In the grocery stores represented a wide range of smoked foods, but what they are and what quality additives buyers do not know. But everyone wants to eat only fresh and natural products. So how do you get out of the situation? It is easy, all you need - this oil lamp smoked their own hands. Videos, photos and details of this project instructions you can find in this article.

Read article
- 1 The essence of the apparatus for cold smoking
- 2 How is the process of smoke generation for cold smoking?
- 3 machines for smoked varieties
- 3.1 Materials for the body smokehouses
- 3.2 heat sources
- 3.3 Places smokehouses location
- 4 Cold smoking in the home. design smokehouse
- 4.1 design Features
- 4.2 Preparation of products before cold smoking
- 5 The choice of chips for smoked
- 5.1 The types of wood suitable for smoking
- 5.2 Harvesting of wood chips for smoked their own hands
- 6 Oil lamp smoked their own hands. Video, photo guide
- 6.1 How to make a smoke-house smoked with their own hands
- 7 findings
The essence of the apparatus for cold smoking
The basis is the use of smoked foods processing cold smokeThat comes from smoldering wood. Regardless of whether you smoked, meat, poultry, fish, vegetables or fruit, the cooking process is always the same. The box in which extends smoking procedure may be virtually any shaping. body materials are also different: metal, wood, polyethylene, and other non-toxic material that does not leak air.
Cold smoking is comparable to the conservation, because the smoke settles on food during cooking, has a temperature of 20-25 degrees, while full readiness takes about 1-2 days (sometimes reaches 6 days). During this time smoked out with all the water that allows you to store these products for more than two weeks.
Note! The ideal time of year to use the oil lamp smoked considered winter. At low ambient temperatures, the growth of bacteria in the middle products practically does not occur, which negates the corruption of dishes in the smoking process.
How is the process of smoke generation for cold smoking?
Getting cold smoke is virtually identical to the type of coolant. The principle is always the same, and the design for the generation of haze differ.
- If the smokehouse is working on woodIt is necessary to build an iron box for a fire or just dig a hole and impose its stone. side joins chimneysWhich leads to the box itself the oil lamp. Tube length should be about two meters or more, so that the smoke coming from the fire time to cool to 25 degrees before reaching to the products.

- In the case of using gas or electricity, iron box for a heat exchanger made with two horizontal levels. The lower exotherm occurs which heats the topsheet, on which fill chips or shavings wood. Wood decays and forms the smoke that goes into the smokehouse. Smoke generation occurs regardless of how to make the oil-lamp smoked.
machines for smoked varieties
Depending on the place of use, the volume of processed products, such as a heat source or other circumstances smokehouse They have various modifications.
Materials for the body smokehouses
- Stainless steel. Basically it is used in the factory model for home use. Less commonly, for the improvised designs. In embodiments improvised steel used in the assembly of structures for smoked, because they are in direct contact with fire.

- Wood. Popular material because of its ease of handling during assembly, pleasant appearance, a small cost. Some resinous breed products are added extra flavor that is a nice addition.

- Polyethylene film. Oddly enough, but domestic Kulibin managed to adapt the film for greenhouses a housing for the smokehouse. Quick assembly, low cost design and good taste are prepared in such a know-how smoked, kept afloat on the belief this type of material.

- stone and brick. Such a building material used for large volume of permanent structures. Although there are instances, and a smaller, but rarely. The main purpose of these smokehouses - commercial production at home.

- Any piece of ironWhich has walls, top and bottom, too, has a chance to become an oil lamp smoked their own hands, video + photo on this page - direct proof (case by the refrigerator, Barrel, pail, safe, gas, and so on. D.).

heat sources
- on the stove wood. Such methods are smoked in the cottages, in a private home, backyards. firewood you can organize the work of the oil lamp, all sizes.

- Gas-burner. More expensive option, but it has its advantages. Ability flame adjustment and independent operation that does not require intervention (podkidki wood).
- Electric heating. It is used in the smokehouse for indoor. Basically dymoobrozovanie by electricity used in the factory model because elektrokoptilnyu build with their own hands does not make friends with the electrician is dangerous.

Places smokehouses location
- On the street. This is the main place for such structures. Due to the fact that the wood burning process emits smoke and soak in everything around the smell away from a smokehouse residential, playgrounds on in a private house and away from public streets. Often smokehouse body is placed on a hill, to the smell of volatilized more quickly, not extending from side to side.

- In confined spaces. Or you have a flat, but really want to cook smoked, or you own a private smokehouse at the factory level. If only the electrical equipment can be used in the first embodiment, the second allows the use of any kind of fuel, because to organize a smoke extraction in an industrial building easy.

Important! Whichever variation smoker or present at your disposal, always follow safety precautions during installation and operation. Box with sand or a fire extinguisher located near the plant, it will never be over.
Cold smoking in the home. design smokehouse
Regardless of the shape and dimensions of the box, design features and the necessary accessories are no different.
design Features
Smokehouse home with their hands must be sealed walls, do not emit harmful substances during heating. The roof construction must be a chimney for discharge of excess smoke. Access the inside, you need to be organized so that you can easily work with products (door must be in the entire front part of the structure). The presence of a pallet on the bottom of the oil lamp, facilitate the cleaning liquid flowing from the product, and the presence of all kinds of hooks, transverse rods and mesh pallets provide a rational layout of the future smoked.

Preparation of products before cold smoking
Before embarking for smoking, you need to make preparations. For vegetables and fruit preparation consists in washing and removing the seeds and seed. For products such as meat, poultry and fish, the preparation process is a bit more complicated.
- Smoked meat. Basic training consists in salting the workpiece. But depending on the fat content in a particular piece of meat, the salt concentration should be different. If you prepare the salmon, it's best to use wet Ambassador (per liter of water 130 grams of salt. The concentrate was brought to a boil, the noise is removed and allowed to cool). The reason that salted balyk in such a way that the layers of fat meat without much dried in dry salting and wet embodiment prevents soft tissue cleaved during smoking product and remain school. If you want to smoke salmon or bacon, the suitable variant of dry salting, because fat salt can not penetrate fully.
In both processes, the pickled product should lie between two and six days, after which it was put into pure water to soak for 1-3 days. Furthermore, meats hung in a room with a temperature of 2-4 degrees and is covered by gauze and insects vyalitsya retained for a period of 1 to 3 weeks. All the product is ready for smoking.

- Preparing poultry. You must pluck the carcass, prosmolit, gut and start salting. Prepare brine by adding to 1 liter of water 100 grams of salt, two tablespoons of vinegar and spices. Submerge the bird in the brine for three days. After the brine is necessary to dry out the carcass with a towel and hung for drying in a cool place for 3-4 days. After these procedures, you are ready for smoking.

- Smoked fish. With fish should be handled with caution, the thoroughness of the preparation depends on its gastronomic quality. If you svezheslovlennaya river fish, then it is necessary to gut, clean the hull and rub salt generously. The salt crust fish hold about three days (time increases if the fish had been frozen). After the salt is necessary to hang the carcass, covered with gauze, in a cool place and jerk for one week (big ones bursting with skewers in the belly area). Now fish is ready for the process of cold-smoked.

Note! Components of the brine or saline polishes selected depending on taste preferences and cooks may consist of a huge variety of spices and herbs, because you have the right to determine for themselves what to prepare you created in the smokehouse Smoked with his own hands.
The choice of chips for smoked
The raw material necessary for the formation of smoke is sawdust or wood chips. The main thing is that the material is not too small and did not have the structure of increased dryness. Otherwise wood It will burn intensely and will give a taste of the products of burning. The optimal level of humidity of wood chips is considered to be 65-70 per cent, such a structure will create ideal conditions for the creation of smoke.
The types of wood suitable for smoking
Not all types of wood suitable for smoked, because some rocks emit a peculiar smell, and have a negative impact on products. Ideal: cherries, cherry, apricot, pear, apple, aspen, beech, alder, oak and ash. You can not use conifers, they emit large amounts of resin.
Some manufacturers involved in the production of finished chips for smoking, but the main disadvantage is that the composition of the final consumer of raw materials is unknown. Unscrupulous manufacturers can add chemicals to increase the formation of smoke. To avoid unpleasant moments you need to make your own chips.

Harvesting of wood chips for smoked their own hands
The timber must be collected from the crop fruit or deciduous trees which were not pretreated with chemical means. After collecting the branches, it is necessary to completely remove the bark, and then it wood chop. For processing into chips or chips use a special tool for elektrorubanka type, but you can use ax (take a lot of time). It is necessary to take into account the fact that the humidity is always different breeds, on the need to adjust it manually. If a lot of moisture, it is necessary to dry the wood, and if small, then moisten. Most importantly, remember that cooked chips for smoking with their hands - it's environmentally friendly raw materials.
Oil lamp smoked their own hands. Video, photo guide
The idea with the manufacturer handwritten smokehouse has a lot of pluses. The main advantage - it is not limited opportunities in the choice of size, location and method of smoke generation. The device can be made as for outdoor use, and for a closed room.
How to make a smoke-house smoked with their own hands
The process of construction of buildings will be set out by the example of the stationary smokehouse in the courtyard of a private house.

Step-by-step instruction:
- You need to plan out a place on the site for future smokehouse. You will need about 1 meter wide and 4 meters in length.
- Using a shovel must dig a trench in the half meter depth 0.3 meter width and the entire length of the scheduled portion. At the beginning and end of the trench need to organize two pits with dimensions 0.5h0.5h0.5 meters. The side, which will be located the hearth fire to be lower level than the opposite, at least 20 centimeters. This is due to the fact that at such an angle smoke will be easier to reach the most smokehouse.
Trench construction - Now, for the fire pit is necessary to impose firebrick. The walls of the stone should be above ground by 10 centimeters to cover tightly closed combustion chamber top. In the wall by the smoker need to arrange the pipe hole, the upper edge of which must be at 5 cm from the top of the soil.
Fire pit - Time to lay the chimney into the trench. The pipe can be used as asbestos and metal. In the pit for a campfire chimney must include a couple of centimeters, and the part of the oil lamp tube should have a knee at 90 degrees to the horizontal position to enter the bottom of the structure.
Photo chimney lining - It was the turn of the installation box. What form and from what materials it will be - you decide. Take the prepared box and place it over the pipe to smoke so that it was in the middle of the bottom. Feet structures must be securely anchored to the ground.
Housing smokehouse in place
And now you can hang hooks, put trays and spread products for smoking. Raspalivayte fire and a delicious delicacies.
Home smokehouse smoked their own hands (video + photos) definitely expand your culinary horizons and will surprise guests with exquisite dishes of succulent chicken or chic carp. Do not deny yourself the pleasure and health of the Copts.