Even small mechanical damage can significantly degrade the appearance table or cabinet. We offer to find out how to remove scratches from furniture ready and folk remedies.
Even minor damage clearly visible
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1 The specialized tools to remove scratches on the furniture: effective formulations
1.1 Furniture pencil and bar
1.2 Wax or wood putty, or anything to cover up scratches on furniture
1.3 Than other means you can paint over the scratches on the furniture
2 How to remove scratches from polished furniture improvised means
2.1 The kernel of a walnut and mayonnaise
2.2 How to remove scratches from lacquered furniture welding or iodine
2.3 Vinegar, vegetable oil or stain
2.4 How to remove scratches from polished furniture other means
3 How to remove scratches from the glass table: Current tips
The specialized tools to remove scratches on the furniture: effective formulations
Considerable mechanical damage is very difficult to hide. We offer to find out how to remove scratches on furnitureIf there is an opportunity to purchase a specialized tool.
Select the appropriate tool can be difficult
Furniture pencil and bar
With furniture pencil easiest way to deal with scratches on wood furniture. How to remove mechanical damage with its help, can be read on the package.
Wide range of colors allows to choose the right tone
The main advantage of the furniture is a pencil:
choice means the right tone;
a minimum of time expended in alignment surface;
no risk of deformation the facade of furniture thanks to the soft texture of the wax core.
Attention! To restore the integrity of the surface using a wax pencil is necessary after each cleaning, so kitchen furniture it is better not to apply.
You can purchase a wax crayon White Marble, Pastel on Coswick.
Bar furniture has a greater adhesion. Is he:
It allows you to paint over and align the bumps;
It remains invisible on the matte surface;
It requires the application of several layers. How to cover up scratches on furniture with the help of touch, written in the instructions to the facility;
It requires boundaries smoothing after treatment with a damp cloth.
Irina Rosenstein
Designer studio "Cozy Home"
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«Recover gloss lacquered surface after stroke by using clear nail polish. "
Choosing the appropriate structure, note the review of the furniture stroke Wizard City.
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_130562.html
Wax or wood putty, or anything to cover up scratches on furniture
Wax is used not only to remove small lesions, but also for restoration sets. Manufacturers produce hard and soft compounds, each of which has its own distinctive features. We offer to find out about them in advance, before they are decided, than to cover up scratches on the furniture.
Choose the right color is easy to wax
Soft wax in shallow defects simply rubbed. The deeper is applied using a trowel. Fifteen minutes later, the excess is removed and the surface is polished.
For applying the composition using a trowel
When selecting a suitable composition of the proposed pay attention to the Borma Wachs Stuccorapido, Novoryt, Master City.
We are confident you will be interested in a review of the soft wax STUCCORAPIDO.
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_958094.html
Hard wax refers to professional tools. In its retracted surface applied in molten form. Liberally lubricate the mechanical damage and the surrounding area, waiting hardening mass. Then, the surface is leveled, ground and polished.
To heat solid wax soldering required
mordant relevant in addressing the resulting abrasions. Staining is performed quickly, enabling the formation of a layer of uniform thickness.
Attention! Apply the composition to be for the rest of the door surface or countertop. Local use is impractical because the treated area will be immediately released.
Stain allows you to update the look of an old headset and give the desired color new
To restore the appearance of the stain can be used Liberon, Varathane, Nano Shield Fast Dry Floor Stain.
Than other means you can paint over the scratches on the furniture
When deciding what to patch up furniture deep scratches, you should pay attention to putty. The composition is applied with a spatula and is ground after drying. Fillers should choose a tone darker than the base color.
Good feedback is putty Master City.
More on Otzovik: https://otzovik.com/review_3600446.html
If interested, than paint scratches on furniturePay attention to the means for updating the surface HG furniture.
How to remove scratches from polished furniture improvised means
Not always possible to buy a special agent of the desired tone. We offer to find out how to remove scratches on wooden door furniture or materials at hand.
In order to eliminate defects, you can use the means at hand
The kernel of a walnut and mayonnaise
Mayonnaise with topical treatment unpolished products. Its constituent fat and protein contribute to swelling of wood in a defect, and the scratch disappears. Mayonnaise is applied on the surface and in a few days carefully sanded.
Now, how to remove the damage with a walnut. Simply wipe the core of the door or countertop. As a result, damage to the inside will be a nut, and to notice the defects will be impossible.
After walnut damage almost unnoticeable
How to remove scratches from lacquered furniture welding or iodine
If you just hide a defect, we consider how to remove scratches from lacquered furniture using iodine and welding. Iodine should be applied on a dark surface. It suffices to moisten cotton shelf in the solution, and then wipe the defect. After drying, the treatment site will be a little lighter.
Iodine with a shovel will not get dirty during treatment
To prepare the tea leaves one bag of black tea brew about a quarter cup of water. The resulting infusion wipe the damaged surface.
Welding should be "strong"
Vinegar, vegetable oil or stain
Variant relevant for bright polished base. To prepare homemade stain are mixed 50 g of olive oil and vinegar teaspoon. The composition is applied onto the surface and the next day with a soft cloth.
Vinegar and vegetable oil should be mixed thoroughly
How to remove scratches from polished furniture other means
Consider how else you can remove scratches from polished furniture. For small defects can use shoe polish. It is necessary to choose the means necessary to tone applied to the damaged area and half an hour to remove the excess of woolen cloth.
For dark bases can be used lubricating oil. To do this, a cotton pad soaked in the composition, wipe the defect and leave for a while, so that the oil has penetrated as deeply as possible.
The engine oil should be applied carefully
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How to remove scratches from the glass table: Current tips
The above methods are relevant for wood and its analogues. Now let's see how to remove scratches from glass table. To do this, the surface should be polished, using GOI paste, polishes, or, in severe cases, sander. First handle surface GOI paste, and then polish a suitable composition. Fill damage can also clear nail varnish. A means is applied to a thin layer of a defect, and after complete solidification polished.
Tip! If no special means for polishing can use a cloth soaked in vegetable oil.
Knowing how to remove scratches from furniture color dark wood, easy to extend the life of furniture. Share in the comments, what means you have already used, and whether there were satisfied with the outcome.