First of all this kind of roofing can look and feel interested in saving and the development of energy resources. Glass tiles designed by the Swiss company Soltech. The material integrated solar cells, solar transmissive rays. Thereby coating influences water heating and heating system generally. Experts say that the quality of the glass ensures a solid energy savings.
Another of the advantages of a glass roof - perfect appearance. Glossy finish, sparkling in the sun, just aesthetes will like. In addition, the room opens panoramic view, And the roof will be an additional source of natural light. Developers assure customers the reliability of tempered glass.
But do not forget about the disadvantages. For example, after rain on a transparent tiles can remain divorces. But this is not the only issue - the price of the roof is high enough. And the installation requires a long and laborious work. Also worth noting is that this coating is not suitable for hot climates. When exposed to high temperatures the glass may break.