An architectural masterpiece Doronin - implemented home-future project. The mansion is only partly resembles the familiar structure. Most residence of Russian billionaire like a spaceship or ocean frigate. All building elements are of oval shape. If you look at the structure of the top, there is a feeling of being close to some alien bunker future. Doronin mansion is located away from the usual business centers and traditional buildings. Here you will not see the masses of onlookers and people around the only forest green.

Urban project of the future came down from under the pen of the world famous designer Zaha Hadid. Baghdad native specialized exclusively on urban projects, non-residential character, but made an exception for the Russian billionaire. Attract architect came about by accident. She was invited to lead the project on construction office buildings in downtown Moscow, but after the development, unfortunately, it has not received the approval of the authorities. "When the project on which we worked, did not get permission, I was firmly determined to find another reason to work with Zaha. My own house was an ideal opportunity for this ", - he says in an interview with Doronin. "I had to work with many outstanding masters of architecture. But Zahi unique view of things - it is a real architectural genius, and I always wanted to work with her "- later recalled Vladislav. architect view is fully consistent with the expectations of the customer, which is briefly defined her task in a few sentences: "I want to wake up and see only blue sky. Neighbors not want to feel free. "
For reference: Zaha Hadid - the American architect of Iraq, the only winner of the Pritzker Prize for Architecture in women. Specialized in the development of urban projects of offices and shopping centers, taught architecture and design at Harvard University, lectured at leading architectural universities. Unfortunately, in March 2016 Zach died of heart failure, having finished Doronin project, thus giving the world a unique piece of architecture.

Residence Doronin - a reasonable combination of urbanism, nature of security and privacy. The rooms do not have extra items or parts. Everything is subordinated to the main rule - more space and Sveta. Here effectively combines advanced technology and natural asceticism.


A private residence in cost Doronin fabulous sum - 140 million dollars. The idea arose spontaneously when privately billionaire Zaha mentioned his desire to wake up and see the blue sky. Literally in a matter of minutes, a talented architect drew building design on a napkin. Externally, the design resembles a spaceship and liked Doronin. For the architect it was a challenge for Vladislav - the path to the realization of a childhood dream.

The project was truly fantastic. The composition looks like one piece, although has a complicated multilayer structure. There is a feeling that the house was formed in a heap on the ground. So naturally blend the building into the local landscape. Here, as dreamed Vladislav, no neighbors, only the sky, the tops of trees and privacy.

The project, on the one hand, concise and simple, on the other - attention to detail. The top 4 floors, towering above the trees, like a cabin, equipped with lounges.

Here is the residence of the owner is completely isolated from the outside world. Pedestal height of 22 meters. It is installed on the seemingly thin poles - but this impression is deceptive. Any guest who was lucky enough to be in the upper part of the residence, stunning views of the green zone capital Cities.

dream house surrounded by high pine trees, but it does not look like something wild in a forest. This is a typical technique combination of nature and modern eclecticism. The complexity and heterogeneity of parts allows the use of natural landscape as for the effective surroundings ultra-modern buildings. Building partially embedded in hilly timber, which creates a special effect.

room decoration very avant-garde. Architect passes in a smooth line of furniture. We see the same oval and white, or a combination of steel with dark shades, which is typical for a futuristic style.
On the ground floor is also located children's playroom, library, Guest area.

In the lower tiers are located massage and a fitness area, indoor swimming poolParking. Outer "deck" is provided spectacular terraces, From a height which offers stunning views.

The only thing regrets Doronin, it's that he can not personally thank Zakho Hadid for the spectacular and the exact embodiment of his childhood dreams!
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