How to take readings of electricity meter: instruction video

The use of electricity meters are required to be installed in any apartment, house, organizations and industries. These devices are necessary for accounting of consumed electric power and volume calculations payment for services received. Electric can be different and operated under different conditions. In this review we will look at types of devices, how they work, how to how to remove the electricity meter readings, and more.

How to take readings of electricity meter
Electric needed to monitor electricity consumption and pay for actually consumed energy

Read article

  • 1 What is needed electricity meter
  • 2 Types of electricity meters and how they work
  • 3 Where should be Electric
  • 4 How to take readings Registry induction type power
  • 5 How to calculate the energy of the electron type of the counter
    • 5.1 Reading the electronic electricity meter "Mercury 200"
    • 5.2 How to take readings of electricity meter "Mercury 230"
    • 5.3 How to take readings of electricity meter "Energomera"
    • 5.4 Reading of the counter "Micron"
    • 5.5 How to take readings of the meter Saiman
  • 6 How to take readings of three-phase meters
  • 7 Readings are taken from the multi-rate metering device
  • 8 Accounting for electricity by day and night tariff
  • 9 Electricity meters with remote reading
  • 10 the supply of electricity meters readings How is
    • 10.1 To what number you want to transfer readings of electricity metering devices and how it is carried out
    • 10.2 Where it is necessary to transfer the meter data
  • 11 Anti-magnetic seals for metering devices
    • 11.1 The cost of sealing Electric
    • 11.2 The penalty for failure of or damage to the seals
  • 12 conclusion

What is needed electricity meter

Electric - a device for measuring the amounts of consumed electricity. metering instruments measure alternating or direct current in A / h or kW / h and required for lawful generate electricity for domestic or industrial electrical equipment. Legal connection to the power supply and accounting system provide the ability to schedule electricity consumption and costs on the basis of data received from the meter.

Types of electricity meters and how they work

electricity metering devices are induction and electronic, two- and three-phase, single and multi-tariff. Alternating Electric induction consists of two electromagnets, which are located relative to each other at an angle 90˚. Their magnetic field is lightweight aluminum disc mounted on the shaft. To work it Electric current coil is connected in series to the power consumers, and coil voltage - parallel.

The circuit and operation principle of induction Electric
The circuit and operation principle of induction Electric

When passing an alternating current through coils of the cores in their magnetic fluxes are generated which, passing through the aluminum disk, it is formed into the eddy current. Magnetic fluxes in the interaction with eddy currents create a force by which the disk rotation occurs, associated with a countable device that takes into account an aluminum disk rotation speed, that is, consumption consumption electricity.

Recently, induction metering devices are increasingly being replaced by electronic electricity meters. Electronic, or digital, counters have several advantages over inductive type devices, namely:

  • small size;
  • no moving parts;
  • possibility of metering consumed energy for several rates;
  • calculation of daily peak load indicators;
  • accounting reactive and the active power;
  • higher accuracy class;
  • the possibility of remote reading and automatic sending of data consumed electricity.
Benefits of electronic meters are undeniable
Benefits of electronic meters are undeniable

The simplest electronic system based on a microcontroller measures the current pulses, outputs the data to the LCD and provides protection and local electrical device in case of emergency. Pulse passes through special sensors and to the input of the transforming circuit, is removed at its output. Received pulses are counted by the microcontroller are converted to consumed to W / h and transmitted to the supplier via the automated data collection system.

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Where should be Electric

Installation of electricity metering devices regulated by the Rules of electrical devices (PUE). In particular, according to p.1.5.27 SAE Electric must be installed in dry conditions and in easily accessible locations. In winter, the temperature in the room where the electricity meters, should not be below 0˚C. Installation possible electricity metering devices in the substations and corridors MSB outdoor installation. At the same time in the winter, these areas should be warmed to provide positive values ​​of the temperature, which should not exceed + 20˚C.

The meters should be installed in special panels and heated rooms
The meters should be installed in special panels and heated rooms
Andrey Vinokurov


Andrey Vinokurov

Electrician of 5 category LLC "Petroc"

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"According p.1.5.29 SAE Electric are required to be mounted in a special distribution panels on the walls and niches with a rigid structure. The distance from the floor to terminals Electric should be in the range 800-1700 mm. Allowed height of less than 800 mm, but not less than 400 mm. "
Takeaway counters on the pillars under the open sky is actually a violation of the rules of operation and safety
Takeaway counters on the pillars under the open sky is actually a violation of the rules of operation and safety

Often representatives of energy companies make the owners of private houses to carry electricity metering devices on the facades of buildings. The legality of such requirements is debatable. When installing the meter on the front of the house the consumer loses the opportunity to safely maintain metering devices, as to them can access strangers, as well as negative external factors can affect the device (cold, moisture and etc.). In that case, if the consumer does not interfere with the removal of the meter readings for electricity, inspection and maintenance of electricity metering devices representatives of power sales, the requirement to install equipment on the facade of the house are groundless and illegal, because contrary to PUE.

How to take readings Registry induction type power

electricity consumers must necessarily pay the energy supplier services in full. To do this, you want to take the data from the metering device and transfer them to your dealer or to perform calculations of consumed electricity for payment independently. The induction counters display is on aluminum rims. The model taking into account the device depends on the number of discs with numbers, they are usually 5-7 pieces. Recent 1-2 drum highlighted in color and usually mean watts which consumers are not taken into account.

Tenths and hundredths of a kilowatt is not taken into account in the calculation of payment
Tenths and hundredths of a kilowatt is not taken into account in the calculation of payment

Consider a simple example. So, readings occur 25th of each month. Data captured by the power company on January 25 during the installation of the counter - 0000.1 kW / h, and readings taken on 25 February - 0237.9 kW / h. So, from February's reading of January subtract values ​​and obtain 237.8 kW of energy consumed. Next, the resulting number is multiplied by the value of 1 kW of electricity.

How to calculate the energy of the electron type of the counter

Modern Electric produced in a fairly large range. All instruments accounting of this type have different algorithms and readings indicated in the technical documentation supplied with each Electric. Structurally, most of the models of electronic electricity meters are similar to each other and can take into account the electricity consumption over time.

E-type counters have a high grade of accuracy in comparison with induction devices
E-type counters have a high grade of accuracy in comparison with induction devices

In electronic devices, power metering features an LCD display, which shows not only the amount consumed kilowatt, but also the date, time and other data. Before you consider electricity meter readings, you need to wait for display data required to display and record them. The second way - press the "Enter" key. Probably, that will have to press several times, as long as the display shows the required information.

After the appearance of the necessary data are entered in their receipt and perform calculations for the payment, which is also carried out, as well as for induction meters. You can pass parameters to the subscription service energy supplier by phone or by using automated systems.

Reading the electronic electricity meter "Mercury 200"

Electric "Mercury" model presented in the Russian market of one- and multi-tariff modifications. Devices for metering of electricity on one rate are marked - 200, and multirate - 200.01, 200.02, etc. Some models are equipped with remote control and have several chargeable zones. Regardless of the modification, the removal of electricity meter readings caused by one and the same scheme and the difference is only in the amount of pressing the "Enter" key. Display device power account "Mercury 200" displays the following information:

  • the actual time;
  • the current date;
  • charging according to zones.
On all the necessary information is displayed
On all the necessary information is displayed

Displaying the tariffs at a time, and the data about the kilowatts are read without decimal places. Depending on the instrument settings, indications are changed every 5-10 minutes, which is enough to write off the data consumed kilowatts. Before you assume power at the counter, you need to take the number of kilowatts consumed by each zone, multiply them by the corresponding tariff and the results add up to each other.

How to take readings of electricity meter "Mercury 230"

Electric "Mercury 230" refers to a three-phase electricity metering devices, and counting consumed kilowatt carried out on several rates. The device displays information corresponding to a certain rate and consisting of four digits. In the event that two of these figures are accompanied by marked T1 or T2, then it means that the meter is working on multi-rate system of payment.

Each press of the button allows you to get information on different tariff
Each press of the button allows you to get information on different tariff

Marking T2 is the night zone, T1 indicates the peak area, and T3 - semipeak. For this reason, before you take readings from the electricity meter, and perform calculations on the payment, it is necessary to take into account the following data:

  • icons labeled tariffs respective zones;
  • indicators of volume of consumed electricity;
  • phase icons.

Trohtarifnye electricity metering devices have one feature. We need to take the data for the correct calculation of all tariffs at the moment the previous month. The difference between the values ​​obtained from the volume of consumed electricity for each tariff for the reported month. Figure further requires payment for each zone, taking into account the respective tariff and add together the received data.

How to take readings of electricity meter "Energomera"

Among the models of electricity meters "Energomera" There are several different versions, some of whom are multi-tariff metering devices. The calculation of consumed electric power and charge are performed in the same manner as described above. Depending on the modification, changing the number of function keys. Key to display digital data is signed "PRSM", which means "View." As a rule, the unit has a 2-3 button. When you press the corresponding key information is displayed for each tariff zone.

Calculations payment in electronic multi-tariff instruments, of course, is more complicated than simple induction counters, but worth it
Calculations payment in electronic multi-tariff instruments, of course, is more complicated than simple induction counters, but worth it

Reading of the counter "Micron"

Electronic multi-tariff electricity meters "Micron" has only one button, which is required to press for the withdrawal of the necessary data on the device display. For the first data rate is necessary to wait until you see the mark of the icons T1 and R +. Next, press the button again, until the "tick" of the letters T2 and R +, and in the case of zones more, continue to press the key. Here's a simple way to take readings of electricity meter "day / night".

Only one button, and the functionality is the same as that of the other analogues
Only one button, and the functionality is the same as that of the other analogues

How to take readings of the meter Saiman

Currently, the company's free Energosbyt replace obsolete induction electricity meters and, as a rule, Saiman metering devices. They are the most simple devices, which do not have any buttons to view the information of consumed electricity. In order to take readings, will have to wait until the display will show the desired performance (TOTAL), and then add them to the receipt or the service provider.

No buttons, but it and so will the required data, you'll just have to wait a bit
No buttons, but it and so will the required data, you'll just have to wait a bit

When filling out the payment receipt is necessary to make a TOTAL testimony or T1, T2, and TOTAL. It indicated only integer numbers and coming after the decimal point is not taken into account.

For better understanding, you can view video presentations:

How to take readings of three-phase meters

Electricity meters, running from the three-phase power can be inductive and electronic and are mainly used in industry. If the set type of modern electronic metering device, the meter reading occurs in the same manner as with domestic-phase counters.

The electronic counters stores the information collected for the entire period of operation
The electronic counters stores the information collected for the entire period of operation

When allocating large capacities or use the old sample counters each phase equipped with a transformer. Consequently, when taking readings is necessary to know the conversion coefficient. The data from the meter must be multiplied by this factor, resulting in a virtually consumed electricity. However, easier to use the treaty to be reported to prescribe the calculations.

Readings are taken from the multi-rate metering device

Multirate electricity metering devices - a great opportunity to rationally consume electricity and save on bills. This is possible due to different price for electricity for different times of day. To properly take readings with the multi-rate meter, you need to go through several stages:

  1. To remove the indications you need to press the "Enter" key and record at a time all the evidence tariffs T1, T2 and T3.
  2. From previous readings T1 (at the time of payment) must be subtracted from the current data and the difference is multiplied by the tariff in force in the region during peak hours. These watches are considered to be periods: 07: 00-10: 00 and 17: 00-21: 00, local time, for each region.
  3. These T2 - indications night period, namely 23: 00-07: 00. In each region, the tariff may be different. To calculate the consumed electricity and payment you need to perform the same operations as in the preceding paragraph.
  4. T3 - this data semipeak hours, namely 10: 00-17: 00 and 21: 00-23: 00. Calculations are made in the same manner as described above for the other tariffs.
  5. Now all the data necessary to summarize in three tariffs, take the amount of benefits (if any), fill in the receipt and pay in any branch of Sberbank and Russian Post.
Multirate counters more expensive than others metering devices, but they quickly pay for themselves
Multirate counters more expensive than others metering devices, but they quickly pay for themselves

Accounting for electricity by day and night tariff

Dual-rate electricity meters separated day to day (07: 00-23: 00) and the night (23: 00-07: 00) zones, each of which is paid by his own rate. Let us give a simple example of the calculation of payment for electricity by using two-tariff metering unit. As a basis we take the overall rate - 3 RUR / kW, a day -. 3.30 rubles / kWh and night -. 1.80 rubles / kW.. To multirate Electric expenditure on par with conventional metering devices, you need to for each kilowatt consumed by a night, had no more than 4 kW daytime fare. That is, on the night of electricity consumption must be at least 20%.

Energy-intensive devices include better at night
Energy-intensive devices include better at night

Electricity meters with remote reading

Most manufacturers of modern electricity meters produced devices automatically transmit data on consumed energy with special communication channel. Installation and adjustment of the equipment is much more complex than conventional meters but it gives great advantages.

Counter with an automatic remote data transmission
Counter with an automatic remote data transmission

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the supply of electricity meters readings How is

Individuals are required to pass on their own local branch of the company's power sales data actually consumed electricity. Earlier, representatives of energy companies independently carries out monthly consumer bypassing apartments for readings and checking of electricity meters. Now reconciled on a quarterly basis, and the owners have their own electricity meters take readings and transmit them to a service provider.

To what number you want to transfer readings of electricity metering devices and how it is carried out

Legislation defined deadlines individual gas metering instrument readings, water and electricity. Now the data should be transmitted to the supplier company in the period 23-26 of the month. In that case, if the data will be reported later, it will be calculated on the basis of the average monthly consumption, taking into account the social norm of 50 kW / h. Such calculation is carried out for 3 months, after which it will be carried out according to the standards. After receiving from the consumer or new data readout controller calculation will be adjusted in accordance with actual values.

Modern electricity meters have the ability to automatically transfer data remotely with meters directly to the service provider. It is very convenient and saves time and money.

Where it is necessary to transfer the meter data

There are several options for transferring data with the power company Electric. You can visit the local branch of the electricity supplier, fill in the blank graph of current data accounting unit and drop it into the box receiving the testimony. Another way is to transfer information via the Internet by registering on the official website of the company power sales and gain access to the Personal AreaWhere in the appropriate fields, enter the meter readings of electricity. Also, data transfer can be made over the phone by calling the company's call-center and dictate them to the operator.

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Anti-magnetic seals for metering devices

Some unscrupulous consumers try to save to stop by electromechanical counters neodymium magnets. To combat such schemers controlling power companies bodies mounted on metering devices anti-magnetic seals. Outwardly, they are similar to the sticker, which is located inside the sensor, which is sensitive to changes in magnetic field. The sensor is provided with a capsule with a substance. In case of exceeding a certain threshold magnetic field sensor is triggered, the capsule is broken, and occurs staining seals, allowing the controller detects interference in the metering device electricity. To give the seal original form impossible.

With such seals better not to try something "khimichit" with Electric
With such seals better not to try something "khimichit" with Electric

The cost of sealing Electric

Filling metering devices performed when the primary installation, replacement or repair after the installation. In the first case, the seal is installed for free, and the rest - the price of sealing included in the repair and maintenance services. The cost of installing seals ranges from 100 to 500 rubles (depending on the region). Paid install seals at the primary sealing of illegally.

The penalty for failure of or damage to the seals

It happens that the consumer inadvertently damaged or broken seal with Electric (often this happens when too hard wipe dust metering device). In this case you should immediately inform the utility companies and provide credible explanation of what happened. Because if you do not, or will show a deliberate damage seals, by checking the value metering device without removing large Priplyusuet and fine resolution is determined by means of special calculations.


We have considered what Readout electricity to be transmitted, how and when to do it. More would like to recall that the timely submission of data unit accounting and fair consumption electricity saves money due to the lack of penalties by the energy supplier. We hope that this article has been useful, and look forward to your comments, if you have something does not agree or you know something that we did not cover in this review.