Ants in the living rooms and on the kitchen - a real problem for any hostess. We offer to find out how to get rid of ants in the house active and passive methods. This publication will tell you about how to expel the uninvited guests and how to prevent natural disasters associated with the massive attack insects on your home.
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1 What types of ants can be found in the house and what they're dangerous
2 How to get rid of ants in the house - general
3 How to get rid of ants in the house passive ways
3.1 How to deal with ants in the house by using barriers and traps: select the appropriate
3.2 How to drive the ants out of the house ultrasonic repeller
4 The poison ants in the house, if you select an active way of dealing
4.1 How to find and destroy an anthill
4.2 How to get rid of ants in a private house by chemical means
4.2.1 How to kill ants in the house powders and sprays: proven formulations
4.2.2 Effective remedies for ants in the house in the form of gels and pencils
4.2.3 Microcapsules and long-acting drops
4.3 As at home to get rid of ants folk remedies
4.3.1 Spices and products
4.3.2 Boric acid and ammonia
5 Prevention of the appearance of ants in the house
6 How to get rid of ants in the apartment - Features
What types of ants can be found in the house and what they're dangerous
In the houses there are the following types of ants:
PharaohWhose working individuals have a maximum length of 2 mm, and uterus - 6 mm. You can recognize them by the characteristic light brown or yellow color;
Brown-red colorIt called thieves. Are small. Most often found in suburban homes;
sodWith dark red or black color. Very small in size. They like to settle under the BaseboardIn cracks and crevices in the kitchen;
black bigRepresenting the greatest danger for man, as are often carriers of microbes.
Ants can be very different in appearance
Ants are not safe for humans. Moving on and dumps the trash, they can bring into the house of agents of dangerous infections. Red ants spoil foods, black - bring aphids which destroy houseplants. Krasnogruda spoil the wooden buildings of various purpose. For many in this situation, I wonder how to get the ants out of the bath as often paint some logs.
Attention! Ants bite. In this case, blood can get the infection or develop an allergic reaction.
Ants can transmit infections
How to get rid of ants in the house - general
If there were ants in the house, trying to decide how to get rid of insects, you should immediately make a general cleaning. You need to remove all food supplies in sealed containers. On the floor carpets should be fine crumbs. Exposed surfaces should be treated with a disinfectant.
Having a slit through which the ants, presumably, get inside the house, should be walled up. If you can find the nest, you can pour boiling water. This will reduce the number of insects, but will not allow them to completely destroy.
We start with cleaning
How to get rid of ants in the house passive ways
Not everyone can afford to use harsh chemicals to deal with uninvited guests. In this situation, we offer to find out how to get rid of ants in a wooden house using passive means.
Passive methods deserve attention
How to deal with ants in the house by using barriers and traps: select the appropriate
If the home has small children and / or pets, offer to find out how to deal with ants in the house by using barriers and traps. These can be:
electricalInside which is a bait. Once inside insects are killed by the current;
Traps are effective
mechanic: Inside the plastic casing is a poisonous bait can select Combat Superattack, Clean House, DEADEX;
We think you will be interested in a review of the trapped Combat Superattack:
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glue. Once inside the insects stick to the adhesive surface and can not escape. Such adhesive provides a trap-house Argus, Kamikadze.
The first and last type of operating permit to catch fish. Devices with poisonous bait are more perfect. Once inside the specimens are located outwardly and transferred poison into the slot.
How to drive the ants out of the house ultrasonic repeller
If the use of chemicals in the house is not possible, we offer to learn how to drive the ants out of the house with the help of ultrasound repeller. In operation, the device generates ultrasonic waves, delivering insect serious discomfort.
The ultrasound ants leaving a nest
Attention! Radius sonotrode is about 200 m.
Note the Rexant, Besar empire «AR-130 EkoSnayper".
Review Besar empire «AR-130 EkoSnayper":
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The poison ants in the house, if you select an active way of dealing
Passive methods take effect immediately. It takes some time to get the ants disappeared completely from home. If waiting is not possible, offer to find out what poison ants in the house, so they disappeared as quickly as possible.
For active struggle must prepare
How to find and destroy an anthill
To start the fight, you must first find the anthill. It can be located at the junctions of the walls, under the floorboards in doorways, ventilation shafts and other dark places. Sometimes they form a nest under bathroom or fridge. If ants are in the house a long time, the nests may be several.
Anastasia Ivasheva
Landscape designer VENUS DESIGN studio
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«To determine the exact location of the nest, care should be taken where the worker ant is going. "
Once a nest is found, you can decide how to get rid of ants in the house forever, by selecting one of the following ways.
The nest is in a dark place
How to get rid of ants in a private house by chemical means
If you have already found an ant hill, we offer to find out how to get rid of ants in a private home with the help of chemicals. Manufacturers offer similar compositions in various forms, so you can always choose the best option for their homes.
Fight chemical means should be handled with gloves and a mask
How to kill ants in the house powders and sprays: proven formulations
Sprays are ready for use. This is a fairly concentrated compositions, containing potent components can destroy insects in a few hours. The achieved effect is maintained for a long time.
Powders less effective. To combat the colonies need more time. How to kill ants in the house with them, please read the instructions supplied with the means: Noguest, Bros, Delisia.
The powder is poured into the places where the ants go
We recommend paying attention to the powder Delicia against ants and read about it review:
More on Otzovik
Effective remedies for ants in the house in the form of gels and pencils
Manufacturers offer special facilities in the form of a gel. Most of these drugs are effective against ants in the house, but it is safe for humans. Eating gel ants even live for a while, passing the poison other inhabitants of the colony.
To use the gel content of the tube should be distributed over the surface
With the gel can kill ants in the house for about a month. Crayons have to use longer than the gel. They are applied on ant trails. Are proven Clobol gels, Sturm, Raptor, Great Warrior, among small - "Masha".
We recommend paying attention to the gel from ants "great warrior" and read about it review:
More on Otzovik
Microcapsules and long-acting drops
When deciding how to get the black ants from home, you should pay attention to the microcapsules preparations. They should be dissolved in water and then spray the surface with a solution. Toxic substances are found in the microcapsules, which adhere to the insect, and then exert a detrimental effect on the entire ant inhabitants.
Drops of prolonged action are one species from the gel. They are applied to the track on which the insects move.
The fight must begin immediately
As at home to get rid of ants folk remedies
Finished compositions are expensive. In addition it is not always possible to get, for example, in rural areas. In this case, I think you might be interested in how to get the ants out of the house folk remedies. We have prepared tested recipes for you.
Folk remedies can be very effective
Spices and products
To get rid of unwanted visitors help to aromatic herbs. If you started the fight with ants in the house of folk remedies, prepare the leaves of wormwood, tansy, peppermint, lavender, chamomile. Expanding the plant at the entrance and in the corners of the house, on the windowsill, it is possible to prevent insects from entering.
If nothing of the above is not at home, let's see what else we can derive the ants in the house. Help spice. You can take the cloves, garlic, cinnamon, pepper. Cloves of garlic can be rubbed surface, which can move the ants. The ground stud having filled into the gap.
Of the products can take the oats, semolina, corn flour. With their help, you can get rid of most of the individuals.
Strong odor makes ants leave
Boric acid and ammonia
Consider how to get rid of household ants using boric acid or borax. It should be mixed with same amount by weight of egg yolk. To get an array of add honey, jam, or simply sugar syrup. Form the balls and laid out on the trails, which go to the ants. Choose a location inaccessible to children and pets.
Ammonia has a strong smell, and therefore add it to the special bait does not make sense. It is used to prepare the solution. To this 100 ml of liquid ammonia was diluted with a liter of water. prepared solution wipe floors and the surface on which the insects move, fill in an anthill.
For preparing a special dough balls
Prevention of the appearance of ants in the house
In order not to have to look for, how to get rid of black ants in the house, it is necessary to carry out a number of preventive measures:
Maintain cleanliness in the home. It is just after lunch to wash the dishes and clean the table. In the locker all products should be expanded in a sealed container. In keeping with the recommendations do not have to think about how to get rid of ants in the kitchen;
Collect waste in the buckets with lids. Daily throw garbage;
fill with sealant zakonopachivat or slits formed in windows or walls;
process foundation Home creosote;
Shorten the branches of the trees growing near the house, Remove sheets.
Tip! Periodically wipe the shelves in cabinets with vinegar: domestic and street ants can not stand the smell.
On the floor and the table should always be clean
How to get rid of ants in the apartment - Features
To move through the high-rise building using the ants ventilation shaft and garbage disposal. The reason for the search of a new place for the emergence of a new ant becomes a uterus or a fight with neighbors bored by insects. Remove insects from your apartment can only be for a while. When they settled in neighboring countries, it is likely to soon return. That is why, considering all the possible ways of showing how to get rid of ants in the apartment, many choose to seek help from the SES for the treatment of the whole house
If you no longer have the insects, share in the comments than get rid of ants in the house. For folk remedies specify the proportion and method of use.