Despite the fact that the Russian market LVL-beams appeared relatively recently, in the US and Europe, he It has been known since the 60s of the last century as a fairly durable material, which is used in a variety of areas. In this review, a brief look at what LVL, its advantages and applications.

What is LVL-beams and its advantages
LVL-beam manufactured peeled veneers of softwood. Raw materials for the production of the material is taken more when cutting down trees. The thickness of the obtained veneer should be 3 mm, and the beam itself contains 7-9 layers. Thus, not only receive beamsBut also plates with different dimensions. The minimum thickness of material amounts to 18 mm maximum - 102 mm and width - 100-1800 mm. The length of LVL-timber can not be more than 18 m.
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In LVL-beams a wide range of applications, which is caused by its advantages:
- the strength of higher than normal wood;
- a wide range of sizes;
- efficiency;
- a high degree of water resistance;
- resistance aggressive external environment;
- low combustion level;
- relatively low weight;
- versatility;
- ease of processing.

The disadvantages include parpronitsaemost and low level of environmental safety, due to the large amount of the adhesive composition.
Video better tell you about the benefits of LVL-beams.
Scope LVL-beams
As we have already mentioned, LVL, thanks to the excellent performance, are used to manufacture a wide variety of designs, namely:
- floor beams;
- construction of sports complexes, industrial and commercial buildings, warehouses and hangars;
- construction country houses;
- Device for the pillars and walls;
- making furniture, window, doors etc.
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A few words in conclusion
Using LVL-bar allows you to quickly build a lightweight and reliable construction, the cost of which is much lower than the counterparts of the traditional lumber. From this material, you can build both temporary and permanent structures, even in regions with a humid climate.