Reflective coating: types of surfaces and their use

Mirror coatings in the design interior - a popular reception of visual expansion space. Mirrors not only perform a practical function, but also serve as a talisman of feng shui, directing energy at home in the right direction. The only problem is that the heavy plates is not so easy to install, they are expensive and very fragile. In this article from will talk about whether there is competition in the mirrors.

Reflective coatings made of modern materials - an interesting and affordable alternative
Reflective coatings made of modern materials - an interesting and affordable alternative

Read article

  • 1 Why is there a need to use alternative materials
  • 2 Types of polymers mirror
    • 2.1 mirrored acrylic
    • 2.2 Polystyrene reflective surface
    • 2.3 PVC mirror
  • 3 What is the cost plastic mirror

Why is there a need to use alternative materials

Large mirror surfaces can be found in sports and dance halls, in offices and other institutions. Mirrored surfaces multiply the illumination room. They are able to visually push the boundaries of narrow or small spaces. All this makes the reflecting materials are very popular among designers.

Reflective stickers can completely transform the interior
Reflective stickers can completely transform the interior

Mirrors for interior produce large sheets or in the form of tiles. And then, and another weighs a lot. To install such material need to specifically prepare the surface, consolidate the strong frame or to use special tile adhesive. All these manipulations require professional judgment. In addition, these mirrors must be very carefully handled and installed, not to mention the fact that during the operation should be very careful.

Mirror manufacturing technology has not changed over the last hundred years and is still very expensive
Mirror manufacturing technology has not changed over the last hundred years and is still very expensive

These facts raise questions about the search for alternatives - just a light, durable and easy to install. And it is - a mirror polymers.

Types of polymers mirror

Polymeric compounds act confidently today an alternative to natural materials. They are durable, lightweight and durable, easy to transport and install.

Products based on polystyrene, acrylic and PVC are used in the interior is now on a par with natural wood, metal and glass
Products based on polystyrene, acrylic and PVC are used in the interior is now on a par with natural wood, metal and glass

Consider each of three kinds of mirror more polymers, in particular - their properties and fields of application.

mirrored acrylic

Acrylic plastic is used for the manufacture of sanitary ware, furniture, including reflective surfaces. What are the advantages of a mirror acrylic:

  • material is very easy and requires thorough surface preparation before installation;
  • Products made of acrylic are not afraid of moisture and temperature changes, and therefore can be used in almost any environment;
  • Acrylic is not afraid of direct sunlight, it is not cloudy and does not darken;
  • Acrylic Mirror - impact resistant, they may be installed in areas with intense operating conditions.
The acrylic polymer has a mirrored high transparency and excellent reflective characteristics without image distortion
The acrylic polymer has a mirrored high transparency and excellent reflective characteristics without image distortion

Note! Mirror acrylic resists aggressive chemicals, including solvents, acids and alkalis.

Reflective surfaces of acrylic easy to handle, they are easy to cut and drilled. So mirrors easily into any shape, which is very important when creating a original interiors. And what is most important - the size of acrylic mirrors are almost unlimited.

The web may be just a huge, that allows the use of such reflective surfaces to create impressive scale compositions
The web may be just a huge, that allows the use of such reflective surfaces to create impressive scale compositions

The weight of this material as compared to traditional mirror less than half. And the last - acrylic is not so icy to the touch, like normal glass.

Are there any disadvantages of this material? Oh, and the main of them - the probability of occurrence of scratches during rough handling. Scratches on the glass does not happen. Manufacturers of knowing about the weakness of acrylic mirrors, began to produce them with a special protective coating.

From a mirrored acrylic offer panels for ceilings and walls, inserts in doors and furniture, fences
From a mirrored acrylic offer panels for ceilings and walls, inserts in doors and furniture, fences

Acrylic plastic are produced in sheet and roll form. product supply self-adhesive base for ease of installation. Round polymer before installing the need to straighten a few hours.

Tip! That during cutting of sheet plastic power tool it does not melt, it is necessary to consider ways of cooling the surface. In this case, useful cooling lubricants.

Polystyrene reflective surface

Another successful alternative to a real mirror - polystyrene. This impact-resistant material is made based on a synthetic rubber. The rubber surface does not crack and does not beat. To reflect on platform rubber glue mirror polyester film with an aluminum coating. Polystyrene does not transmit light, so that the mirror film is located on the work surface.

To save this film from damage is applied on top of another protective layer
To save this film from damage is applied on top of another protective layer

Advantages of polystyrene mirrors:

  • polystyrene plastic and flexible yet extremely durable;
  • This material is impervious to temperature fluctuations;
  • polystyrene is resistant to chemical attack.
The rubber material is not afraid of scratches and is easy to process with hand tools
The rubber material is not afraid of scratches and is easy to process with hand tools

There is this kind of reflective surfaces and their features to keep in mind that they do not turn into disadvantages. The first - a possible deformation of the rubber and the reflective layer during cutting. To avoid this, you need to run a high-speed equipment from the location of the reflective layer. If you have a laser sharp - in this case it is necessary to start from the back side. When machining is necessary to remove the protective layer.

Tip! If you want to bend a sheet of polystyrene mirror, heat it, it perfectly folded manually.

The second feature of polystyrene - the sensitivity of the end parts to moisture. It does not interfere from time to time wipe such mirrors acrylic glass cleaner.

Polystyrene mirror is used for production of advertising objects, signage, interior design residential and public buildings
Polystyrene mirror is used for production of advertising objects, signage, interior design residential and public buildings

PVC mirror

Mirror PVC - material of new generation, is popular among builders and designers. Its structure is similar to the structure of polystyrene, i.e. a triple layer: basis reflective film and protection. basis is PVC. This basis is not afraid of moisture, it can be used directly in the water.

Polyvinyl as the other polymers listed above are not afraid of chemicals and has high strength characteristics
Polyvinyl as the other polymers listed above are not afraid of chemicals and has high strength characteristics

PVC does not support an open flame, it can be safely used in areas with extreme temperature changes. This type of plastic is easily bent, it can take almost any form. It is fixed by welding or special adhesives.

Manufacturers offer PVC Mirror Adhesive, which greatly facilitates their installation.

Such reflective surfaces are environmentally friendly, easy to sanitize and does not support the development of mold and mildew
Such reflective surfaces are environmentally friendly, easy to sanitize and does not support the development of mold and mildew

Among the indisputable advantages of PVC should note the following:

  • he was not taking on water, not dark and cloudy from its effects;
  • PVC has high strength and thus excellent elasticity;
  • material is available in different forms: a roll panel, tile.
PVC plastic is one of the most affordable materials
PVC plastic is one of the most affordable materials

What is the cost plastic mirror

Polymer high quality mirror let the German, Austrian, Italian manufacturers. Good results show the Chinese and Russian companies.

If we consider the average cost of plastic per m2 of mirrors, we get this:

  • PVC mirror - 1800-4600 rubles;
  • acrylic mirror panels - 2000-6000 rubles;
  • Polystyrene mirror - 1300-3200 rubles.

As you can see, the prices are quite reasonable. So that the polymers can serve as a viable alternative to heavy and expensive glass.

How to use these mirrors in the interior - in a small amusing video:

If you've already decorated your interior such compositions, write about their experiences in the comments!