Many people underestimate podsypku sand and gravel in the trench under foundation. Meanwhile, this element is not only imparts strength of the base, but also serves as a drainageThat increases the life of the structure in service times. Today, let us consider how the easiest way to calculate the necessary amount of material needed for the job. Of course, you can perform all the formulas and, after spending some time on calculations, but here there is a possibility of error in this or that action. So the most optimal will take advantage of this programAs a calculator calculating the amount of gravel-sand mixture for airbags foundation.

A calculator for calculating the amount of gravel-sand mixture for the foundation cushion
Is it difficult to use the online calculator: the nuances of
quite easy to use the program. To do this, just need to make the right measurements. Let us examine what options the future structure we need.
The first - is the length of the future tranches foundationIn which will be the bedding. Performing measurements better to write all the data on the sheet. Further measures and fix the width of the base, as well as the intended thickness of the cushion of GPS. And finally, it is to make all the settings in the appropriate fields and click on the calculator button "calculate".
The result is expressed in tonnes, as well as in cubic meters.

Tolerances and some refinements
Algorithm program provides the opportunity to ask the necessary supply of material. It should be understood that the bedding should be compacted before pouring. In addition, these actions are made in layers. You can not pour a 15 cm pillow and try to ram it - these actions or would not lead to any result.
For a clearer notion of the algorithm of actions in the production of bedding, offer to view a short video: