No hot water It can deliver a lot of inconvenience. Any gas water heater Neva allows preheat the water to a predetermined temperature. Offer understand the design features water-heating equipment, Basic specifications and the most popular models.
Hot water may be in every home
Read article
1 Purpose column Neva gas when it is used
2 The general principle of geysers Neva and their types
3 Gas water heater Neva: the main technical characteristics
3.1 Performance
3.2 maximum pressure
3.3 ignition type
3.4 power modulation
3.5 type heat exchangers
3.6 Type flue gases
3.7 security systems
4 Lineup geysers Neva
4.1 Gas water heater Neva 4510
4.2 Gas water heater Neva Suite 5514
4.3 Gas water heater Neva 4511
4.4 Gas water heater Neva 4513
4.5 Gas water heater Neva 3208: technical specifications and features
4.6 Gas water heater Neva transit HSV-10E
5 How to choose a gas column Neva
6 General problems and repair gas column Neva
6.1 Column Neva does not ignite
6.2 Why geyser Neva is not included
6.3 Where can I find spare parts for the gas heater Neva
7 Reviews real consumers of the gas column Neva
8 At what price you can buy a gas column Neva
Purpose column Neva gas when it is used
The need for such equipment occurs in the absence of unstable or hot water supply. Apparatus Neva gas column allows use such units as the main source of hot water in the country, in a private home or cottage. They are also relevant for an apartment located in an apartment building. In the presence of such equipment is possible to provide an uninterrupted supply of hot water in apartments with insufficient heating water supplied from a central supply system. Such columns relate to flow-through type devices to provide a sufficient amount of hot water immediately after the unit. The degree of heating can be adjusted by changing the level of head.
Ensure optimal heating of water is easy
The general principle of geysers Neva and their types
The composition of any water heater It includes a gas burner, located under the heat exchanger. The combustion products are discharged from the gas combustion zone through a special pipe, located above the burner and the heat exchanger. The principle of operation of the gas column is based on heating the water moving through the pipe inside the heat exchanger. The heat generated during the combustion gas delivers heated water geyser assembly to a predetermined level. The maximum temperature is dependent on the design features of a particular unit.
The principle of operation is dictated by the design of the
The manufacturer offers different kinds of units differing in power ignition type combustion chamber design features.
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Gas water heater Neva: the main technical characteristics
Production company offers units with different specifications. We offer to get acquainted with the basic parameters that are worth paying attention to when choosing the right option.
Each unit its specifications
This characteristic is measured in liters / minute. When choosing an appropriate model should take into account the number of users that will connect to the column. On average, each mixer continually passes to 7 liters. If the water is heated by the gas equipment bathroom or foodChoose a device with a capacity of at least 13 l / min.
When the pressure is insufficient performance weak
maximum pressure
To the gas instantaneous water heater Neva worked fine, pressure at pipeline must meet certain requirements. If it is below the recommended range, the unit will not start. It should be taken into consideration when buying a home for the old worn-out equipment tap system.
Tip! For the old house must select a column with a minimum pressure of 0.15 bar.
The maximum value is set in view of the device capabilities. During operation tap system can take place pressure surges that could cause damage to the equipment.
Sergei Kharitonov
Lead engineer for heating, ventilation and air conditioning "GK" Spetsstroy "
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"To set a column stood the water hammer, look for a model with a maximum pressure of 11-12 bar."
The pressure in the water distribution network - an important parameter
ignition type
In columns Neva ignition can be:
hand. To activate the unit, the user first presses a dedicated button, and then brings the igniter to a lighted match or lighter. This type of ignition is typical for older models. The disadvantage is the inconvenience and low level of security. In addition, the gas flow increases significantly;
pezorozzhigomProviding ignition of fire by pressing a special button. Initial ignition wick is carried out manually by simultaneously pressing two buttons pezorozzhigom and supplying gas. Subsequent incorporation of the device is carried out after opening of the tap, providing ignition of the main burner using soldering. The disadvantage is attributed pezorozzhigom continuous burning igniter;
ELECTRONIC. The most modern version, providing economical gas consumption. In units with electronic ignition instead of a wick provided a source of electricity. It is a non-volatile and volatile. The first type of guarantees the availability of hot water in the absence of electricity. Second only works in the presence of the supply voltage.
Tip! For ignition, running on batteries, you should always keep a spare supply elements.
Ignition of the gas burner may be carried out in different ways
power modulation
Having this function to stabilize the degree of water heating and reduce the amount of combusted gas. In operation, the column having capacity modulation, there is an automatic adjustment of the burner flame as a function of water pressure. A handy feature that is relevant to any user.
Provide a stable water temperature Easy
type heat exchangers
The composition of any column necessarily includes a heat exchanger providing water heating. copper, aluminum alloy or steel may be used for their manufacture. Steel heat exchangers cost less copper, have a lot of weight, reliable in operation. For modifications of copper is characterized by good heat dissipation and hence higher efficiency of installed equipment. However, due to the presence of impurities copper heat exchangers are heated unevenly, which can cause damage to the vessel.
Copper provides high efficiency heat exchangers
Type flue gases
Method discharge combustion products depends upon the design of combustion chambers, which can be closed and opened. For the first characterized by forced draft, for the second - natural. For the removal of the products of combustion heaters with closed firebox is used coaxial chimney, Type which allows the simultaneous removal of products of combustion outside of the house and the outside air supply. Upcoming chamber absorb air directly from the room in which the installed gas appliances. For the removal of the combustion products is used a traditional chimney.
Sergei Kharitonov
Lead engineer for heating, ventilation and air conditioning "GK" Spetsstroy "
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«Equipment with an open combustion chamber must be installed in premises having an area of ​​8 m² with an effective venting system for manufacturing a heat-resistant materials are used. "
Structure gas system depends on the type of combustion chamber
security systems
Manufacturer of gas columns pays special attention to the safety of manufactured equipment. To do this, it provides some degree of protection performance water heater It is monitored by special sensors. In modern models provide:
safety valve, Stopping the supply of gas and water at the pressure in the system;
or a flame ionization detector. This element provides the gas supply at termination attenuation burner;
thermal relayThe primary purpose of which is to prevent overheating. When strong heating occurs disconnection system;
sensor water pressureUsed for activating and stopping gas supply when the water;
temperature control sensorWhich allows to change the degree of heating of water when disconnecting or connecting the intake points.
The security system is provided for each column
Lineup geysers Neva
A wide range of proposed equipment can deliver serious difficulties in choosing the right option. We offer to meet with the most popular models, their features and specifications.
Gas water heater Neva 4510
Models are available with a flat hull and aluminum alloy heat exchanger. It has an efficiency - 84%. Power - 17 kW. Ignition runs on batteries. Gas boiler Neva 4510 has a capacity of 10 l / min. Capable to heat the water to 77 ° C. It weighs 10.4 kg. It has small dimensions. Calculated by the minimum pressure of 0.3 bar. Maintainable. Spare parts are inexpensive. Power modulation is not provided. The disadvantage is the short service life of the individual elements.
Neva 4510
Gas water heater Neva Suite 5514
Powerful unit with a capacity of 14 l / min. Neva Lux 5514 equipped modulated burner Unigar, triggered by electrical ignition. It provides the function gas control, whereby in the absence of special flame sensor shut off the gas.
Gas water heater Neva suite can be used to serve two water points. It allows water warmed to 90 ° C. In developing the model takes into account peculiarities of the Russian operation of the water system. Positive reviews of the gas column Neva Suite 5514 and the price of 10 000-12 000 make the model relevant to a broad group of consumers.
Neva 5514
Gas water heater Neva 4511
Quality modern model with an ergonomic design, the possibility of which is verified by many consumers. The unit has a capacity of 21 kW. It can be used for heating of water for two intake points, as it has performance at 11 l / min. Complete with copper heat exchanger.
Setting the operating mode is carried out on the digital display via an electronic control system. Electric ignition powered by batteries. The inclusion of gas equipment is carried out automatically when you open the tap. It has a modern security system, as indicated in the instruction manual. Reviews of the gas column, Neva 4511 confirm the relevance of this model for private homes and apartments.
Neva 4511
Gas water heater Neva 4513
Reliable water heater with an attractive minimalist design that can withstand operation in harsh Russian conditions. The model has the function of the gas control system, which provides a sufficient level of security in the gas supply termination. The presence of the two-stage power modulation function allows you to optimize the cost of heating water.
Gas water heater Neva 4513 22 kW allows the use of LPG and natural gas. The maximum capacity of the unit is 13 l / min at a water temperature of 25 ° C and 8 L / min - at 40 ° C. Easy to operate. It weighs 13 kg. Repairable. Automatic ignition.
Neva 4513
Gas water heater Neva 3208: technical specifications and features
A reliable model having a simple constructive design. Able to last for many years. A suitable embodiment for heating of running water. It powered by natural gas. To water heated to 40 ° C, the performance is equal to 6.45 l / min.
Specifications Neva gas column 3208 provide a minimum efficiency of 80%. The unit is equipped with a copper heat exchanger. It weighs 20 kg. Pezorozzhigom.
Neva 3208
Gas water heater Neva transit HSV-10E
The budget model of a flow type that can run on natural gas and LPG. Open fires imposes certain requirements for the installation work. Performance column Neva gas transit is 10 l / min at a nominal heat output of 21 kW. It allows to heat the water to 60 ° C. It weighs 9.5 kg. It provides the function of forced smoke.
Neva transit HSV-10E
How to choose a gas column Neva
Design and functionality of the units may differ materially. Therefore, it is difficult to immediately decide how to choose a gas column, so that it can fully meet the needs of the family in hot water. "Neva" models are cheaper than "Neva Lux". But the latter are more reliable in operation. advantageously imported components used for their manufacture. It provides a continuous flame modulation. Some models maintain the water temperature at a predetermined level.
"Neva" will be cheaper
For all models, regardless of the cost and a design, characterized by a high level of security. The very cheap Neve 4510 overheating sensors are provided, the thrust of the flame control. When selecting noteworthy power of the gas column, the value of which depends on the amount of hot water. The entire range can be divided into the following groups:
low power. It units 17-19 kW, which allow to heat water for one-WATER point, e.g., food;
average powerConsuming 20-25 kW. A suitable embodiment as necessary for supplying hot water to the two water points, for example, kitchen and bathroom;
high power. Equipment from 26 kW and above allows to bring hot water to at least three intake points. Such columns can be used for equipment of a cottage multilevel.
"Neva luxury" has high reliability
When choosing should also pay attention to:
type of gas burner assembly. Simulated devices preferable since they allow to smoothly change the degree of heating of water;
method of ignition. You should choose between electronic and pezorodzhig. The latter is completely non-volatile;
type of fuel used. If now the house is not connected to the central gas supply system, the column will run on LPG. Opting for a model that permits operation of liquefied and natural fuel, after connecting to a central water supply system does not have to change water heating equipment.
General problems and repair gas column Neva
In certain difficulties may arise during the operation of water-heating equipment, and the need repair geyser Neva. Remedy the problem can often be on their own, however, it is best to take the help of qualified professionals who know the design features of such units.
Repairs are best left to the professionals
Column Neva does not ignite
Sometimes there is a situation that heater Neva does not strike, because there is no spark. The reason for this phenomenon may be:
Possible reason
Failure of the electronic control unit, the microswitch membranes for gas Neva column.
Replacement of old parts with new ones.
electrical circuit.
Elimination of the resulting gap.
blockage filters water purification.
Clean filter or replaced.
Limescale in the heat exchanger.
Remove accumulated detachment.
Improper installation of the pipeline.
Correctly perform the installation.
The problem with the batteries.
Make sure that the batteries are not discharged and properly installed. Sometimes geyser Neva does not ignite because of an insufficient battery charge.
Weak water pressure.
Apply to the utilities.
Why geyser Neva is not included
If water heating equipment will not work, you should find out why not turn on the gas heater Neva. If the spark charge there, but the installation work still does not want to, for it may be several reasons:
Possible reason
elimination method
Stopcock closed before the gas column.
Open the valve.
Inside Communications gas is air.
Contact the gas supplier.
The loss of the electromagnetic valve performance.
Restore contacts or replacement of the old site to the new one.
A spark can not get into the stream of air-gas mixture.
Adjust the gap between the burner nozzle and the end of the spark electrode. The distance should be 5 ± 0,5 mm.
Lack reserve of liquefied gas.
Connect the new bulb.
Where can I find spare parts for the gas heater Neva
If you need to replace the old parts with new ones, to get spare parts for water heater Neva is possible without any difficulty. Required parts and components can be found not only the manufacturer but also in specialized shops.
Spare parts are presented in a large assortment
Reviews real consumers of the gas column Neva
If you have not yet managed to determine the order which model is preferred for a particular service at home, read the reviews about the gas Neva columns.
Review model Neva-Transit HSV-12E
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Feedback on the model 3208 Neva
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Review model Neva-4510
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Review model Neva Lux 5514
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At what price you can buy a gas column Neva
The cost of a particular model depends largely on its functionality. Before you buy gas Neva column, is to determine the desired characteristics. Prices for some models are presented in the table below.
The average price (as of May 2018), rub.
Neva HSV-12E
Capacity - 11.5 liters / min. Power - 24 kW. Gas control. Avtopodzhig.
8 300
Neva HSV-8 EG-058 waterfall
Productivity - 8 l / min. Gas control. Avtopodzhig.
7 100
Neva 4011
Productivity - 11 l / min. Open combustion chamber.
10 600
Electronic ignition. Productivity - 9 l / min. Power - 19 kW.
5 700
Neva Lux 5611
Productivity - 11 l / min. Power - 21 kW. Weight - 11.5 kg. Minimum pressure - 0.15 bar.
10 000
Share in the comments, some of the gas column, you decide to give preference to how long you use it, and what features of the service encounter.