Hiking, fishing, hunting and riding in a car can not do without a folding blade. It can be useful in many situations: clear space tent, Dig a pit for garbage, dig out stuck vehicle wheel. Manufacturers offer a fairly large range of compact folding blades, but they do not make the wrong choice? some products too "heaped up", others - highly specialized, and still others altogether unreliable. We offer you a compact folding blade Multi-function Folding Shovel.

What is the Multi-function Folding Shovel
Multi-function folding shovel Multi-function Folding Shovel It has a rather elaborate design and become an indispensable assistant at the cottage, Hiking, fishing, hunting or car trip. It can quickly and easily be transformed into a chopper or a hoe, and if necessary even axThanks especially sharpened side bayonet. Ergonomic handle shovel lifted and opens a set of tools: Saws, wrenches, screwdrivers, and also has a place to store your necessary things that may be needed in the campaign, hunting or fishing. Multi-function Folding Shovel It weighs only 1300 grams.
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The choice of a folding blade
The main advantage of folding blades - low weight and compactness. When choosing an appropriate model must take into account several key characteristics:
- The weight. It can reach from 400 to 1500 c. This depends on the dimensions and materials used for the manufacture of the blade;
- Dimensions. In the unfolded state with handle length may be 400-600 mm, blade width - 90-150 mm;
- materials. The blade of which is made largely determines its value. The most expensive model - titanium and cheaper designs made from hardened steel or boron;
- nice bonuses (Pick, built housing, knife a handle, etc.).