Humidifier: ranking of the best models of the year 2017-2018 and the review

Healthy state of the atmosphere in the room is largely dependent on water vapor concentration. To raise the level necessary to select a suitable humidifier. Ranking of the best models of the year 2017-2018 will help to make the right decision. Professional comments useful for the correct set of comparative analysis of current market offerings.

Humidifier: ranking of the best models of 2017-2018
If such nice messages favorite, then bought too powerful equipment can be drawn on the inside of the window. Examine carefully the following facts to purchase equipment with the necessary consumer characteristics without errors and extra costs

Read article

  • 1 What you need to buy a humidifier: the correct formulation of the problem
  • 2 Choosing the optimal model: a humidifier better
    • 2.1 Drawing up a list of individual requirements
  • 3 varieties of humidifiers
    • 3.1 Ultrasonic Humidifier: ranking of the best models of the year 2017-2018 with useful recommendations
      • 3.1.1 Polaris PUH 2650
      • 3.1.2 Humidifier Electrolux EHU-5515D
      • 3.1.3 Polaris PUH 5206DI
      • 3.1.4 Supra HDS-205
      • 3.1.5 Boneco U201A
    • 3.2 Most steam humidifiers
      • 3.2.1 Stadler Form Fred F-008EH
      • 3.2.2 Boneco S450
      • 3.2.3 De'Longhi UH 700M
      • 3.2.4 Gorenje H17B
    • 3.3 Humidifiers cold steam
      • 3.3.1 Ballu EHB-010
      • 3.3.2 Philips HU 4706
      • 3.3.3 Element WA05NW
      • 3.3.4 Stadler Form Oskar O-020
    • 3.4 Air cleaning: ranking of the best models of the year 2017-2018
      • 3.4.1 BORK Q710
      • 3.4.2 Panasonic F-VXH50
      • 3.4.3 Electrolux EHAW 7510D
    • 3.5 climate complex
      • 3.5.1 honeywell CHL30XC
      • 3.5.2 Vitesse VS-867
    • 3.6 Top model for children
      • 3.6.1 B.Well WH-200
      • 3.6.2 Ramili Baby AH770
    • 3.7 Rating of the most reliable manufacturers
    • 3.8 At what price you can buy a humidifier, reviews, catalogs

What you need to buy a humidifier: the correct formulation of the problem

First, we need to consider the basic definitions. Absolute humidity is called, which determines the actual amount of water in a certain air volume (example: 10 g in one cubic meter.). As reference and standard material, usually lead relative value. It indicates the ratio in percentage of the maximum possible concentration of air at a certain temperature.

Relative humidity,%Temperature, ° C
The absolute humidity in grams per cubic meter.
When the temperature rises considerably increases the allowable concentration of moisture in a unit volume of air
When the temperature rises considerably increases the allowable concentration of moisture in a unit volume of air

The reverse process occurs in winter. Cold air process does not hold water. She settles on the trees and other objects in the form of frost. When winding is drastically reduced level of moisture in the premises. If we compare values ​​at -25 ° C and + 25 ° C the difference between the absolute values ​​will be from 23 to 46 times at different levels of relative humidity.

Note! This explains the extreme dryness of the rooms in winter. Mistakenly assume that the process operation is associated with the heating equipment. This is not true. For the decomposition of water molecules is small even powerful energy incandescent spiral heat gun.

In accordance with the applicable building codes experts recommend to maintain an optimum the relative humidity in the winter from 30% to 40%, and in summer - from 30% to 60% (maximum 60% and 65% respectively). That these figures are used to determine the parameters of the designers of materials, manufacturing processes.

Sanitary standards prescribe to maintain a relative humidity of 40-60% at a room temperature ranging from + 22 ° C + 24 ° C all year round. Physiologists recommend for children and rehabilitation activities to raise the level of 5-10% compared with the norm.

Tsvetovody advised to maintain a parameter in the range from 40% to 70%. Much depends on the type of plants. For office use the same standards as for housing. In any case pay attention to the limitations of technical equipment manufacturers.

If you add up the facts, we can draw the following conclusions:

  • The optimal level of relative humidity of 40-60%;
  • In some situations, it must be increased;
  • moisture concentration substantially independent of temperature, so it is necessary to monitor the corresponding figures in the complex;
  • Particularly difficult to support the requirements of regulations in the winter.

By reducing the moisture content below 30% are drained mucous membranes. Appear unpleasant sensations in the eyes and cramps, disturbed functional state of the defense mechanisms of the human body. Significantly increases the risk of allergic reactions, infections. Deteriorating condition of skin, hair root nutrition. Excessive humidity is conducive to the development of microorganisms, mold and fungal colonies.

Here is just some of the problems. Entering the scope of RH norms deny a negative impact on plants and pets. In such circumstances, it fails quality electronics, damaged valuable pictures, spoils wooden furniture.

A short list of troubles is enough to understand the feasibility of preventive measures.

Even an expensive multifunction machine will be cheaper compared with the cost of troubleshooting
Even an expensive multifunction machine will be cheaper compared with the cost of troubleshooting

Choosing the optimal model: a humidifier better

For operational control of critical parameters necessary to obtain the appropriate measuring equipment
For operational control of critical parameters necessary to obtain the appropriate measuring equipment

Such a modern weather station if installed sensors able to fairly accurately predict weather. But to solve the problem of sufficient temperature readings, and RH.

To find the apartment for a humidifier, a rating of the best models of the year 2017-2018 should be considered in the light of technical features. For this purpose it is necessary to study in detail the structure, which are used in practice.

Schematic diagram of modern humidifier
Schematic diagram of modern humidifier

The figure shows the most popular solution. Special membrane driven generator of ultrasonic frequency vibrations. When immersed in liquid this effect creates the smallest water drops which flow of air supplied to the room atmosphere. The main advantage of this scheme is the minimum power consumption at a sufficiently high productivity.

Marked on Figure additional elements are often added to the composition of these plants:

  • Mechanical filtration delay dust and other large fraction of impurities;
  • hardness salts using ion exchange delay excipients. This process prevents the formation of scale, which clogs the technological ducts, into the atmosphere together with the particles of water;
  • Pasteurization System - is pre-heating, which destroys bacteria;
  • Rotary spray tip useful in humidified air flow in the desired direction.
The steam humidifier
The steam humidifier

The principle of operation is clear without detailed explanations. Powerful heating element raises the temperature to boiling. A similar result can be obtained by applying a kettle or pan with water. However, the use of specialized equipment simplifies the humidification process. The figure marked not a required element, bath with aromatic oils. For the saturation of air with pleasant aromas of useful steam heating.

However, it determines the temperature increase of the main disadvantages of such humidifiers:

  • Machinery performs its functions with excessive power consumption;
  • Large inertia does not allow immediate start / stop the humidification process;
  • The high temperature in the working zone intensifies the scale formation process. The water has to carefully prepare to remove calcium and magnesium compounds. Without this heating element to quickly fail.

Important! A significant advantage is the boiling process, destroying harmful microorganisms.

Humidification "cold" steam
Humidification "cold" steam

Play this technology in the home can be a few minutes, using the means at hand. However, as you would with kettle, There is no adjustment mechanism. Water enters the atmosphere of the room without cleaning, so it is possible allergens air pollution and other harmful impurities. We should not forget about the appearance of abuse interior. It is difficult to imagine this kind of "decoration" in luxury living.

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We choose a humidifier: ranking of the best models of the year 2017-2018 with commentsHow to moisten the air in the room without a humidifier. To improve the quality of the oxygen you need to know how to moisten the air in the room. This procedure may be even more effective if you follow the advice in this article without the humidifier.

Aesthetes can purchase similar products factory to play the traditional method
Aesthetes can purchase similar products factory to play the traditional method

We will consider only the technical means to carry out their functions in the automatic mode. The respective air humidifiers passed through moistened with fan baffle application. Additional heating is not needed, so power consumption is reduced.

The circuit operation of the air cleaning
The circuit operation of the air cleaning

Equipment in this category must also be included in the overview of the current ratings. The air cleaner and humidifier Housing removes atmospheric contaminants, odors, dust and fungi spores. he is able to lower the temperatureTherefore useful in the summer. This technique is characterized by high productivity. With it you can quickly raise the level of relative humidity healthy level even in a large room.

When considering the best humidifier for rooms of 2017-2018 should examine the climatic rating systems. When expanded with machinery of this class performs the following functions:

  • Automatically controlled humidity, temperature and contamination, selects and maintains optimum operating conditions;
  • It removes harmful chemical, mechanical, and organic impurities with application of electrostatic charges, ionization, catechin, enzymatic and other special fillers;
  • Hydrates heats and cools air;
  • Adds a given program pleasant flavors.
Changing the circulation of air flows to effectively treat complex climatic room volume allowing for the impurities
Changing the circulation of air flows to effectively treat complex climatic room volume allowing for the impurities

Drawing up a list of individual requirements

To clarify the important criteria need to be carefully considered standard features humidifiers:

  • In the description lead tank capacity and performance. These parameters help to evaluate not only the potential but also the duration of the work on one refueling;
  • Serviced help - not an accurate parameter. Much depends on the actual parameters of humidity, temperature, mode of ventilation. However, the data specified by the manufacturer should take note, as the minimum permissible value;
  • Humidification method is crucial. The previous section discussed in detail the relevant technology;
  • Degree (mechanism) filtering is selected to suit individual needs. For example, some equipment is able to remove the smell of tobacco smoke. In another case, you will need an effective disposal of the particles dog hair;
  • Determine exactly what functions need more than air humidification;
  • Check the control friendliness, indication, aesthetic characteristics, noise.

Note! Particular attention should be paid to protection against limescale. Calcium education can quickly degrade the quality characteristics of the consumer of expensive equipment. Radical method - the use of water, well-cleaned in a reverse osmosis.

varieties of humidifiers

In today's market often appear new models, the difference with the time-tested technique is not always obvious. To make the right decision, the rating of the best moisturizers and air purifiers should be considered in the light of the above information for the house 2017-2018. For complex analysis, consider the personal wishes, especially the mode of operation, reviews of the owners. Check not only energy consumption, but also the need for replacement filters, and other operating costs.

Ultrasonic Humidifier: ranking of the best models of the year 2017-2018 with useful recommendations

Polaris PUH 2650

Polaris PUH 2650
Polaris PUH 2650
OptionsU measurementValue
power consumptionW30
Performance humidifier (water consumption)ml per hour400
The maximum recommended room spacem.24
The volume of the tankl5

Transparent window illuminated on the front panel allows you to quickly determine the occupancy of the water tank. There alarm emptying the tank. Water softener manufacturer suggests using a replaceable cartridge.

Humidifier Electrolux EHU-5515D

Electrolux EHU-5515D
Electrolux EHU-5515D
OptionsU measurementValue
cold steamwarm steam
power consumptionW40125
Performance humidifier (water consumption)ml per hour400550
The maximum recommended floor spacem.6060
The volume of the tankl6,76,7
Operating time with one tank fillinghours1612

This versatile technique is capable of performing its functions in three modes. Cold vapor created using standard ultrasonic generator. Hot - with preliminary heated water to + 80 ° C. In the night mode to the minimum RPM fan speed is reduced to lower the noise level. The humidity level is controlled by a built-in humidistat.

Polaris PUH 5206DI

Ultrasonic humidifier Polaris PUH 5206DI
Ultrasonic humidifier Polaris PUH 5206DI
OptionsU measurementValue
power consumptionW35
Performance humidifier (water consumption)ml per hour350
The maximum recommended floor spacem.35
The volume of the tankl6
Operating time with one tank fillinghours18

This ultrasonic humidifier added to the list of the best of 2017-2018 taking into account the good equipment. Electronic hygrostat provides automatic maintenance of the user-defined parameters. The model is equipped with touch-sensitive buttons, which not only simplifies management. The absence of mechanical components increases reliability. Display a pair of output level, operating time up to shutdown, and the relative humidity becomes visible after turning on. For protection against limescale has replaceable carbon filter.

Supra HDS-205

Supra HDS-205
Supra HDS-205
OptionsU measurementValue
power consumptionW45
Performance humidifier (water consumption)ml per hour300
The maximum recommended floor spacem.
The volume of the tankl5,2
Operating time with one tank fillinghours17

This technique is capable of supporting a maximum humidity of 95%. For indicating operational information is economical liquid crystal display with backlighting. Generation intensity is infinitely adjustable for easy selection of the optimum mode. Built-in timer can be set in the range of from 1 to 24 hours.

Boneco U201A

Humidifier Boneco U201A
Humidifier Boneco U201A
OptionsU measurementValue
power consumptionW20
Performance humidifier (water consumption)ml per hour295
The maximum recommended floor spacem.47
The volume of the tankl3,6
Noise leveldB25

This model is equipped with mechanical control, a minimal set of filters and other add-ons. Such a decision maker will reduce the cost. Nevertheless, the basic functions of the humidifier Boneco U201A performs flawlessly. Special mention should be low noise level that does not cause discomfort when the equipment at night.

Most steam humidifiers

Stadler Form Fred F-008EH

Stadler Form Fred F-008EH
Stadler Form Fred F-008EH
OptionsU measurementValue
power consumptionW300
Performance humidifier (water consumption)ml per hour340
The maximum recommended floor spacem.40
The volume of the tankl3,7
Noise leveldB26

This "flying saucer" in addition to direct destination is capable of performing the functions of modern decoration interior. There is installed a reliable and durable ceramic heater. Built-in humidistat provides automatic control.

Boneco S450

hot steam humidifier Boneco S450
hot steam humidifier Boneco S450
OptionsU measurementValue
power consumptionW480
Performance humidifier (water consumption)ml per hour550
The maximum recommended floor spacem.60
The volume of the tankl7
Noise leveldB35

This technique is capable of supporting two standard humidity level (45% and 50%). Allowed the use of custom settings. Dimming the display is adjusted automatically to suit ambient light in the room. It should be noted an increased level of noise, which is due to a solid performance.

De'Longhi UH 700M

Nice humidifier De'Longhi UH 700M in modern interior
Nice humidifier De'Longhi UH 700M in modern interior
OptionsU measurementValue
power consumptionW260
Performance humidifier (water consumption)ml per hour300
The maximum recommended floor spacem.30
The volume of the tankl6,1
Operating time with one tank fillinghours20

In this technique, a built flavoring, low water level indicator and turning on the power. Manufacturer of insulated heating element for protection against limescale.

Gorenje H17B

Gorenje H17B. Modern functional technique is different expressive design
Gorenje H17B. Modern functional technique is different expressive design
OptionsU measurementValue
power consumptionW30
The maximum recommended floor spacem.25
The volume of the tankl1,7

Note! In the review, only the official data published by the manufacturer. With a lack of information, it is possible to find the necessary information on the Internet. For a qualitative comparison is necessary to prepare the corresponding parameters for the selected model.

Humidifiers cold steam

Ballu EHB-010

Humidifier Ballu EHB-010
Humidifier Ballu EHB-010
OptionsU measurementValue
power consumptionW18
Performance humidifier (water consumption)ml per hour200
The maximum recommended floor spacem.20
The volume of the tankl2

This steam humidifier is included in the ranking of the best of 2017-2018 on a range of parameters. It weighs 1200 With dimensions 24,2h34,5 see is not difficult to find a suitable place in the room. The list of advantages is necessary to note the low cost (from 2900 rub.), Built-in flavor.

Philips HU 4706

cold steam humidifier Philips HU 4706
cold steam humidifier Philips HU 4706
OptionsU measurementValue
power consumptionW14
Performance humidifier (water consumption)ml per hour150
Noise leveldB40
The volume of the tankl1,3
Operating time with one tank fillinghours8

Technical specifications of such equipment is largely dependent on the dampening of the cartridge. In this model, it is recommended to be replaced every three months.

Element WA05NW

Element WA05NW
Element WA05NW
OptionsU measurementValue
power consumptionW18
Performance humidifier (water consumption)ml per hour350
The maximum recommended floor spacem.50
The volume of the tankl6

feedback on the Element WA05NW, Sergey Ivanov: Advantages: Very clever design, a quiet, does not heat the air, really moisturizes without white bloom, like ultrasound and stuffiness, like steam.

Disadvantages: The presence of consumables. Established filters (2 pcs.) Have a very simple structure nondensely respectively evaporation area is small. Oscar filters are much denser and without plastic housing, which is also convenient. Filter Material - plain paper.

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Stadler Form Oskar O-020

Stadler Form Oskar O-020
Stadler Form Oskar O-020
OptionsU measurementValue
power consumptionW18
Performance humidifier (water consumption)ml per hour300
Noise leveldB26
The volume of the tankl3,5

This model is equipped with antibacterial filter with silver components. There is a night mode, in which the noise is reduced to a comfortable level.

Air cleaning: ranking of the best models of the year 2017-2018


A cleaner and humidifier BORK Q710
A cleaner and humidifier BORK Q710
OptionsU measurementValue
power consumptionW344
Performance humidifier (water consumption)ml per hour400
The maximum recommended floor spacem.40
The volume of the tankl4

Such humidifier and air purifier It holds rightfully high position in the ranking of the best of the year 2017-2018. This technique is able to perform its functions with the use of the four automatic and a manual mode. For of maintaining the moisture level is a digital hygrometer. Acceptable use natural evaporation of moisture and warm.

Panasonic F-VXH50

Intuitive control system simplifies operation model Panasonic F-VXH50
Intuitive control system simplifies operation model Panasonic F-VXH50
OptionsU measurementValue
power consumptionW43
Performance humidifier (water consumption)ml per hour500
The maximum recommended floor spacem.40
The volume of the tankl2,3
Noise leveldBFrom 18 to 51

This technique is equipped with a pre-filter, the ionization unit. It automatically changes the mode of operation, taking into account the actual indoor air pollution.

review nayanova: Advantages: a noticeable result, high-quality cleansing, beautiful, easy to operate, nanoe technology. Very nice control panel. Stylish bright light during the day and at night there is a mode - when you turn off the light, she goes out almost completely in order not to irritate the sensitive and irritable.

Disadvantages: I would like a more powerful humidifier

More on

Electrolux EHAW 7510D

Stylish cleaner and humidifier Electrolux EHAW 7510D
Stylish cleaner and humidifier Electrolux EHAW 7510D
OptionsU measurementValue
power consumptionW18
Performance humidifier (water consumption)ml per hour500
The maximum recommended floor spacem.50
The volume of the tankl7

This model has a well-equipped:

  • Automatic adjustment of the brightness level of the display;
  • ionization unit;
  • Touch control system;
  • choice body colors (white and black terracotta);
  • warning of the need to replace the filter elements.

climate complex

honeywell CHL30XC

Apparatus climatic complex heating Honeywell CHL30XC
Apparatus climatic complex heating Honeywell CHL30XC
OptionsU measurementValue
power consumptionW100-250 (moisturizing treatment) / 1800-2250 (heating)
Performance air purificationcubic meters. in an hour900
The maximum recommended floor spacem.150 (clear) / 50 (heating)
The volume of the tankl30
Noise leveldB36-56

For ease of management standard has remote control. The cooling function is performed using ice. Place the cooler in a special compartment.

Vitesse VS-867

Vitesse VS-867
Vitesse VS-867
OptionsU measurementValue
power consumptionW1800 (in heating mode)
Performance of air exchangecubic meters. in an hour450
The maximum recommended floor spacem.15
The volume of the tankl10

This device heats, cools, cleans and moistens the air in the room. No display and remote control, it must be noted, as the disadvantages.

Top model for children

B.Well WH-200

Jolly Bear B.Well WH-200 will create a comfortable environment in the nursery quickly, almost silently
Jolly Bear B.Well WH-200 will create a comfortable environment in the nursery quickly, almost silently
OptionsU measurementValue
power consumptionW24
Performance humidifier (water consumption)ml per hour120
The maximum recommended floor spacem.50
The volume of the tankl2
humidification durationhours18

Ramili Baby AH770

Easy Ramili Baby AH770 is safe for the child. This humidifier can be included in the 2017-2018 ranking of the best models for newborns
Easy Ramili Baby AH770 is safe for the child. This humidifier can be included in the 2017-2018 ranking of the best models for newborns
OptionsU measurementValue
The maximum recommended floor spacem.30
The volume of the tankl1
humidification durationhours8

Electronic control, remote control and timer simplifies the operation of this model. But it should be noted that some manufacturers are paying excessive attention to the peculiarities of appearance at the expense of functionality. To equip a children's room is fine quality, "adult" humidifier with automatic humidistat, multi-stage filtration. If necessary, you can set the equipment out of reach for the baby.

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We choose a humidifier: ranking of the best models of the year 2017-2018 with commentsWhat is the best humidifier for children. What better device to buy for children, where to install it in the nursery, is there any special requirements for the device, which are moisturizers? On this and many other things in the material.

Rating of the most reliable manufacturers

Estimated users and experts service centers top positions in the list are Philips, Mitsubishi Electric, Mitsubishi Electric, other experienced producers. It is understood that with the purchase of equipment of famous brands have to overpay for a name. Good performance, but at the cost of different products Ballu, Boneco, Polaris. When choosing a need to evaluate all relevant factors. Many manufacturers use the same components (fans, humidistat), and therefore becomes important build quality, strict control.

At what price you can buy a humidifier, reviews, catalogs

PhotoBrand / modelLenia require power, WVai lubricated area, sq.m.price, rub.Features
We choose a humidifier: ranking of the best models of the year 2017-2018 with commentsBoneco / U7001808013100-18500
  • Ultrasonic humidifier with a transparent tank.
  • Electronic control.
We choose a humidifier: ranking of the best models of the year 2017-2018 with commentsPolaris / PUH 265030243100-6300
  • Reasonable cost with good functionality.
  • Built-tank capacity of 5 liters.
We choose a humidifier: ranking of the best models of the year 2017-2018 with commentsPanasonic / F-VXK90806651530-69200
  • Climatic complex without heating function.
  • Adaptive tuning NANOE based air pollution.
We choose a humidifier: ranking of the best models of the year 2017-2018 with commentsBoneco / S2502607900-8800
  • Steam humidifier.
We choose a humidifier: ranking of the best models of the year 2017-2018 with commentsStadler Form / Oskar Big Original O-040OR3210019800-25200
  • Traditional humidifier with independent hygrometer.
  • Included: aromatic oil (Switzerland), bactericidal filtering element.
We choose a humidifier: ranking of the best models of the year 2017-2018 with commentsTimberk / THU ADF 011281800-4100
  • Modest specifications humidifier Timberk compensates affordable price.
  • This model is equipped with built-in lighting and flavor.

When selecting equipment, consider the necessarily own needs. leave comments on the article and ask questions to clarify information and experience exchange.

Further guidance on the selection of the humidifier is in this video: