for water pumping station should be extremely careful. He must not only meet the requirements of the master, but also have characteristics that are compatible with the electric motor.

Adjust the water pressure in the water system: gears and controls

How to adjust the water pressure reducer? In fact, it is not difficult, especially in the consumer devices that do not require the installation of both the limits (upper and lower). Generally, the primary adjustment of water pressure regulators at the factory, but this is true for the relay pumping station of a private house.

For domestic situation is different. But, in fact, everything is easier. But the case of each of the devices has a special screw and pointed the direction to increase or decrease the pressure.

Thus, to deal with this kind of work, as the adjustment of the water pressure reducer in an apartment, can even schoolboy. As for more detailed instructions, the detailed algorithm of actions performed was described in one of our previous articles.

water regulators in the water supply: Adjust the settings of various brands

Quite often we are asked how much to trust the advertising of a brand. We can say with certainty that not all firms are as good as they position themselves. And yet there are some manufacturers, which should be noted. This is the most popular in our country brands, which is no doubt the quality of products. Consider their products, and at the same time and compare the price at which you can buy a water pressure regulator in Russian stores.

The adjustment is made using the red gate
The adjustment is made using the red gate

Features and water pressure reducers model Honewell

The brand is characterized by quality gearboxes with cleaning system. In other words, there is the possibility of acquiring the water pressure regulator filtered water of fairly large particles. It is about such an arrangement, discussed in our step by step instructions. Here are a few examples of models of this brand with certain specifications.

ModelPhotoJoin tion sizeInlet Pressure, atmType ofCost, rub.
Honeywell FK 06 1/2 "AAThe pressure regulator in the water system: is there a need to set it?1/2″1.5-16Prefilter with gear3500
Honeywell FK 76CS 3/4 "AAThe pressure regulator in the water system: is there a need to set it?3/4″1.5-16Prefilter with a reducer and a pressure gauge26000
Honeywell HS 10S 1/2 "AAThe pressure regulator in the water system: is there a need to set it?1/2″1.5-16Prefilter with gear and two pressure gauges15500

It is unclear on what basis is the pricing of products of this brand - for the quality and functionality of all three points are almost identical. Generally, Honeywell water pressure regulators are the most common in this area. They compete very few people can make. And you can still find a lower price on water pressure regulators. Consider the production of another well-known company.

This is the legendary Honeywell
This is the legendary Honeywell

water pressure regulators Valtec and how they differ

It should be noted that the products of the Italian brand are quite varied. It could be load regulators with relatively compact dimensions, and a marker device. In addition, the cost is slightly lower than the previous models the manufacturer. Let's try to do a little review.

ModelType ofmanometerMaximum pressure, barWarranty, yearsCost, rub
Valtec 1/2, HPMembraneWith pressure gauge16151100
Valtec 1/2, BPMembranebuy separately2572100
Valtec 1, BPPistonnot provided1675000
KFRD ValtecPistonnot provided1671300
Valtec 1/2, BPPistonWith pressure gauge1671300

Thus we can see that the pricing policy of this brand is quite democratic. Moreover, any "Valtek" pressure regulator is designed for use in cold and hot water supply.

Rather compact device from "Valtek"
Rather compact device from "Valtek"

Yet one can not ignore the Russian manufacturer of such devices.

WFD - Water pressure regulator Russian production

This manufacturer offers, basically, water pressure regulators membrane. Now we try to consider three models with all their characteristics.

"WFD-2A-M" is produced as a regulator valve. Like all Divide this producer is made of brass. The average cost is 900-1100 rubles.

Conditional pass regulators15, 20, 25, 32, 40, 50 mm
Inlet pressure0.2... 1.0 MPa
The outlet pressure at the draw-For DN 15 mm - 0.15... 0.21 * MPaDlya DN 20, 25, 32, 40, 50 mm - 0.10... 0.16 MPa *
The pressure at the outlet in the absence of water pumpingnot more than 0.40; 0.45 * MPa
Average lifeat least 10 years
Mean time between failuresnot less than 250 000 cycles
The photo gear WFD-2A-M, the value of which is sufficiently small
The photo gear WFD-2A-M, the value of which is sufficiently small

The next model of this product - "WFD-2A-F". Already made in the form of a tee from the same brass. Filter mesh stainless steel. The average cost - about 1300 rubles. Its specifications are:

Conditional pass regulators15
Inlet Pressure, MPa0,25…1,0
The outlet pressure at the draw-off, MPa0,15…0,21*
The pressure at the outlet in the absence of water pumping, MPa,0,45*
Water temperature, ° C5…80
Mass, kg0,5
Average lifeat least 10 years
Mean time between failuresnot less than 250 000 cycles
And this is WFD-2A-F at a higher cost
And this is WFD-2A-F at a higher cost

And another model from this line - "WFD-2A-FC". There are combined in a single housing regulator, filter and shut-off valve. It is possible to install a pressure gauge. The average cost ranges from 2000 to 2500 rubles. What are its characteristics?

Conditional pass regulators15 mm
Inlet pressure0.4... 1.6 MPa
The outlet pressure at the draw-0.25... 0.3 MPa
The pressure at the outlet in the absence of water pumpingnot more than 0.35 MPa
The nominal throughput capacity of the regulator1.8 m3/ H (0.5 L / s)
Water temperature5... 80 ° C
Weight0.65 kg
Average lifeat least 10 years
Mean time between failuresnot less than 250 000 cycles
Type controller designmembranous
And one more Russian model - WFD-2A FC
And one more Russian model - WFD-2A FC

Nowadays, buying in the water system of water pressure regulators have become the norm. Because utilities do not work perfectly, and home appliances you want to keep a little longer. As for the domestic water pressure regulator WFD, then today it is the most well-known and reliable manufacturer in Russia, whose product quality is quite high. Now, however, it began to appear fake it was under this brand, and therefore buy products worth only in a trusted seller. It should draw attention to the presence of all the accompanying documents and certificates. Do not be shy to ask them from the seller.


In conclusion, it should be noted that high-quality pressure regulator in our time - it is a necessity for each apartment or private house. So, do not skimp on this. Especially because the cost of such devices is not so great. But in the end you can get and durability of elements of the aqueduct, and longer term techniques such as a dishwasher or washing machine, filters for drinking water.

Devices of this type can be and such
Devices of this type can be and such

We hope that the information set out today was useful dear reader. If we have questions, we will be happy to answer them in discussions on the article. Write, criticize, share your experiences. And finally, by tradition, a short video on the topic: