Not often you can find turquoise color when you make a kitchen interior. Although the tone is able to bring freshness and lightness in the space of the room. Choosing a turquoise color in the kitchen interior, it should be noted that the windows should go on the sunny side, to blue-green color did not seem too cold. If this is not possible, then it is necessary as a color inclusions, use a wooden surface or warm yellow and brown decor.

The turquoise color is associated with the sky, sea, precious stones - all that is pleasing to the eye and soul
Just keep in mind that the kitchen turquoise suit is not for everyone style. It goes well with the modern style decisions, as well as with the style of Provence and Scandinavia.
- Modern
- modern
- Provence
- Scandinavian
What color is combined turquoise
- White
- Gray
- Pearl
- Beige
Features trim turquoise kitchen
- How to make the floor
- What wallpaper and choose the materials for walls
- The ceiling in the kitchen turquoise
- Apron, countertop, decor
- Lighting and kitchen appliances
- Video: Kitchen Design turquoise
Photo Gallery
- Turquoise kitchen in the style of eclecticism
- Kitchen in turquoise colors
A distinctive feature of modern style is laconic, minimalism and restraint. The lines and surfaces forming a space must be flat, smooth, Uni. Of the materials used the preference should be given to:
- metal, especially chrome-plated surfaces;
- plastic, which has a strong gloss;
- glass;
- artificial stone;
- Natural wood, if it is covered with a layer of intense glossy lacquer.

The modern style is concise and does not tolerate excesses
If the kitchen turquoise selected for modern interiors, it is best to choose the option, in which lockers facial plane made in gloss and color of the most dark and full-bodied. To her suit most neutral floors, walls and ceilings, which can have such colors as:
- white;
- Gray;
- the black;
- neutral taupe.
It is important to remember that in the modern interior to be done one bright spot of color and surround it as neutral colors and surfaces made of synthetic materials.

Modern kitchen with snow-white turquoise apron
Another embodiment using modern interior turquoise turquoise is the use of ceramic tiles on the apron working surface. It is important to observe the following rule - no flower or open-work patterns on the ceramic surface. The only pattern that can be applied - is the geometric elements that are expressed not by color but by texture. That is, for example, on glossy turquoise tiles coated matte pea or lines of the same color.
kitchen decoration turquoise Art Nouveau requires glossy surfaces and rounded as much as possible. Here, in contrast to the modern style, there are no strict angular lines, everything has to be more smooth and soft. Therefore, choosing kitchen turquoise, preference should be given to those who have rounded corners. Facial surface of the facade must have carved elements. But the prints in the Art Nouveau desirable, to complete the formation of an image.

The furniture surface is in most cases veneered glossy film
By the turquoise is best suited nautical theme or images of exotic flowers and vines. It is important to consider the fact that the more ornate and large pattern, the better. Sometimes only one large flower.
Art Nouveau can also choose turquoise ceiling. If it is done by the tension of the design, to the PVC film can be applied to any image. Suitable 1 large image that sits asymmetrically relative to the center.

Turquoise ceiling suitable for rooms that are large enough with plenty of natural light
It is also possible to perform the floor of the inlet polymer or artificial stone turquoise colors.
Since the blue-green hue itself is very intense, you should not use it too much. Suffice it to one of its largest surface area.
In implementing the Provence style shades of turquoise have to be as muted white. Can be used by those who lean toward the green end of the spectrum, ie, they have a greater warmth. If we talk about colors saturation, they should lean toward pastels. They are best used on wood surfaces of furniture, textiles, walls and container.

For Provence best suited light matte shade sky
Wood, painted in turquoise color, should not have a pronounced luster, and the more varnish. It employs the reverse principle. Naturalness and texture of the wood to be "read" even coat of paint. If we talk about textiles, for the style of Provence is best suited small floral pattern. It can appear on the curtains, cushions for chairs seats, tablecloths, napkins.

As companion selected natural tone - light wood, ceramics and beige curtains made from natural tissues
For this design Turquoise must be surrounded by white, beige, natural shades of wood and clay, pink and peach.
For Scandinavian style should choose the most cool tone of turquoise in which there must be more blue instead of green. But at the same time they should not differ too intense saturation. It is better to choose light or medium-tone saturation.

On the white background of the walls turquoise set looks neat and in northern reserved
It shall be combined blue-green set in Scandinavian style with light-colored walls and ceiling. As a coating for the floor you can choose either tile or wood in natural colors, namely blue and brown colors.
If we talk about the form of furniture, then it must be very concise, but at the same time functional. Not welcome luxuries and pleasures.

To brighten up the interior of the cold, the Scandinavians add a little cozy textures - lacquered wood or a pair of bright accents
What do I need to pay special attention in the Scandinavian style, it's the lack of textile window decorations. This happens due to the fact that the premises solution involves a large amount of light inside the room. In order to light nothing prevented the windows in the rooms of the Scandinavian style is no curtain. But for the protection of the inside of the room from the outside world use the Scandinavians or roman shades, or, in extreme cases, allowed to use the light transparent tyuley.
What color is combined turquoise
Turquoise capricious enough, from the viewpoint of combination with other tones. If the companion is chosen incorrectly, the blue-green may acquire an unpleasant color. Therefore, to avoid such unpleasant moments, you should be clear what successful color harmony of turquoise can be implemented for different styles.

Turquoise forms a natural combination with many colors, changing its character depending on the partner
White is ideal for any tone turquoise. It is perfectly set off her, allowing to reveal in full force.
Ideally, turquoise kitchen placed on a white background and has a white table top. It is also often the manufacturers of kitchen furniture are encouraged to prepare a combination of these colors, such as white top and turquoise bottom.

White and turquoise kitchen exudes lightness and freedom
This color combination is suitable for all the above styles.
Gray combined with turquoise forms coloristic correct attitude. But this combination is suitable only for a modern and Scandinavian style. If the kitchen is poorly lit, the room in these colors may be too dark. Therefore, it would be better if the windows are gray-turquoise kitchen overlooking the sunny side.

The successful combination of gray, white and turquoise colors in a stylish modern kitchen
Also work well with turquoise and white shades, such as:
- lactic;
- pearl.
They form a soft, but as a harmonious combination for Scandinavian style and Provencal and modern.

Cozy kitchen with breakfast bar and dining area highlighted
Beige come to the blue-green range if his tone no yellowing. To warm beige shades best suit a green turquoise. While the blue-turquoise shades image of harmony with a bluish tinge.

Turquoise and beige kitchen in classical style
Among beige tones to be preferred:
- ivory;
- neutral beige;
- champagne;
- vanilla.

Modern kitchen in turquoise and beige colors
Features trim turquoise kitchen
Choosing finishing of various surfaces of the kitchen space, it is worth considering its style. It determines the types of textures and materials to be used.
How to make the floor
The kitchen floor can be tiled. His color scheme can be natural (under a stone or texture of the tree). Will approach this decision for the Scandinavian style and Provence.

Kitchen Provence ceramic stone flooring under
But for the modern style better suited floors, which can be made of any shade of turquoise.
What wallpaper and choose the materials for walls
Making the walls for the kitchen, it is important to take into account the functionality of the room. The working surface, the so-called apron, should be laid or tiles or plastic panels. This is not only convenient, but also practical. Since it is this surface, more often exposed to various types of pollution.

In the kitchen the room most of the walls can be simply align and painted in soothing colors
Plastic panels are best suited for contemporary and Scandinavian styles. But in order to correct accents in the style of Provence and modern, it is better to choose a ceramic tile. It can be either self-colored white or turquoise and combine ornamental motifs in the appropriate colors.
Turquoise walls in the kitchen can be papered or painted with paint suitable color. In any case, you should take into account the dimensions of the room. If the size of a small kitchen, the color of the walls should be as bright, it is best to white or in shades of beige. This will help visually expand the space.

Against the backdrop of turquoise wall looks good dishes, placed on open shelves in white or beige
For all styles, except of Provence, it is desirable to use a monochromatic finish of the walls. But in the style of Provence, you can apply wallpaper patterned with a fine pattern.
Sami wallpapers for the kitchen, it is desirable to choose the surfaces resistant to wear and allows you to make wet cleaning.

A good choice for the walls are washable wallpaper or fiberglass for painting
The ceiling in the kitchen turquoise
Turquoise kitchen will look more fresh and bright, if the ceiling is the most neutral color, such as white, beige or pearl color.

White ceiling will be the best solution for small kitchens
Material for a ceiling may be selected either paint or whitewash or tensioning PVC.
Apron, countertop, decor
For the apron, you can select the following finishes:
- ceramic tile;
- mosaic;
- plastic panels.

Mosaic tile pattern - design for fans of bright and spectacular interior
Art Nouveau and modern style can be recommended:
- plastic panels;
- mosaic with silver metal under the effect of the hue;
- glass mosaic effect in turquoise and white;
- monochrome tile.
For the style of Provence is best to use ceramic tiles with a monochromatic surface, or with fine floral patterns.

tile, glass or plastic - Materials for various apron may be used. The main thing is to be easy to clean surface
The countertop is better to choose from natural or artificial stone. It has a high performance.
Lighting and kitchen appliances
To turquoise has not got too cool shade, you should choose a warm color of the light in the kitchen.

Luminaire design must match the styling cuisine

Particular attention is paid to lighting worktops
Kitchen appliances is better to use one that has metallic chrome or matte surface. Interesting mix you get when you make a bright red color spot domestic appliances in the kitchen area.

Nowadays it has become fashionable to equip the kitchen appliances in retro style
Video: Kitchen Design turquoise
Photo Gallery
To imagine all the options of turquoise kitchen should consider all submitted photos.