Wrought-iron gate at all times - it is always a sign of prosperity, they are protecting the approaches to the private ownership more than a dozen years. In place of a fully executed manually products come more modern, equipped with automation. However, each owner of the estate would be desirable to create a masterpiece, the most unlike the others. Today's see whether you can do something similar with your own hands and do not spend a lot of money. We study the features of different types of forged gate and photos will help you understand the principle of their devices, and forging.

Read article
- 1 Advantages and disadvantages of wrought iron gates
- 2 Types of forged gate of the design, a photo and thumbnail pictures
- 2.1 Gates recoiling forged with photos of models
- 2.2 Swing gates forged with photos of models
- 2.3 Forged gate with a wicket inside with photos of models
- 2.4 Wrought iron gates with polycarbonate with photos of models
- 2.5 The gate of corrugated board with forged elements with photos of models
- 2.6 Forged sliding gate with photos of models
- 2.7 Exclusive beautiful wrought-iron gate with photos of models
- 3 The main styles of forged gate
- 4 Popular forged elements for decor gate
- 5 manufacturing technology with their own hands wrought-iron gates and gates with a photo process
- 5.1 What you need to know to be able to design and the manufacture of forged gate
- 5.2 cold forging
- 5.3 Hot forging
- 5.4 Welding of finished elements
- 5.5 Scraping grinding machine and processing means parts anticorrosive
- 6 How to install wrought iron gates
- 7 Recommendations regarding the care of wrought iron gates
- 8 How much are the wrought-iron gates and wickets
Advantages and disadvantages of wrought iron gates
The advantage of forged construction, especially in their universality. They look great in combination with stone designs, products of polypropylene structures. Wrought-iron gates, many hundreds of years do not go out of fashion and are considered a sign of gentility and refinement.

What other advantages conceal a forged gates for private houses:
- Unusual, "rich" look. Forging has always been an unusual and exclusive decoration. This type of metal working allows to create intricate, unique designs and patterns. It certainly provide your home among others.

- Structural strength. Metal - one of the most durable and sturdy design, the gate of which can be made and fences.
- High performance. Due to the fact that modern designs are treated with special anti-corrosion formulations, such articles wear resource virtually endless. After this surface is primed special paint for metal.
Among the shortcomings can be identified two very significant on the one hand, and the other disputed. It all depends on your level of income.

The main disadvantage - the high cost. How ready the gate and made their own cost is not a lot of money, and in a full ruble. Although, if you decide to try to make the gate yourself, save about 30% of the cost of the finished sample.
Another drawback - the time spent. Produce forged thread residual time-consuming work, the process can take weeks or even a couple of months. Therefore, the most difficult part is best to book in advance. It is better to disassemble the old gate as long as all items are not in stock.
Tip! In the design of the gate in advance think over what elements you can do yourself, and what better to get ready. Complex elements require you more time and effort.
Types of forged gate of the design, a photo and thumbnail pictures
Newcomer seems that all the forged gates about the same. However, this is not the case.
Consider options for different types of wickets:
- simple design without additional inserts and elements. Usually it is straight or slightly curved line, without closing the space behind the wicket.
- Completely hidden gate. Typically, in such construction is inserted into a metal shield.
- The wicket of wood. With forged filling. In this case, the base material acts as wood, metal and only reinforces the gate, or a decorative design element.
- Fences combined type. Here, two different materials are used in equal proportions. This usually polypropylene, or wood, as well as metal. Moreover, the latter can only be used as a decoration on the perimeter.

On the pros and cons of each design should be discussed separately. they are usually distinguished by nuances of fastening and assembly technology, as well as the type of opening.
Gates recoiling forged with photos of models
sliding model very convenient when you do not have a lot of space, they are opened along the gate. Such a mechanism is barely noticeable, and at a reasonable load will serve you for a long time.
What is the design:
- Reliance - special reference tab for all the gate mechanism.
- Frame - the frame of the product.
- Internal Rooms' - this part is usually composed of forging and decorative elements. Usually use different materials for the design of such structures. After Sliding mechanism can not always withstand the weight of high-grade metal. Sewing, as we discovered can consist of a single leaf, and from the individual elements. It is often used for weight loss trapezoidal sheet.
- Fittings and components.

Swing gates forged with photos of models
Gate device of this type is easy. Sami hinged flaps are attached to the special mortgage pillars, which are located on the support pillars. Usually locking elements and fittings reinforced bearings. Which allows easily open and close the gate. It is provided options for opening both inside and outside the court.

Forged gate with a wicket inside with photos of models
Incidentally, the gate may be formed as a separate structure or be part of the gate. As you have noticed, the first option is much more solid. And if you decide to save or space for the gate does not permit a separate entrance, it is possible to use the space wisely.
Note! Wicket, arranged inside the gate will necessarily have a small nut. It is necessary to consider, if your house has older people, for whom such a barrier could be a serious obstacle.
Such gates are considered to be a low cost, on the other hand, why not?

Wrought iron gates with polycarbonate with photos of models
Combined with the use of the gate of polycarbonate - the modern solution to the problems with the weight of doors and their cost. Such models are cheaper than fully carved metal structure, besides the dense glass allows you to hide from prying eyes what happens behind fence.
Compared with metal structures plastic refreshing metal gate makes longer refined and elegant. If you plan parterre, Such fences and gates are perfectly transmit light, however, a special coating will hide you from view.

The gate of corrugated board with forged elements with photos of models
The gate of corrugated completely hide your estate from prying eyes. Such material will last for a long time and practically does not deliver problems. The basis of strong corrugated steel alloy. Usually such gates are a continuation of fence or fences.

Forged sliding gate with photos of models
Sliding gates of the type reminiscent of sliding, only the mechanisms for opening doors installed on both sides.

Exclusive beautiful wrought-iron gate with photos of models
Design patterns are performed by individual order. The cost of such samples are not available to the average person. Such doors often performed manually. Very often they are portrayed monogram or other distinctive signs of the family, which creates forged masterpiece.

The main styles of forged gate
The main entrance is in the truest sense of the word provide a wrought-iron gate in Baroque or Renaissance. They give the solemnity of any estate. Most of these forged decorative elements as arbours, swing, shopsAnd, of course, the gate are carried out in a large number of additional elements, most often spirals and curls.

More recent models in the Art Nouveau style involves the use of very simple, often intersecting lines. This style is simple and airy.

The iron gates minimalistUsually there is nothing superfluous. This straight line design infused with asceticism.

Strict geometric, fansasmagorizmom different forged products in the Art Deco style. Most often, this ornament made out entrances to the apartments. Such designs are most often cooked by cold welding.

Popular forged elements for decor gate
Most "workers" in terms of design area, it is, of course, the center of the goal. This is where there are the most unusual solutions. Most often, components and parts are made in advance but then, in the course of work is often applied in a chaotic manner. Such elements can have same shape and content, and may not have.

As we can see, these elements can be positioned precisely in the middle of the structure, and can be located in the binding area, and even fences. Most of these individual elements is coated with paint that differs from the basic background.
manufacturing technology with their own hands wrought-iron gates and gates with a photo process
To simplify your work for complex elements it is better to go to a specialty store. At least you got good advice from the professionals involved in this constantly.
Tip! Draw a sketch of the gate itself before you begin to think through the purchase of certain items. Better yet, prepare photographs of those of them that you liked.
Most purchased items made factory method. At the plant to withstand all the basic requirements for metal constructions, moreover, offers to order and manufacture of measurement. All the elements are going to the constructor, first base, then finishing decorative details.

First made frame. Commonly used metal sheet not less than 15 mm. The more massive the assumed structure, the thicker metal is used. Profile usually folded and sometimes if you want to design, twisted. Process welding It takes place on a flat surface.

Learn more about how to build a gate with a sliding mechanism, see in this video.
What you need to know to be able to design and the manufacture of forged gate
When selecting the best option for your site especially appreciate the space. What type of mechanism for opening is right for you? As far as the gate design will blend with your interior? The smaller the area, the more humble and quiet must be the goal clearance. Otherwise, you can create a catchy design. Allowed registration of gates and entrances.
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cold forging
Processing of metal by hot and cold forging has its own peculiarities. Cold forging - is the impact on metal objects or tools, such as hammers and drills.

Hot forging
A more expensive and elegant look model manufactured by hot melting. If we compare the process of working by hot forging with something trivial. This is similar to the molding of the clay, only special devices and instruments. After heating the metal becomes pliable, it can be bending, pulling, to create intricate patterns and tangles.

Note! At the end of work all metal parts (bent or cut) increase in size. The entire spring material initially recommended to anneal, and then warm up and cool - in this case it can be easy to work with (it becomes pliable).
Welding of finished elements
Placed on a welding table base to which is already welded frame. At this point, we checked the quality and accuracy of assembly welding corners and other frame connections. Decorative elements are welded in three places. And if you need to get the broken line, it first rascherchivayut on the metal sheet. Excised original workpiece, which are then combined with the profile. All the elements of fixed welding. Details can be fastened by clamps. Thereafter, using Bulgarian necessary to carry out the cleaning.

Scraping grinding machine and processing means parts anticorrosive
Processing of metal rust before painting - an important milestone. On how quality will be carried out cleaning will depend on durability. The less vulnerable and processed seats will be in the design, the longer it will last and you will retain the original appearance. After that, the gates are typically coated with a special all-weather paint on metal.
How to install wrought iron gates
When installing the gate is necessary to observe a certain algorithm. First adjusted reference pillars. Most often, the entire structure is ready. Further mark out installation point.
Note! Supporting columns must be loaded into the ground at least 1 meter. Monitor the perpendicular. If the pillars set crookedly, "will lead" and gates. After laying gravel, cement mortar is poured.
Recommendations regarding the care of wrought iron gates
outside the gates of care primarily consists of routine inspection of all movable structures. There are special formulations that can handle loops and all mechanisms. This will ensure a durable and quiet operation.
Furthermore, care require and design itself. After some time, probably, it will be possible to freshen up, repainted the decorative elements. It may require the replacement of the lower bolts, if the gate swinging. Agree, design options can be thousands.

How much are the wrought-iron gates and wickets
The final price depends on many factors:
- The scope and uses of the material;
- Complexity of manufacturing decorative elements;
- Size and complexity of the gate mechanisms;
- Accessories and automatics;
Do not forget that in the event of automation, you will need to connect to electricity, it is also an additional cost.
The average cost of the finished product can be up to 200 or 300 thousand rubles. Combined samples are much cheaper: 40 000-45 000. Would you like to install on your site an element? Tell us what would you have installed gates and why.