A significant part of the life we spend in a horizontal position. How to make this position more comfortable and create a pleasant atmosphere around? It turns out that it's not as difficult as it seems at first glance. We offer a number of practical recommendations.

Bedroom - this is the place in which a person takes a break from all the problems, gaining strength for the next day.
Features a sleeping room
- Features a sleeping room
- color solution
- The walls, floor, ceiling
- Bedroom furniture
- VIDEO: Modern bedroom 16 square meters - a design overhaul.
- 50 designs bedroom area of 16 square meters:
Just note area of 16 square meters bedroom is quite acceptable. There are also smaller lounges. With proper design approach in a given area is quite fit not only the essentials, but also elements of creating a special peaceful atmosphere. Flick of the wrist room will turn into a safe harbor against the backdrop of the raging sea everyday problems.

The bedroom should be as relaxing and comfortable for a full sleep.
Before proceeding to repair the bedroom, consider the following points:
- your personal preferences;
- emotions and sensations that occur in a given space;
- financial opportunities.
And to begin an ambitious project better with the simplest - viewing photos with different interiors in a similar layout. It is this step will help you to present in detail not only the walls, floor and ceiling, but the placement of furniture and accommodation lovely decorative knick-knacks. And then the project will be more real and tangible for you.

Nowadays there are many interior design courses to meet the individual needs of each person.
color solution
Important! Interior color is largely determined by the direction of the selected style.
So, in the style of Provence, the predominant colors are blue, beige and cream. Their appropriate way complement the shades of lavender and milky. The ideal solution would be plain wall decoration wallpaper in small flower. So will visually enlarge the room settings. A large picture on the wall in the design of the bedroom 16 square meters to visually reduce the space.

There are many nuances in the repair and objects filled rooms of the situation, depending on their size.
Hi-tech - a style, which is dominated by contrasting colors. For example, dark brown and milky, black and red, violet and orange. Of course, such striking contrasts are selected very carefully and attentively. Better if it will be engaged in a professional designer who is knowledgeable in matters of color.

The main thing is that there is no "advantage" in favor dark colors, or bedroom will turn gloomy, not calm.
In the modern classic design as the basis of selected olive, golden or milky color. Demand ivory hue, it is considered noble and luxurious.
And yet there are general rules of color selection, under which the bedroom getting cozy and functional.

16 square meters is enough for the bedroom.
In most cases, select restrained palette with a predominance of pastel shades that colors do not hurt the eyes. This choice helps to create an atmosphere of peace and tranquility. Another point that needs to be taken into account: each color (bright and not very much) there are plenty of colors, and some of them are quite take root in the bedroom, while others look aggressive. Therefore, consider not only the color but also its derivatives.

Actual use of lighter colors in the design of walls, curtains, massive lack of accessories, optimal arrangement of furniture.
It is taken into account and the location of the room in relation to the sun. So, on the shady side will have a maximum "lighten" room to compensate for the lack of sunlight. This will help bright accent, for example, painting, rug or vase volume.

One of the most important moments in the repair and decoration of the main destinations is the choice of the general stylistic.
Also, depending on which side of the light go out the window, it is recommended to avoid certain shades. For example, in the interior of the bedroom overlooking the west or north, it is not necessary to include green, yellow or gray. If the windows face south or east, it is necessary to abandon the blue, pink and brown colors. All the matter in the light of the setting sun - the above colors create a sense of staleness and spoil the overall look of the interior.

The concept can be developed from scratch, but at the moment there are plenty of ready-made and popular design trends.
The walls, floor, ceiling
And the floor and ceiling, and the walls are made taking into account the features of premises. So, for the bedroom of particular importance is the ceiling height. The larger it is, the more interesting ideas can be implemented. The standard apartments Soviet period, the so-called "Khrushchev", a height of 2.5 meters flat, just line the ceiling, and then paint. Less likely to use the wallpaper, but also requires a smooth surface for them. Their main disadvantage is the joints that are visible to the naked eye. Viable alternative to wallpaper simple steel liquid covering the surface of the single layer, without any connections.

Prior to the beginning of designing the future of the room is necessary to take into account the individuality of each house or apartment.
Stretch ceilings ensure a perfectly flat surface, but instead of "steal" space, which in the Khrushchev and so little. Therefore, most tensile structures mounted in modern apartments with high ceilings or cottages. By the way, another indisputable advantage of suspended ceilings in apartments is considered a reliable protection against leaks. The water is just going into the synthetic surface of the ceiling and stays there without harming the finish of the walls, floor and furniture. However, after such "military exercises" the ceiling will have to change. Another advantage of the tension structures - their quick installation and reasonable cost.

The general concept of repair must be selected before the start of finishing works.
If you allow the height of the ceiling make multilevel plasterboard. "Plus" of this option is the ability to create individual lighting system with many built-in small fixtures. This makes it possible to make unique in terms of functionality and beauty of the interiors.

You need an understanding of what color, material and overall style should be present in the main venue for the rest of the apartment.
It would seem that could be easier than to decorate the wall in the bedroom? Probably at least once in life, everyone pasted wallpaper or painted walls. But before you begin, please note the following points.

Development of a full phased master plan will facilitate and accelerate its completion.
First of all, the variety of options offered wallpapers: paper, vinyl, non-woven, textile and glass fiber.
Paper - the cheapest option and short-lived. These wallpapers are made two or three layers and serve 2-3 years, quickly losing attractive image.

In that case preferably to professionals.
Vinyl wallpaper - more durable material. It is based textiles or paper (for better "grip" to the wall). A foreign part - it's plastic. Such a system allows not only to wash the wallpaper, but also from time to time to paint, if you want to update the interior. The disadvantage of the material is considered to be that it does not give the walls to "breathe", can accumulate moisture and odor periodically appear underneath.
Non-woven wallpaper - is intertwined cellulose fibers. Due to its excellent porosity are considered environmentally friendly material. Excellent hold on the walls and create a textured surface.

If there is no doubt in his own sense of taste - it is the way of the partial drawing of different jobs, then to make something of themselves.
Textile analogues look very expensive and luxurious, but glue them can only professionals. We have to constantly monitor the amount of glue to the surface does not remain on the spot. Textiles are also recommended periodically vacuumed.
Glass wall - the undisputed leader in durability and the manifestation of "chameleon" syndrome. They repainted 10 times. And in each case, you get a new interior solution. These wallpapers are durable and practical.
Floor also has a decent range of options: parquet, laminate, carpet, ceramic tile, linoleum.

In such a case, every detail matters.
Parquet is the material out of fashion and time. It's the perfect way to make a warm floor and provide a stylish appearance of the room. Today offers a huge selection of colors from dark to light, almost white. The only caveat: parquet is not suitable for apartments with pets. Scratches remain on the surface, and the floor very quickly acquire an unsightly appearance. In this case it is better to use a laminate. This artificial covering of plastics has a protective film, providing continuous operation.

Almost any contamination is removed from the laminate «flick of the wrist."
Another popular material for the floor in the bedroom - carpet. He was particularly appreciated for the softness and warmth. He laid on the entire surface of the floor, leaving no "bare" spots and provides a decent appearance. The disadvantage is the complexity of carpet care. Often have to be vacuumed and cleaned with a detergent to get rid of dust.
The use of ceramic tiles in the bedroom before seemed like something out of science fiction. Today, it is actively used in the interiors in a contemporary style. Especially because today is actively used floor heating technology from the bottom and the cold stone is no longer felt.

The total range of colors, which will be executed clearance bedrooms, defines the stylistic direction and idea of the whole design.
The cheapest and most popular floor covering - linoleum. Reasonable price, ease of operation and ease of installation - these are the indisputable advantages of this material.
Bedroom furniture
The modern layout of the room 4 for 4 allows you to put all the necessary home furnishings. In general, it is 16 square meters - the room is not small. Depending on what style you want to arrange bedroom design, selected pieces of furniture, their size and shape.

In most cases, the room is selected warm, calm palette to create a relaxing atmosphere for a good rest.
If we take as a basis for the classic set of furniture for the bedroom, the rest in your room should accommodate:
- bed;
- cupboard;
- bedside tables;
- mirror with a mirror (or a dresser).

Often choose white and beige shades, as well will look pink and purple.
Interesting fact, each of the above objects of the interior has some functional load. Bed - center of the room, everything revolves around it. Its size, style and shape are selected based on individual preferences. Mattress deserves special attention, since from it depends largely on how full is your vacation. Increasingly popular are orthopedic models.

For rooms with a small area at a time and just, and it is difficult to choose the environment.
Wardrobe - the keeper of valuable (and not) things. Cabinet size and its location is determined by the dimensions of the room and its shape. If your bedroom is a square, then it makes sense to choose a corner cabinet. If you are lucky enough to own a rectangular room of rest, then go ahead and choose the wardrobe of any size and shape. For example, might look nice standard-sized wardrobes, closets, and can be supplemented with the interior open shelves for books, and pleasant things.

Bed - the center around which everything else is built. It is chosen based on personal preferences.
Bedside tables are no longer considered mandatory bedroom detail of the interior today. However, if you would like to store different stuff on hand so you can use them without getting out of bed, put a nightstand (or some semblance of it) next to the headboard. By the way, today, instead of the usual tables with drawers use small stepladder, penechki and even stools. The main thing is that each of these items to cope with the role.

Tables, in a close distance of a place to sleep, play an important role.
Dressing table, usually need the fair sex. It was about him perform amazing ritual transformation of the average woman in a bright personality. Mandatory part is dressing mirror. It can be a triple (the classical model of the Soviet times) or single. And the number of shelves and drawers depends on the needs of the owner of this element of the interior. It should be noted that the mirror is considered a mandatory component design bedroom 16 square meters in a modern style - and style requires and space allows.

If someone wants to create something individual, a good way is to mix styles.
Of course, listed the classic set of furniture is not an axiom. "Fill 'bedroom as it is convenient to you. Someone thinks that the mirror - a relic of the past and it has no place in the modern interior of a bedroom. Others decide to abandon the bedside tables, assuming that they needlessly take up space. But for someone extra detail of the interior becomes the wardrobe (strange as it sounds!) And they reject it in favor of the chest or niche. In general, the decision to take only you.

The room is functional enough, it does not look like a small and the overall style and pronounced individual parts.
So, the main task of a modern bedroom - to be comfortable and enjoyable vacation. A huge range of finishing materials and furniture will help you realize the most interesting ideas.