Tiny room rose in a beautiful pot - the subject of dreams of most gardeners. Gentle smell of colorful buds and shoots thin graceful able to conquer anyone. But not everyone will be decided on the cultivation of this plant in the apartment - roses are famous for capricious temper. But nothing is impossible. Caring for them is not more difficult than garden varieties. If certain rules, they will delight you lush flowering for many years. Tips in this article tell you how to choose and fragrant bushes transplanted how to properly care for them and how they reproduce.
- About plant
- How to choose a rose in store
Care of plants at home
- Selecting a location
- The choice of soil and pot
- Humidity and air temperature
- Lighting
- Watering
- Top dressing and fertilizing
- Rules plants transplant
- How to cut a rose
- Care during flowering
- The rest period
Reproduction room roses
- Cooking cuttings
- Cuttings in water
- Cuttings in the substrate
- Pests and Diseases of rose room
About plant
Pot roses - decorative bush plant of the family Pink. The main difference between this type - compact dimensions that make it convenient growing indoors. Bush height generally does not exceed 35-45 cm.
History of breeding roses in the indoor environment has a rich history. Even in tsarist times it was popular in the home grown varieties of tea rose. Hybrids its Chinese "cousin" could often be found in the Soviet times. The plant has large, lush flowers.

Today, varieties of potted "beauties" myriad. They are divided into the following subgroups - Miniature, Mini-Flora and Polyantha. A very popular species polyanthas and curb roses small size with small flowers, patio roses, became widespread in the sunset of the twentieth century. They came to the apartments and houses of tiny cobbled courtyard, which gave them a name.
In addition, many varieties of breeders brought specially for growing indoors. For example, roses Danish trademark Kordan. The most popular representatives of the tiny "family" are the varieties Palace, Patio hit. And, of course, it should be noted Party roses - the height of these babies do not exceed 14 cm.
How to choose a rose in store
The most appropriate time to buy roses room is February or March. In the colder months the flower will be easier to adapt to new conditions, so the chances to save the plant grow. Examine carefully for diseases rose to choose a completely healthy instance. This flower has a lot of fresh shoots with leaves, and the earthen room in the pot sufficiently densely filled with roots. Avoid buying plants with buds drooping and flaccid leaves. But in a little dryish shoots nothing serious, but their bark should be fresh and smooth. Be sure to check out the lower part of the leaves - if there was vermin.

Buy rose only proven networks that do not allow the improper care of plants. After all, if the land is in the pot dried up at least once during the delivery or stay in the store, to revitalize this flower will not work. In this case it will act only in the role of the bouquet, which, however, will please you a little longer than cut roses. To determine the presence of this problem is visually very difficult.
Bringing the plant from the store, you need to hold it in a room with a temperature of +15. It is equally important to maintain a high level of humidity by spraying the plant with water from a spray 2-3 times a day. Dried flowers and leaves should be removed as soon as they become available.
Care of plants at home
Potted roses pretty picky and choosy. Easy to care for them. As well as in vivo, they need wintering in a cold room. roses in the summer can not tolerate the heat, so during warm periods they are encouraged to make the open space.

There are many nuances that affect the condition and appearance of the plant. Proper care is required to bear fruit, and the plant in response will certainly please you splendid flowering. Consider the basic rules of home detention roses.
Selecting a location
If you do not want to send flower on a permanent or seasonal residence in the garden and going to grow it at home, you need to choose the right place to host it.
Rose light-requiring plant, but is afraid of direct sunlight. For its permanent location will suit the southeast or south windowsill. They are fairly well lit, which is very important for the fragrant "beauty". However, in such places, the plants may be too hot, they can not resist the scorching rays.
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Especially hard roses survive the midday hours when the sun bakes with incredible force. At such times, you need to take care of the quality shade of rose or at least rearrange the sill to the surface, which is not so much filled with light. For example, you can remove the pot on the window sill adjacent to a desk or shelf, placed on the wall next to the window.
The choice of soil and pot
The soil must have good capacity and allow for easy passage of air to the roots and moisture. These properties has finished soil mixture proposed in specialized shops. The substrate can be mixed independently. There are several options for the ground room rose. Its members may include:
- 4 parts of humus, compost and 4 parts of sand 1 part;
- 2 parts humus, peat 2 parts, 1 part sand;
- 2 parts peat, 1 part garden soil, 0, 5 parts sand, 2 parts humus.

After connecting the components necessary to produce a mixture of disinfection made - to shed its boiling water.
Usually it selected a pot slightly larger than the previous one. It may be larger in diameter for a couple of centimeters, and a height of 5-8 cm. If the rose is sold in a small glass is allowed to take a pot larger. The diameter of its bottom may be 10-12 cm and height - 15-20 cm, approximately, as the height of a mini-bushes. If you just bought the plant immediately put in excessively large pot, it would be worse to bloom. Adult rose can be planted in a pot with a height of 20-22 and a diameter of 24 cm.

Optimum pot roses - a ceramic with a protective layer of glaze. In this capacity the soil will remain moist longer. If you intend to buy a plastic pot, choose a version with thick walls and a bottom.
Humidity and air temperature
She feels the plant depends on the quality of the microclimate created in the room.
Excessive dryness of the air can lead to diseases and pests. It is therefore necessary to maintain the humidity at 60-70%. Fill the container with water and place them near the plant. The water will evaporate, which will provide the desired level of humidity.

If necessary, you can spray the room rose defended with warm water every day or two. Water spraying rate depends on the degree of dryness of the air and the room temperature. If the room is cool, the procedure is not required. Very beneficial to plants able to affect the impact of a warm shower.
In spring and summer suitable temperature for a rose bush is 18-24 degrees. It is necessary to avoid overheating and drying out the roots. Winter - during dormancy - the plants must be kept at a temperature of 8-15 degrees. In any case it is impossible to put a pot near radiators and heaters. The room should be well ventilated and at the same time be protected against the penetration of drafts. A plant can not withstand abrupt temperature drop and may blacken if submit it directly to the open air. However, minor daily fluctuations will only benefit him.

Summer rose can survive at 30 degrees, but only if it regularly and abundantly watered and sprayed. Therefore it is better to keep her in a cool room. It is possible to install it in a room with conditioned under condition at a substantial distance from the cooling source.
Potted roses is necessary to have in the house, which boasts permanent and very bright, and thus diffused light. Only when there is enough sunlight the flower will bloom heavily and develop properly. Roses placed in pots on window sills. Moreover, preferable to use a window on the south side. At midday time necessary to remove the plant from the planes filled scorching rays, or to protect them from the sun by means of curtains or shutters. If you can not shade plants, you should move them to the eastern or western window. The rest of the time will not be superfluous additional lighting, using special instruments.

For soil moisture in the pot is necessary to use a soft spaced or rain water, at room temperature or slightly warmer.
irrigation intensity may be different depending on the time of year. In spring and summer flows of the active phase of growth and flowering. Therefore, in these periods, the plant needs abundant moisture of the soil. It is necessary to make several times a week. In the autumn-winter period the intensity and frequency of watering should be reduced. At low temperatures, it is not necessary to humidify the soil more than once a week. Between waterings soil must have time to dry at 2-3 cm in depth. Otherwise it may land acidification. During the winter the risk of soil acidification increases. This can lead to root rot. Water remaining in the sump must be drained after 10 minutes after irrigation.
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Top dressing and fertilizing
Fertilization - a must care for the room rose. Throughout the spring and summer periods of fertilizing is carried out every two weeks. It is necessary to alternate the organic matter - the infusion of cow manure, mineral - fit special liquid fertilizer for flowering potted plants. Additionally, should produce foliar spray low-concentration solution of special dressings. At the stage of rest to make fertilizer is not necessary.
The first dressing need in April, after the plant enters a phase of active growth. If the plants were transplanted in the fall, you can not fertilize the ground for a month from the beginning of the growing season. In fresh soil mixture contains sufficient nutrients. At the stage of flowering is necessary weekly intensive fertilization. It is best to accept the rose fertilizer in warm sunny weather. Therefore, in the cold days, you can refuse feeding.

Rules plants transplant
Young potted roses are transplanted each year. Adults roses are extremely sensitive to the transplants. They tolerate this procedure quite painful, so do not disturb the plant once again. Transplanting is justified only on condition that the roots become crowded and require a pot larger. Work is performed by handling. This makes it possible not to disturb the earth com and not to damage the fragile roots. After performing the transplant is necessary to put the pot in a shady place.
The best time for transplanting - late autumn. The new pot should exceed the previous by 3-4 cm diameter and a depth of 5 cm. If the pot is reused, it must be washed. New ceramic container to soak in water and let stand for several hours.

Rose before removing from the pot should be watered. This will allow anyone to pull the whole earth.
For transplantation of the need to prepare drainage, stock special primer for roses and complex fertilizer. To start to form a drainage layer height of 3 cm. Then we set up a plant in the center and go to sleep on the edges of potting soil, which must be sealed. Rose should not bury greatly - the root collar should be at ground level. For transplanting after purchase is necessary to wait for completion of flowering.
How to cut a rose
Proper pruning roses room - the main condition for its abundant, continuous flowering. All types of plants, such as potted versions and garden specimens perfectly carry this type of care.
For best results, you need the following types of scrap:
- Annual - regular procedure, provokes the formation of a more dense bushes and abundant blooms;
- seasonal - removal of dead branches and inflorescences;
- regulatory - cutting off the weak and the protruding shoots.

In the process of pruning potted roses prerequisite is compliance with sanitary and hygiene standards.
To work required sharp and clean tools - best use of pruners. Cutting edge clippers to be processed disinfecting composition. The resulting sections were necessary to promptly handle special protective means.
Pruning is necessary to perform an inclined arrangement with the kidneys. Pruning is done slightly above rudimentary escape. It is necessary to leave a small portion - about 5 mm to ensure the safety of the kidneys. The damaged part of the shoot is cut to healthy tissue. If the twig is no kidney, it is cut off at the base.

Sanitary pruning roses room should be made in the autumn. Remove all weak and inward bush sprouts completely. All other cut off by a third, saving on the twig 5-6 buds. This will provide early and lush flowering in the spring.
Formative pruning is carried out in late February - early March. It is necessary to stimulate the growth of shoots strong and active flowering. At this time, it ends resting phase and need to catch up to the beginning of active growth, at a time when the buds have just started to swell.
The duration of daylight at the time of pruning is to be more than 10 hours. This is necessary for the proper development of shoots.
Care during flowering
The first flowers appear on the bushes at the end of March or in April. Experienced growers know how to achieve three times a day for one season flowering. The formation of new kidney is stimulated by the circumcision of flowers with peduncle as soon as they start to fade. This procedure allows you to get new flowers, however, the autumn bloom is not as abundant as spring.
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Nothing is impossible to stimulate flowering in winter. Proof of this are the flowering plants in the stores. The main condition for the winter growing season - the presence of bright artificial light.
The rest period
All kinds of potted roses need a period of rest. In its absence, the weakening of plants, is slowing its growth. This can lead to a lack of flowering and even death of the plant.
After the termination of flowering, when the leaves begin to turn yellow, it is necessary to gradually reduce the room temperature to 8-15 degrees. Avoid excessive soil hypothermia. The soil should be slightly warmer than the ambient temperature. Keep warm by installing the pot in a container with sawdust. Watering rose during this period should be rarely and little. Proper care ensures the emergence of fresh buds in spring.

Reproduction room roses
Potted roses are propagated by cuttings. To do this, fit the stems of roses purchased from the store or adult shrubs during the growing season. Cuttings can be carried out in a greenhouse, at home and even in the open field. The best time for this process - spring and summer. However, even in winter, provided the use of additional lighting may well sprout stalks you liked plants.

Cooking cuttings
For processes fit of the stem with a few buds - just 2-4 rudiments. Cuttings should be taken from the middle, the mature part of the stem with the young green bark and healthy kidneys. Bottom cut twig directly under the lower rudiment, and from the top of the kidney back a couple of cm.
Roots emerge from the bottom of the kidneys placed in a moist environment. The most common methods for the formation of roots - in water and in the substrate.

In recent years, growers are increasingly resorting to the cuttings in the potato tuber. The plant is fed with moisture from the roots and very comfortable feeling, while it does not have big roots. We perform in a potato hole, put into it the stalk so that the two lower buds were inside, and planted it in the ground - the open ground or pot.
Cuttings in water
The most common cuttings takes place in water. We put a sprig in a container so that the lower buds were in the water and let water level did not decrease. small roots are formed within a few weeks, and it will be possible to plant the plant in the ground. The disadvantage of this method is that the cuttings in water may rot. In addition, the roots of the rose is very delicate and often suffer during transplanting.

Cuttings in the substrate
When rooting cuttings directly in the ground, the problems described above can be avoided. Rooted plants are transplanted to a bed or in a pot with soil lump. This avoids damage. As a material suitable for planting peat, sphagnum moss, coco substrate. Cuttings can rooting in individual pots, and in general the box.
Before planting it is necessary to dip the cuttings produced in a special feature that triggers rapid growth of root formation. Planted a sprig of sloped, bury a pair of lower kidney. You need to water the plant and cover. For planting, you can take a jar of glass or plastic, or a plastic bag. The appearance of first leaves indicates the formation of roots and signals that it is time to plant a plant.

Pests and Diseases of rose room
Room rose sensitive to the effects of powdery mildew. It leaves a white coating on the leaves and stems. To resolve this problem, remove the affected elements of the plant and treat it with fungicide. Suitable fundazol, Topaz, fitosporin.
Health roses can harm aphids or spider mites. When the attacks of red spider mite on the shoots appear Wide Web and the youngest leaves wither. In identifying a small number of insects you can get by washing the leaves with soapy water. With mass lesion of plants by pests will have to resort to insecticides - aktellik, fitoverm, Nurrel-D. Spider mites do not try to bring people's means - it will lead to death of the plant.

What other problems can lead to illnesses room roses?
- lack of nitrogen in the soil - leaves becomes pale, yellow veins primarily;
- in low light, irregularities or absence of timely trimming, drafts, rare watering - no bloom;
- at too high a temperature, and excess watering irregular illumination - the leaves turn yellow and fall;
- when there is excessive watering - rot shoots.
Grow a miniature rose at home is quite realistic, most importantly, observe the rules of care.