The tree is perhaps never cease to be relevant for the construction of houses. No modern materials can not be compared with him on ecology and presentable. However, it is difficult to argue with the fact that the tree was quite moody material subject to the influence of many factors. Therefore, the approach to the warming of the wooden house is also worth thoroughly (as to the choice of insulating material). Especially for our readers, we have developed a user-friendly online calculator to determine the required insulation thickness for the walls of a wooden house.

A calculator for calculating the required insulation thickness for the walls of a wooden house
Explanation of the calculation
As for any other partition structure required thickness calculation by the following formula:
R = s / λwhere
R- the required thermal resistance m² · K / W;
s - thickness of insulation, m;
λ - thermal conduction coefficient of the material (W / mK).
The required thermal resistance of the wall is determined by a special map-scheme and depends on the location of the region home.

This is followed by the thermal conductivity which depends on the type of insulation material. The calculator is a wide list of the most popular heaters.
Also the amount of thermal insulation thickness will be influenced by the presence of exterior and interior, as well as its type and thickness.
When all the data and clicking the "Calculate" button, you get the final result in mm with high precision.