To become the owner of high-quality reliable shelter for growing a rich harvest, it is necessary to know what kind of polycarbonate greenhouses for better and why. We offer to understand the features of the material, its advantages, disadvantages and existing species. This allows you to select the appropriate covering material for growing vegetables.
Greenhouse with quality polycarbonate - a guarantee of a rich harvest
Read article
1 Advantages and disadvantages of polycarbonate everything for greenhouses
2 What type of polycarbonate greenhouses need to: get acquainted with the main types of
3 polycarbonate device for greenhouses
4 polycarbonate selection parameters for greenhouses
4.1 Shape of the cells and the density of the material
4.2 The size and weight of the polycarbonate
4.3 How thick polycarbonate better used for greenhouses: think over design features hiding advance
4.4 With or without protection from ultraviolet radiation: the answer is obvious
4.5 What is better to choose the color of polycarbonate for greenhouses: the optimal and possible solutions
4.6 The feedstock for the polycarbonate service life
5 What better polycarbonate greenhouses for: choose the products of leading manufacturers
6 Production of polycarbonate greenhouses: video the main stages
6.1 What foundation is best suited for greenhouses Polycarbonate: Selection Criteria
6.2 frame manufacture particularly for polycarbonate greenhouses
6.3 Nuances coating polycarbonate greenhouses
7 Recommendations regarding the selection of polycarbonate greenhouses turnkey
8 The cost of polycarbonate sheet for greenhouse depending on the class and size
9 Which is better to buy polycarbonate for greenhouses: rating reviews consumers
Advantages and disadvantages of polycarbonate everything for greenhouses
The reason for the popularity carbonate for greenhouses - its undeniable merits. Such covering material:
It does not prevent the passage of light;
It has low thermal conductivity;
characterized by long service life;
water resistance;
It retains characteristics at low temperature;
little weight.
Severe frosts are not afraid of shelter
Among the shortcomings should be noted:
destruction of the material under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, if the production were not used special additives;
high windage polycarbonate;
a defect under the influence of abrasive and a number of chemical substances, as well as significant mechanical stress.
snow is not removed in time may cause damage to the stacked sheets
What type of polycarbonate greenhouses need to: get acquainted with the main types of
If you decide to install greenhouse at the garden, we offer to deal with what is polycarbonate. Manufacturers offer:
monolithicRepresenting a continuous sheet of thickness 1 - 12 mm, and characterized by high durability. Sold at a high price;
The monolithic sheets had no voids
shaped. Sheets with a characteristic wave-like or trapezoidal surface capable of withstanding a large load. It may have varying degrees of transparency. Characterized by high cost;
The shaped material has a characteristic shape
honeycomb. The hollow material with high thermal and acoustic insulation characteristics. It is one-, two-, four-, and five-chamber.
If we talk about what is needed Polycarbonate for greenhousesIt is unequivocal - the last one. It is much cheaper and thus has adequate characteristics.
Cellular material - the best solution for greenhouses
polycarbonate device for greenhouses
Polycarbonate is composed of two or more sheets welded together by stiffening ribs. The resulting voids are filled with air, which provides good sound and insulating properties material.
Cavity - a guarantee of high thermal insulation properties
polycarbonate selection parameters for greenhouses
To buy quality covering materialWithout thinking about whether or not polycarbonate transmits ultraviolet rays, it is necessary to clearly know its basic settings. We offer them to read, to make it easier to make a choice.
Make the choice can be difficult
Shape of the cells and the density of the material
Location partitions inside the covering material contributes to the formation of cells of different shape. Their shape has a direct influence on the strength characteristics of the carrier material. Cells may be:
rectangular. Material with high light transmission capability and low bearing characteristics. The best option for shelters with natural light;
square. Optimal variant for srednenagruzhennyh systems;
hexagonal. Sheets with high strength, but the lowest level of light transmission. It assumes additional seedlings artificial lighting.
The configuration of cavities may differ
polycarbonate density for greenhouses and the configuration of cells are closely linked: sheets with rectangular cavities have a density of 0.52 - 0.61 g / cm3, With a square of 0.62 - 0.77 g / cm3, Hexagonal 0.78 - 0.82 g / cm3.
In sheets with rectangular cells lowest density
The size and weight of the polycarbonate
Dimensions standardized material. The width of the polycarbonate sheet is 2.1 m. In this case, its length may be 6 or 12 m.
Sheet sizes are standardized
The weight of one square of the material depends on its thickness and structure:
Thickness, mm
Monolithic, kg
Cell, kg
How thick polycarbonate better used for greenhouses: think over design features hiding advance
Manufacturers offer sheets of different thickness from 3 to 16 mm. By special order material thickness of 20 or 32 mm. It should be clearly understood, how thick to make better use of polycarbonate greenhouses to mount design made it comfortable conditions for the cultivation of plants and has served long enough. Most common in the device greenhouses obtained sheets 4, 6 and 8 mm thick. The thickness of the covering material, the longer he has to serve. At the same time, be sure to take into account the particular mounted design.
Attention! The greater the thickness, the larger the minimum bending radius.
A wide range of sizes
With or without protection from ultraviolet radiation: the answer is obvious
Opting for material with UV protection, you can greatly extend the life of the shelter. Without such protection, shelter begins to break down quickly when exposed to sunlight.
Attention! When mounting the protective film should be placed on the outside, following the manufacturer's instructions.
Occasionally light stabilization additive is introduced into the raw material at the production stage. The percentage of UV-protection of such sheets is in the range 30 - 46%.
UV protection is required
What is better to choose the color of polycarbonate for greenhouses: the optimal and possible solutions
A large range of colors makes you think about what is best for the color of polycarbonate greenhouses. For structures with natural light should buy transparent sheets. We painted light transmission is significantly reduced. Yellow is suitable for warmer regions. Of blue and turquoise should immediately give up because they can not give the plants enough light.
The material is presented in a variety of colors
Tip! If you like a certain color polycarbonate - buy, taking care of an additional source of artificial light.
The choice of color depends on the aim pursued
The feedstock for the polycarbonate service life
As a raw material for manufacturing polycarbonate sheets used granular plastic. The best option is to use granules, manufactured by "Bayer" patented technology. The finished material will have a high strength. This premium-class, capable to serve 20 years.
Cheaper counterparts made from high quality raw materials, will last 10 years. The cheapest is made of polycarbonate, the secondary has a maximum lifetime of 2 - 5 years.
For high-quality polycarbonate need quality pellets
What better polycarbonate greenhouses for: choose the products of leading manufacturers
It is difficult to immediately decide which is better polycarbonate. Manufacturers offer a material with different characteristics and service life. Leading positions occupied by the production:
Makrolon from Bayer Material Science. The product of the German company, characterized by high quality;
High geometric and dimensional accuracy
SABIC Innovative Plastics. Manufacturer of Saudi Arabia offers polycarbonate sheets under the trademark Lexan;
Korean company owns the trademark Trirex. Products demonstrates optimal price-quality ratio;
Optimal variant a covering material
Teijin Limited. The Japanese manufacturer makes extensive use of modern materials for the production of polycarbonate;
The Japanese manufacturer is actively introducing innovative developments
Dow Chemical. In the factories of American manufacturers to produce a covering material under the trademarks Magnum ABC and Calibre. Expensive material with a high geometric precision;
Polygal. The Russian-Israeli company produced an affordable and durable material;
Large assortment offers a choice
Carboglass. Domestic manufacturer offers high quality sheets, ensuring a 15-year service life;
Material premium
SafPlast Innovative. Domestic manufacturer offers material under the brand name Novattro;
The service life of up to 14 years
Plastilux. Polycarbonate Chinese manufacturer «Sunnex» has affordable price;
Vizor. Products are manufactured in China and the Czech Republic. It has average performance and a 5-year service life.
Attention! Choose manufacturer directly affects how much carbonate for greenhouses.
Production of polycarbonate greenhouses: video the main stages
Installation of greenhouses must be carried out with utmost care to mount design lasts as long as possible. We offer to meet with the main stages.
Installation of greenhouses can be made with your own hands
What foundation is best suited for greenhouses Polycarbonate: Selection Criteria
To design lasts as long as possible, it is essential to provide foundation under greenhouse polycarbonate. Which is better to give preference to the base - will depend on the objectives pursued. If the construction is necessary to perform a couple of days, will be the foundation of a better choice brick or timber. In a greenhouse you can grow vegetables in the summer. For the design, which can be operated all year round, the best solution would be strip foundation or monolithic plate.
The foundation selected individually
Particularly noteworthy features of the site on which the structure will be installed. If the ground has a certain slope, it is possible to align the structure in a greenhouse setting screw or concrete piles.
frame manufacture particularly for polycarbonate greenhouses
use a pipe with a square cross section for manufacturing the carcass. We offer watch a video in which the carcass fabrication process is described in detail:
Nuances coating polycarbonate greenhouses
To form a quality coating on a polycarbonate greenhouses, it is necessary to lay the sheets correctly and to fix them suitable fasteners.
Stacking sheets must perform correctly
If you do not know how to do it, we offer to watch the video, you can find answers to all questions:
Recommendations regarding the selection of polycarbonate greenhouses turnkey
If not produce greenhouse or greenhouse with their hands, you can order it in a specialized company. Such products can have various design and size. They may be prefabricated and collapsible, suitable for use all year round or only during the summer.
Dual arc - high strength
Tip! Greenhouse turnkey better to order directly from the manufacturer.
Selecting the appropriate design on the site, be sure to inspect it "live" to ensure conformity of the declared parameters. It is worth to check the thickness pipe, Sheets, number of parts, to ensure the availability and integrity of the zinc coating on the frame elements. Thickness steel pipes It should not be less than 1.3 mm.
Given the choice should give preference to products with a minimum number of parts. Welded ends with installed doors and windows and the whole arc will increase the strength characteristics of the design.
Attention! Snow load - an important criterion for selection. For the middle band it must be at least 180 kg / m2.
When insufficient strength structure may collapse
If you do not know what is better to buy a greenhouse polycarbonate, read the reviews of those who have already managed to do it.
Review the greenhouse of "Orange" polycarbonate:
More on Otzovik:
Galicia Orange
Review the greenhouse polycarbonate Greenhouse choice "Manor KU»:
More on Otzovik:
Greenhouse greenhouse choice "Manor KU"
The cost of polycarbonate sheet for greenhouse depending on the class and size
If you decide to buy polycarbonate for greenhouses, the price of a single sheet will depend on its class. The cheapest cost of recycled and low-quality raw materials. Middle position is the so-called lightweight material. In polikorbanatovyh sheets for greenhouses standard size premium cost will be very high.
The greater the thickness, the more expensive sheet
Which is better to buy polycarbonate for greenhouses: rating reviews consumers
To help you make a choice, we have prepared for you polycarbonate rating for quality, compiled according to consumers. We offer to read it:
cellular polycarbonate
KinEkoplast, Hummingbird, Skarb, Polygal
Sotalight (Sotalayt)
AktualBio, Berolux
We think you will be interested in the opinion of specific people:
Reviews of cellular polycarbonate KinEkoplast:
More on Otzovik:
polycarbonate KinEkoplast
Reviews of polycarbonate Hummingbirds:
More on Otzovik:
polycarbonate Hummingbird
Leave your feedback in the comments about how best to choose polycarbonate for greenhouses, and why.