Shelves for the room: how to use for zoning space

Not always we are happy with the situation of his apartment. More often - its footage and the lack of free space for the organization cabinets and cloakrooms. However, in the pursuit of a familiar comfort, we do not pay attention to such a simple, but quite an ordinary piece of furniture - racking. For rooms this may be the only opportunity at least some space organization and for you an additional argument for the purchase of this very simple, but as a functional object interior. We will understand how to use the racks to your accommodation was the most practical andfunctional.

The rack can give your home the much needed comfort.
The rack can give your home the much needed comfort.

Read article

  • 1 The pros and cons of open shelves Housing
  • 2 Structural features of different types of racks
    • 2.1 Floor shelves for the room: types of designs
    • 2.2 A variety of hanging shelves
    • 2.3 Built-in shelves: the most of usable area
    • 2.4 Corner shelves: the optimal solution for a small room
    • 2.5 Standard parameters racks
    • 2.6 Materials for the manufacture of racks: features and functionality
  • 3 Colors and lights for shelves
  • 4 Recommendations for placement of racks in the interior of different rooms
    • 4.1 Location of the rack in the living room
    • 4.2 Features a selection of racks with drawers for clothes and small things hallway and dressing room
    • 4.3 Criteria for selection of racks for a child's room
    • 4.4 Universal open shelves for home without the back wall in the kitchen and pantry
    • 4.5 Floor rack-partition with storage space in the bathroom
  • 5 Shelves-dividers for space zoning
    • 5.1 Functionality rack-partitions
    • 5.2 Terms of zoning rooms with the help of the rack
    • 5.3 Rooms zoning ideas with shelving, partitions: fotoprimery interior
    • 5.4 What is the shelf-partition is better to buy for the zoning of the space: the recommendations of our editorial

The pros and cons of open shelves Housing

If you thought that the racks are suitable only for books accommodation - you were wrong. Let's think about where and how we used to use the racks in the interior? Usually this is areas of the room, where it is necessary to organize a place to store books, Toys, as well as all sorts of items. However, the rack may not only be invisible decor items, but also an important component of it. For example, take his place in the center of the room or to become a kind of screen to separate zones.

What is the important advantages and disadvantages of racks on which experts insist:


  • everything you need is close at hand. No need to look for things in boxes or wardrobe, All at once before my eyes;
  • any permutation you how do not. You can literally within five minutes to restore the gloss or the new expanded items that you need;
  • racks can be an excellent substitute for cumbersome cabinets and bored walls, With overall wardrobes. They will add to the ease of the interior;
  • In addition, racks can be complemented with hidden drawers and pull-outs that can turn it into a complete, yet compact cabinet;

Cons open shelving

  • Of course, these shelves require constant care. Necessarily need to wet cleaning, and periodically wipe all the things inside;
  • these racks are not always withstand a heavy load. They are hard to put a lot of things. In this case, you will be further strengthening the structure and fixing it to the wall.
Visually open shelves did not aggravate the interior as opposed to bulky cabinets
Visually open shelves did not aggravate the interior as opposed to bulky cabinets

Structural features of different types of racks

Today, manufacturers offer a large enough range of shelves and shelving units, which can be used as shelves. Moreover, the structure can be fixed on the floor and on the walls.

Floor shelves for the room: types of designs

Considered classic interior shelving options. Typically, the shelves are arranged one above the other symmetrically to each other.

However, there are variants of asymmetric shelves.
However, there are variants of asymmetric shelves.

Most often arranged in racks living rooms, offices and children's roomsWhere it is necessary to arrange a place to store small things. There are the following modification of racks:

  • rack-partition. This type of shelving is used primarily for space zoning spacious rooms, studio apartments. Such constructions often further strengthened guides.
  • rack-cylinder. Such rotating model is used for storing books, jewelry collections... And even shoes.
  • mobile design - rack on wheels. This solution is suitable for smaller rooms, where design has not only the function of storage but also the screen. Thus rack can protect the working area, to cover sleeping area from unnecessary views and light from desktop.
  • Rack-lattice. These designs - the most common and simple model of the rack, which consists of racks and shelves.
🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only

A variety of hanging shelves

This type of construction is typically not as massive as the lattice, but can be found in these shelves bedrooms or children, as well as Bathrooms. Typically, the article has a traditional rectangular design which can be attached to the wall or to the ceiling.

🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only

Built-in shelves: the most of usable area

You do not even know, what kind of features give you the usual racks. They can be installed in niches, under stairwaysIn the corridors. They can brighten geometric flaws require protrusions or recess in walls or other defects. It is the perfect solution for small apartments in which to think through each square centimeter of the most useful. Before heading to the store, determine for themselves an area on which we want to set the built-in shelving.

Do not be afraid to experiment and use non-standard ideas.
Do not be afraid to experiment and use non-standard ideas.

Another option - the shelves of different depths - so visually it seems to surround the rack.

🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only

Corner shelves: the optimal solution for a small room

If you have not found a site where to install the shelf, pay attention to the corners. Yes, yes, corner racks can you not a bad hand and make a new note in the usual and boring interior. This type of structures - ideal for small areas:

  • a pantry storage preservation;
  • in children's rooms;
  • small living room and kitchen.

Tip! Use visual methods: a mirror reflecting surface illuminated. These solutions will help highlight your rack and make your modern room.

Standard parameters racks

Before embarking on the choice of the open design of storage, you need to know its typical dimensions. This information can be found in any furniture store or shop. In addition, you can make a shelf and customized as needed, but the price in this case would be higher.

🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only

Manufacturers offer the following typical parameters of open shelving:

  • height - 1.8 m;
  • width - 0,9-3,0 m;
  • optimal depth depending on the application - 0.25-0.45 m;
  • convenient height between the shelves - 0.35-0.40 m.

If you are not yet ready to buy a large area for storage, look for modular shelving model. Their selection will depend on the individual characteristics of the premises. Models can be used with different height and width. Some sites can be combined with existing boxes cabinets or wall.

Variants of using a modular design.
Variants of using a modular design.

Materials for the manufacture of racks: features and functionality

Manufacturers offer a sufficiently wide range of materials, from which we can create an open rack. This can be:

  • natural wood - the most expensive, but at the same time, eco-friendly material;
  • MDF- a great alternative to wood cost and appearance;
  • chipboard- one of the affordable materials;
  • metal - such constructions are characterized by high durability;
  • strained glass - visually expands the space of the room;
  • plastic - unpretentious material, it is often chosen for the bathrooms.

Often, to increase usability and reduce cost, use multiple materials in combination. For example, a perfect combination of glass and chrome metal suitable for high-tech style.

It is interesting! One of the novelties - tamburat material. It is based - a combination from two materials which are welded to the sheets. This can be a combination of MDF, chipboard, cellulosic filler or wood veneer between them. Such sheets have a high strength, they are perfectly transferred wet cleaning durable.

Rack from tamburata.
Rack from tamburata.

Colors and lights for shelves

If speak about colors shelves, it can be quite diverse. The choice of color depends on the overall stylistic and color fullness of living. Usually the color of shelving combined with the color of other furniture in the room. The lighter the background, the darker and brighter than can be shelf. However, as the objects on it.

Important! You can use point fixtures or LED strip. It can be mounted on the perimeter. So you will provide cozy lighting at the lowest cost.

🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only

Recommendations for placement of racks in the interior of different rooms

Shelves and racks can serve a bright accent. The lights may be the central link, or become a backdrop for the organization of space. This is especially noticeable when the racks are used as dividing screens.

Functional shelves for books in the interior of the living room and a study
Functional shelves for books in the interior of the living room and a study

The rack can replace a conventional cabinet or set. The issue in the choice of its variations. For example, in the study it can be open shelves with open shelves for storage of documents and books. In the children - hidden drawers for storing items and can vary with open shelves. Today, manufacturers offer these types of racks:

  • Angular model;
  • conventional open rack;
  • racks, cabinets complemented by the bottom;
  • structure with an unusual geometry;
  • open shelves that serve as partitions.

Important! Despite the great temptation, do not overload the shelves with heavy objects. In the nursery, you can attach the rack to the security of the child to the wall at the corners. And in the living room to lay on the lower shelves of a book or other heavy objects that will prevent rollover.

To avoid deformation of the rack during operation, it is important to comply with two rules.

  1. The length of the shelves should not exceed 0.6 m, the better to choose a smaller design length.
  2. If the length of the shelves above it is desirable that the rear wall has been installed, which will distribute the load evenly.
🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only

Location of the rack in the living room

Here are some photos with examples of interesting placement in the room bookshelves, partitions.

PhotoPlacing the rack in the interior
🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not onlySide shelf for placing books in the living room
🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not onlyShelf partition for separating zones in children
🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not onlyShelf wall to separate the sleeping area and game room
🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not onlyCorner shelves in the living room
🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not onlyRack for separation kitchen and living room
🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not onlyLight rack-partition

Features a selection of racks with drawers for clothes and small things hallway and dressing room

wardrobe area - a special space. usually here footwear stores, Outerwear, as well as the little things, for example, the keys or gloves. For all these things must be organized space. It is not always possible to install a complete hall. In this case, the rack will be more than ever. To accommodate the shoe racks can be considered a cylindrical shape. Horizontal models along the wall type grating can be used to accommodate everyday items.

🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only

Criteria for selection of racks for a child's room

The main criterion for choosing a rack-partitions for a child's room - Security: the design should be securely fastened, as children at play can climb on the shelves. All fasteners must be closed with protective caps so they do not injure children.

Another criterion - saving space and roominess: it is important to use the maximum usable space and optimize storage space.

🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only

Universal open shelves for home without the back wall in the kitchen and pantry

The kitchen is placed so that the owner needs a place to store small things: spices, jars of loose products, other kitchen items that should always be at hand. Most often, shelves and open shelves placed above tabletop over apron.

🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only

Floor rack-partition with storage space in the bathroom

For combined bathroom can be purchased for zoning stellazh- outdoor spacepartitionHe will be the separator between the toilet and washbasin. bath towels and cosmetics will look at the open shelves beautiful. When choosing a model, you must first decide on the materials of manufacture. The most practical solution - plastic, it is not afraid of high humidity and evaporation, in addition, it is easy to care for.

🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only

Shelves-dividers for space zoning

Shelves, partitions - one of the most affordable options for zoning space. Usually used for this purpose hollow models without rear walls. They create the illusion of separation into zones. Installation of such barriers do not require permission from the architects. In addition, such a wall pass coverage and make it possible to use the shelves on both sides, which adds to the comfort.

🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only

Functionality rack-partitions

Such walls are quite popular. There are different versions of these shelving: Narrow, angular, with standard shelves and shelves of different sizes. They can perform both defensive (to protect from prying household residential use or areas with wires), And aesthetic - split zone. However, the most important function of racks - storage.

Terms of zoning rooms with the help of the rack

Most often purchased shelving to divide the space:

  • at small apartment-studio;
  • for separating kitchen and dining areas;
  • allocation of the study in a living room;
  • selection sleeping area or zone of the wardrobe;
  • in the children's room to distinguish between zones. For example, games and sleeping. in the living room with a sleeping area with a septum can be separated from the total bed space;
  • kitchen zoning, this is especially true in studio apartments;
  • in the children's room - Department of the playing area from the bedroom.
🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only

Rooms zoning ideas with shelving, partitions: fotoprimery interior

As we can see, the room can be very different. Correct flaws and extend the functionality may be ordinary at first glance racks - offer options fotoprimerah:

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🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only
🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only
🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only
🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only
🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only
🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only
🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only
🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only
🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only
🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only
🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only
🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only
🔨 Racking rooms: zoning area and not only

What is the shelf-partition is better to buy for the zoning of the space: the recommendations of our editorial

Before choosing a rack that will be used as a partition, you must pay attention to the following characteristics:

  • build quality models. This is especially true of racks that you want to use for storing heavy objects, such as books;
  • explore options for mounting. Most often near-wall construction provided with these elements. Your task is to fix them. Can be used as near-wall fasteners and ceiling, this is especially true for models that you plan to use to delimit the space;
  • rack should not prevent the penetration of sunlight into the room, so it is not recommended to be installed in close proximity to a window;
  • If the rack is mounted on legs, it is desirable to be able to control their height;
  • manufacturing material - before you buy is important to check for environmental safety certificate, because the rack is acquired for living rooms;
  • manufacturer - purchasing or ordering the product must be checked from the directory of manufacturers who use only high quality materials.

Now that you know how to choose the right rack-partition for a room zoning, and will be able to buy the optimum design for your home. Tell us in the comments, what model you like the most: we are interested to know your opinion.

In conclusion, we offer watch video that will help make an interesting kvariant rack for the children themselves.