It is known that any heating system with circulation pump will operate properly only if it is installed pumpSuitable for all specifications. But sometimes it is very difficult to calculate all the necessary parameters. After all, you want to not only learn performanceBut also the necessary pressure which is able to overcome resistance pipe, Fittings and valves. Production of independent calculations - a complicated process and not always feasible. We propose in this case to use the calculator for calculating the circulating pump head, shown below.

Calculator for calculating the circulating pump head
Some explanations for the calculations produce an online calculator
The main task pump - to ensure circulation of fluid in the system in amounts necessary to maintain a comfortable temperature indoors. For each individual case the amount of the pumped water is different. To calculate it, you need to use another calculator. But it is also very important that he was able to "push" heat transfer agent through the heat pipe. That is the figure and counts the program.
In order to use it a lot of data is not required. The main thing that is needed is the entire length of the highway pipeAs supply and return line. This parameter is required in the first field. In the second you need to point out what a shut-off valve is used - it is also very important. This may be a standard fitting and ball valves, thermostatically controlled or an extensive system with a lot of stop and control valves.
By clicking "calculate the required minimum pump head" obtain data that will be given in two units - Pascal and meters of the water column.

Formula, which operates an online calculator
H = (R × L + Z amount) / (p × g)where
- R - loss;
- L - line length (m);
- Z sum - total number of the safety factor for the line elements (connectors and fittings - 1.3; Thermostatic valves - 1.7; mixers - 1.2);
- R - density of water (1000 kg / m3);
- g - free fall acceleration - a common figure is 9.8 m / s2.
As you can see, provided by the program use is much easier than to perform calculations independently.