One-third of life a person spends in a dream, so to organize the sleeping area should be approached with great care. How not to overload the room and at the same time to achieve comfort and functionality. Below are solutions to design bedroom 12. sq. m., depending on the location, purpose and taste preferences inhabitants.

Modern design ideas room can make even the smallest room cozy and functional.
Design a bedroom 12 sq. m, located in a multi-storey apartment house
- Design a bedroom 12 sq. m, located in a multi-storey apartment house
- Design bedroom 12 square meters, located in a private house
- How to increase the space of a bedroom in twelve square meters
- Combining the balcony of the bedroom
- The technical side of the alignment with the bedroom balcony.
- design options
- Color design bedroom 12 square meters. m. in the successful style photo
- Disposition of the room 3 for 4, rules concerning the position of furniture and lighting
- Styles bedroom
- Children's bedroom 12 sq. m. without balcony
- Children's bedroom 12 sq. m. with balcony.
- VIDEO: Design Ideas bedroom 12 square meters. meters.
- 50 design options bedroom area of 12 square meters. m:
Advantages of living in apartment buildings is undeniable: the garbage disposal, water supply, sewerage and Other communal paradise allows you to live in comfort and do not care about fuel per year from year to boiler. However, it should be taken into account and unpleasant factors, namely noise from neighbors and passing cars, this is especially characteristic for prefabricated houses and buildings of Khrushchev's plan. For the purposes of a full night's rest, it is recommended to make noise insulation of the sleeping room.

Bedroom 12 sqm in a modern style can be filled with a minimal set of objects, forming lines through aesthetics, light, space and materials.
Noise pollution can be reduced, denouncing the wall materials that absorb sound vibrations and reflect sound. In the building supermarkets are many modern innovations for soundproofing. By the choice should be approached, focusing not only on the price of raw materials, but also the subsequent installation. Also, you should take into account the thickness of the insulation, and to choose for small spaces more subtle options.

The main rule of interior comfort - no unnecessary things, details.
Important! Before you proceed with the selection of the material and the installation, you must identify the source of concern. If noise from the windows there, and sounds come only from neighbors, adjacent to isolate only these walls. This can save both the means and space.
Design bedroom 12 square meters, located in a private house
The main difference between a small bedroom in his house from that in the apartment - this isolation. However, in the interior of the room, as well as throughout the house as a whole, it is worth to pay attention to domestic facilities, warmth and waterproofing, ventilation and protection from insects and rodents.

The room must configure the maximum human to proper rest, to give an opportunity to relax.
When decorating bedrooms in private houses are often used wooden panels or decorative clinker bricks, cork. If the house is wooden, it is possible to leave without finishing the walls. Using as a decoration natural surface of the wood, you can significantly save costs.

An indispensable element of any bedroom - a bed, which determines the rest of the room space.
How to increase the space of a bedroom in twelve square meters
In order to expand the space you need to choose the right color palette of the interior, as well as consider the visual effects, namely:
- light colors in the decoration of walls, textiles;
- a minimum of furniture for one or two shades darker than the walls;
- Mirrors create the illusion of more space;
- spotlights help to divide the room into zones;
- Interesting design secret: one wall hang wallpaper with geometric pattern, and the rest remain in a neutral color, with the illusion that the room is wider than in reality;
- with low ceilings you should not apply a contrasting border, it is better to use white baguette;
- the dimensions of the furniture should be modest, should give preference to products made of lightweight materials (if it is a sofa, it seems corner bulkier compared to direct model);
- Bed-transformer, two-story bedroom design.

Two thumbs up. They can put the lights, put books, gadgets, watches during sleep.
Attention! The basic layout mirrors the rules are as follows: the upper edge of the mirror should be located at a distance of 180-190 cm from the floor. It is necessary that the mirror was hanging vertically, because the slightest deviation distorts the image. You can not hang a mirror there, where exposed to direct sunlight, it quickly fade. Any mirror design requires a perfectly flat surface. Before all the decorated walls must be leveled with plaster and putty.
Combining the balcony of the bedroom
Advantages of the new plan:
- significant expansion of the area of the room;
- possibility to divide the room into functional areas;
- increase in value in the further sale;
- increase natural light.

Classical arrangement of the working area - near the window, where the light, comfortable, and a desk does not interfere in the aisle or near the entrance to the room.
However, there are nuances:
- since the loggia is considered to be non-residential premises, on the union of the space must obtain permits;
- balcony necessary to additionally warm floor heating system, and to conduct the waterproofing decorate special materials;
- the above manipulation is costly, both financial and time.

In such an interior often use modular furniture that allows you to create your own original design, adapts to the design.
The technical side of the alignment with the bedroom balcony.
Combine loggia with sleeping facilities can be in two ways: window-sill construction and heating pipes are stored or complete dismantling of the happening of the separation wall.

For recreation one person in a bedroom fit a narrow bed: it does not take much space and will further be placed in the room work area or dressing room.
The space of the former lodge can be transformed and a place to relax, work, storage. Former sill, in this case can serve as a stand for flowers, decorative items, and even a place of rest.
What is important to consider:
- balcony window when joining require the strengthening of glass or a complete replacement of them with more warmth and wind resistant;
- battery and central heating pipes on the balcony can not be performed;
- demolition of partitions may harm around the house, because it is part of its facade;
- when either of the two types of installation is necessary to execute documents to redevelop;
- if in the future you will have to sell the apartment, loggia area will be considered as a living;
- lack of coordination of the project of combining the balcony and the room will be an obstacle when the sale of housing.

Bedchamber choice of styles, combined with a balcony, a wide. Balcony increases the area, use new ideas.
design options
During the demolition of the balcony partition space become one. Decor newfound space can be quite varied. While maintaining podokonnoj structure, it can arrange as follows.
- In extra vacation spot. For these purposes should be extended sill, put it on the mattress, pillows decorate.
- For the working environment can create a mini-cabinet dividing textiles zone screen, fixtures, different in texture surfacing materials. Alternatively, the floor in the bedroom fulfill linoleum, and the former loggia apply tile.

Working table dimensions are determined individually: some missing half a meter countertop for work, the other a massive multi-level table-transformer will not be enough.
Color design bedroom 12 square meters. m. in the successful style photo
The interior in pastel colors will look not only beautiful, but also have a beneficial effect on the psychological state of man. For rooms with windows facing the north side is better to choose pastel wallpaper warm colors, such as yellow or peach. For the south side fit cold colors, blue, mint, lavender.

It is a harmonious combination of components to create a complete song, can bring a feeling of coziness and comfort in their traditional interpretation.
Not recommended for bright, flashy, psychedelic colors. First of all, the appointment of a sleeping room - a person relax, soothe and adjust to proper rest.
Disposition of the room 3 for 4, rules concerning the position of furniture and lighting
When planning the location of furniture in the bedroom, it is recommended to be guided by the following principles.
- Double bed should not interfere with the movement of the room.
- Comfortable distance to pass between the bed and the wall, furniture or other object must be at least 60 cm.
- Sleeper should not be viewed in full at the open door of the room, as it can bring discomfort vacationer.
- Bedside tables serve as an excellent place to store gadgets, books, and other details that may be required. Abandoning them, the owner runs the risk of later being discovered warehouse items at the floor. For comfort and convenience on the bedside table lamps can be placed.
- Chest of drawers for storage pastel accessories can be placed against the wall opposite the bed.
- Wardrobe. In a square bedroom closet will look well in the form of cabinet compartment. Whatever element of the interior did not eat space, it is advisable to arrange the door mirror cabinet. The rectangular form of the room can be brought to the square, relegating lengthening part of a wardrobe.

Choose between warm and cold tones depends entirely on the particular room.
Sliding wardrobe (closet) should necessarily be equipped with:
- small drawers for socks, scarves and underwear;
- shelves for clothes;
- Stand for shoes;
- devices for storing ties, belts;
- hangers for clothes;
- mezzanines.

To design a bedroom of 12 sq.m. best fit bright colors, which visually add a few "squares", or at least allow them to save.
Styles bedroom
Classic style:
- calm color shades;
- textiles in the form of curtains with classical lambrequins blanket and onto the bed (used fabric must overlap of color, pattern and texture);
- in wallpaper and tissues allowed combination plain motifs and pattern effectively looks wall moldings, arches;
- Furniture can be executed in wood, chipboard or in white.

Calm colors better to give preference even for practical reasons - they will create a soothing atmosphere, which will contribute to sound sleep.
- the main principle in the design - a minimum of furniture and asceticism.
- textiles acceptable, but must be natural hue and texture, without drawing, pelmets and ruff.
- furniture made of wood (or simulation thereof) made in the strict geometric lines.

The dark palette brings a sense of intimacy to the space, which also looks comfortable.
Loft. This direction is impossible to fully implement in the residential space of 12 sq. Standard bedrooms. Loft was originally intended for industrial and commercial premises. However, you can add it to the idea and in a standard bedroom. are characteristic features:
- the presence of the second light;
- overt technical design, naked brickwork;
- wooden structures with effect of "wear";
- bohemian other details.

Fashionable solution that will bring a bit of brutality and audacity in the interior.
Modern. Distinctive features of the style:
- softness and plasticity of lines;
- things created by artists;
- asymmetric elements;
- lack of contrast transitions and bright accents;
- white, milk, pink, light green-colored wall coverings;
- for the effect, you can pick up the furniture in bright colors;
- Wallpaper with a glossy sheen or metallic.

Calm colors better to give preference even for practical reasons - they will create a soothing atmosphere, which will contribute to sound sleep.
Hi-tech - a modern innovative style is different;
- high availability solutions;
- clarity of lines;
- consistency and moderation;
- lack of decorative elements or their small quantity.
- the contrast between the colors of different brightness;
- the predominance of cool colors, the most commonly used are: black, white, gray, brown (shades of red are used for placement of bright accents).

Dear in the design style, requires constant updating of electronic devices to the newest model.
Ethnic style. The name itself speaks about the diversity of directions in the design, which is due to the real identity of the peoples and areas inhabited by them.
- Mediterranean version: light chaos with overall look looks harmonious and elegant. In a bedroom is easy to feel like a vacation. Walls can be decorated with marble chips, plaster relief, avant-garde painting. In the space of a lot of air and light.
- Scandinavian style is characterized by the lack of frills, natural shades and decorative elements from natural materials. The floor can be located furry rug, wall drawings and compositions with national motifs.
- Japanese interior is inherent in full asceticism and buying conditions; small-sized furniture, the lack of private parts, door-coupe, low bed, small-sized furniture; beams on walls and ceilings, calligraphy in moderate quantities, monochrome walls, cherry motifs, paintings Fujiyama, images of tea ceremonies and more.

High ceilings allow the use of several of its levels, which will further play a difference in colors and lighting.
Children's bedroom 12 sq. m. without balcony
Each child needs their own space: for playing, learning, entertaining, relaxing. Often, with a total deficit of square meters in an apartment isolated kid a little room. However, effectively and functionally furnish 12 squares for the younger member of the family tasks.

A bedroom for a teenager is different freedom and adherence to the style of the room.
Colors and trim for the design of the room 3 to 4:
- for small children fit the bright colors in the interior, as well as drawings, stickers on the walls, which can be made using stencils for decoration;
- teens will feel more comfortable in the interior, executed in a simple neutral palette;
- acceptable combination of one basic color and a neutral two bright;
- ceiling may be monochromatic or white stretch glossy, gypsum inserts and spotlights.

It is important to create several zones - a bedroom, gaming and working.
Important! When planning a bedroom for the girl should be given preference for warm colors (pink, peach, camel), the boys must fulfill the room in cool colors (blue, gray, metallic).
- children's wall with built-in single bed;
- desk for study or work, chair;
- place for games (playpen, tent);
- knacks, located on open shelves for comfort: soft toys, figurines, photo in a beautiful frame;
- seat cushions for guests;
- placement of furniture is preferably done along the walls, so the central space is freed.

This room should have a comfortable bed and be sure the work area, dressing room, to the grown up child felt held personality.
Attention! When choosing important to pay attention to the availability of lockers under the bed, shelves for clothes hangers. The more storage space, the less time will need to be given to cleaning.
Children's bedroom 12 sq. m. with balcony.
In this case, the balcony may serve as one of the zones and to release part of the room, namely used as:
- game zone;
- working place or area of creativity;
- storage space.

Accent may make accessories - textiles, curtains and small in size furnished in soft colors.
Important! Loggia adjacent to the children's bedroom must be thoroughly warmed-quality fiberglass, foam, mineral wool, special attention is paid to flooring.
Thinking design a bedroom, it is important to consider not only the elements of style and beauty of the performance. Interior spaces should reflect the taste of the owner, to meet their needs in specific functions, serve as a reliable oasis for rest and sleep.

The bedroom area of 12 sq.m. It can look stylish and cozy.