🐭 Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: Instructions

One of the most popular tools for rodent control in private households - mousetrap. With their hands, such devices can be made in just a few minutes. At the same time, they are not less effective than the factory products. Such trap in most cases left mouse alive, and if you are against the killing, you can release the rodent somewhere in a forest or field. In this review, revision HouseChief prepared for you a few options available from the materials that you are sure to find at home.

The mice in the house - the source of many disappointments. Good trap help to cope with their nashestviemFOTO: foto.ua
The mice in the house - the source of many disappointments. Good trap help to cope with their onslaught
PHOTO: foto.ua

Read article

  • 1 The secret of success - good bait
  • 2 The mousetrap of plywood and springs
  • 3 Trap for rodents from a bar
  • 4 Mousetrap with his own hands from the glass jars per minute
  • 5 Traps with water from the bucket
  • 6 Traps from plastic bottles
  • 7 Production of adhesive trap
  • 8 electric mousetrap

The secret of success - good bait

Homemade or factory mousetrap to work successfully in need of high-quality bait. One that would attract rodents so that they forget about their inherent caution.

For many will be the opening of the cheese - not the best option. Such a belief - the result of the film soon. Much more interesting rodents other products with a rich aroma: sunflower and pumpkin seeds, crackers with butter, fried sausage or bacon, nuts and raw meat.

And one more condition for successful catching rodents trap should be located in an accessible mesteFOTO for him: avatars.mds.yandex.net
And one more condition for successful catching rodents trap should be located in a place accessible to him
PHOTO: avatars.mds.yandex.net

The mousetrap of plywood and springs

Trap plywood is very easy to assemble. This requires a piece of plywood length 15 and width 10 cm, the frame of the solid wire and a spring tight. Bait on the hook is attached to a rodent had to draw for her. Then work a spring that slam the metal frame. This is a classic model of a mousetrap, and here for an example circuit:

Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simple
Classic trap of plywood
PHOTO: nemaloknig.com

Trap for rodents from a bar

From a bar can make a house-trap. This requires a piece of timber 6 × 10 × 18 cm. In it are drilled hole of diameter 3 cm, are placed in the bait. To catch pests made loops of a thin wire, which are fixed by springs. On each hole - hinge and spring. The spring is fixed thread, which prevents the mouse to reach the bait. When the tear thread teeth, the spring operates.

And here is a practical course for the manufacture of the device.

IllustrationDescription of the action
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simpleA piece of rod and wire, in this case - the spokes of the bicycle wheel
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simpleIn the tool bar to be drilled round holes of said diameter and a depth of about 7 cm
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simpleFrom the workpiece need to cut off a piece of 1 cm in width along the entire length
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simplePrepare several pieces of chipboard for laying
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simpleReturn the sawed-off piece in place and screw it through the pieces of MDF. It is supposed to be a small gap between the two parts
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simpleOf the metal spokes must produce a loop of the same diameter as the holes
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simpleAt the tip of a large loop - for fastening small
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simpleThe loop should easily enter into the gap between the two parts
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simpleOn the opposite side of the drill holes and insert the wire from which the spring turn
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simpleFold the other end of the wire hook so that the locking ring trap
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simpleApproximately 2.1 cm of the nip drill two through holes to thread the needle and thread
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simpleWhile threading, use a temporary clamp
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simpleMousetrap is ready, pour into it the seeds and wait for the catch

Mousetrap with his own hands from the glass jars per minute

Elementary trap can be made of a glass jar with capacity of up to a liter. It turned upside down, is fixed to the inside thread twig or bait. Under the neck of the banks put on the edge of the coin - it is better to take pyatirublovuyu to mouse could easily slip under it. The slightest pressure on the bait he knocks out a coin, and the rodent will be in the bank.

Simple device from banks and monetyFOTO: domovod.guru
A simple device of banks and coins
PHOTO: domovod.guru

Traps with water from the bucket

This option makes it easier to catch mice, your task to get rid of them. Mice will drown in a bucket and you have to just recycle them. How to make such a structure from a pair of cans from lemonade, wire and buckets see below.

IllustrationDescription of the action
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simpleThe banks need to punch two holes in the middle. This can be done with an awl or nail usual
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simplePick the piece of steel wire of diameter larger than the bucket
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simpleFight low from the edge of two holes and thread them through the wire
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simplePlace the wire on the banks of lemonade
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simplePlace the bucket in a place where often see mice and make him a small ramp of the board
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simpleFill one-third the volume of a bucket of water, and on the edge of the banks put a smelly bait

Traps from plastic bottles

Plastic "poltorashki" - a popular material for different homemade. Of them can make some choices of mouse traps. Here's how to do the simplest of them:

IllustrationDescription of the action
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simpleYou must select a bottle from the "waist" that is, with a narrower part of the center, and cut so that one half is easy to enter other. The bottom cut a small hole for the passage of the rodent
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simpleHot wire pierce opposite the opening hole, and then bend the wire with the letter "d"
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simplePush the wire smelly bait
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simpleInsert it from the inside, so that the tip protruded outside is literally a couple of millimeters
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simpleInstall the second part of the top of the bottle so that it rests on sharpening the tip of the wire
That's the trap works. To accelerate its action with a bottle cap must be removed and slightly heavier

And here's another simple and absolutely brilliant idea, based on the principle of "swing":

For the complete collection - is another simple option to perform with his own hands:

IllustrationDescription of the action
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simpleCut the bottle about 10 cm from the neck, but not until the end
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simplePass the two rods or wires through the walls, as shown in Figure
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simpleFasten the thread on the neck of a loop so that the bottle was open
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simplePush to clip the bait and make a hole for the tip of a paper clip at the very bottom of a bottle
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simpleOn sticks put gums, such that children use for weaving baubles
Mousetrap with their hands out of scrap materials: it's simpleCharge trap by placing bait inside and fasten thread on the tip of a paper clip
Traps triggered almost instantaneously

Production of adhesive trap

Glue for catching mice can be purchased at specialty stores. It is applied to the cardboard or plywood, placed in the center of the bait and put in places where you do not fall into it.

Produce sticky traps can be on its own, mixing the bitumen and pine resin.

Remember that the trap can get and your pets, so do not place it in the available for them mestahFOTO: fiyatgrafik.com
Remember that the trap can get and your pets, so do not place it in places accessible to them
PHOTO: fiyatgrafik.com

electric mousetrap

Finally, you can take the path of progress, having made the electronic trap. There are two versions of the device: that kills mouse discharge in contact with her, and the mechanism that sends a signal that the rodent is caught. Here is a small version of the production of such a trap:

Which option you like the most? Maybe one of them is already working in your home? Share your experiences in the comments!